The objective of mixture preparation process in Diesel engines is obtaining full combustion and minimum harmful compounds of exhaust emissions. The injection process is the most important from the viewpoint of mixture preparation process. The experimental data of fuel spray atomization and droplet velocities of three different fuels with varied viscosity are presented in the paper. The research was performed using the PIV and LDYand PDPA laser equipment. The tested fuels were Diesel oils with varied viscosity and RME. The injection pressure varied from 50 MPa to 130 MPa. The fuels were injected to test chamber with optic access in atmospherical pressure and temperature. Pressure increase caused a continuous reduction in fuel drop diameter. The fuels with higher viscosity generated bigger droplets than the fuel with lower viscosity.
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Experimental results of the influence of the fuel viscosity and injection pressure on the fuel droplet diameter and velocity distribution in a fuel spray are presented in this paper. The experiments were carried out on the special test stand with the constant volume chamber. The measurements were performed using the LDV, PDPA, and P/y laser systems. Two experimental Diesel fuels for compression ignition engines with different viscosity values were used in the experiments. The injection pressures varied from 50 MPa to 130 MPa. The tests results show that the common rail injection systems, when it was fuelled with the fuel of smaller viscosity produce the droplets of smaller diameters than fuel with a bigger viscosity value. As the injection pressure was increased the droplets with finer diameter as well as for fuel with smaller and with bigger viscosity has been produced by this system. In this paper samples of the experimental results of the velocity fields in the fuel sprays are also presented.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu lepkości paliwa i ciśnienia wtrysku na wymiary średnic kropel paliwa i rozkłady prędkości kropel w strudze. Badania przeprowadzono na specjalnym stanowisku badawczym z komorą o stałej objętości. Pomiary prowadzono przy zastosowaniu laserowych systemów LDV, PDPA, PIV. W badaniach stosowano dwa paliwa badawcze różniące się lepkością. Stosowano ciśnienie wtrysku od 50 MPa do 130 MPa. Wyniki badań wskazują, że przy zasilaniu paliwem o mniejszej lepkości badany układ common rail generował krople o mniejszej średnicy zarówno w odniesieniu do paliwa o mniejszej lepkości, jak i do paliwa o większej lepkości. W artykule zamieszczono także przykładowe wyniki badań pola prędkości w strudze wtryskiwanego paliwa.
Experimental results of the influence of the fuel viscosity and injection pressure on the fuel droplet dimension and velocity distribution in a fuel spray are presented in this paper. The experiments were carried out on the special test stand with the constant volume chamber. The measurements were performed using the LDV, PDPA, PIV laser systems. Two experimental fuels for compression ignition engines with different viscosity values were used in the experiments. The injection pressures were varied from 50 MPa to 130 MPa. The tests results show that the common rail injection systems, when it was fuelled with the fuel of smaller viscosity produce the droplets of smaller dimensions than fuel with a bigger viscosity value. As the injection pressure was increased the droplets with finer dimension as well as for fuel with smaller and with bigger viscosity has been produced by this system. In this paper samples of the experimental results of the velocity fields in the fuel sprays are presented, too.
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In this paper the results of the drop size and its distribution in fuel spray produced by common rail and air assist systems of injection have been presented. Measuring equipment and testing have been described. The laser systems: LDV, PDPA and RSA have been applied to perform of the measurements. The results show that by applying the common rail system and air assist system can be obtain similar size dimension of droplet in injected fuel spray. Introduction of very high pressure direct injection in CI engines, GDI and air - assist systems in SI engines were beneficial from the view point of emission and fuel consumption.
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Analysis of some design for both compression ignition and spark ignition engines which give improvement from point of view fuel efficiency and pollutant emission including CO2 are presented in the paper. Actual and future standards requirement for pollutant emissions and CO2 as well test procedures, generally for light duty car for Californian standards and European standards are overviedwed. Especially common rail system for compression ignition and spark ignition engines were presented. Air assist system which can be applied for four stroke and two stroke engines was described too. Gasoline direct injection system which operate in 2 modes: lean burn mixture when engine run with a part load and homogeneous charge with stoichiometric mixture when engine run with high load is presented. Lean stratified mixture is realized as a late fuel injection during compression stroke but homogenous charge is realized as a early fuel injection during induction stroke. Lean mixtures require to apply special de - NOx catalytyst which joined with three way catalytyst (TWC) enable meet of standard requirements concerning exhaust emission. Investigation concerning some solutions of mixture preparation process and combustion were conducted. Mixture preparation process investigations were conducted with laser Doppler equipment LDV (3D) and PDPA. Combustion processes ware conducted in constant volume chamber. During combustion process testing the flow field, fuel droplet dimension and structure of fuel spray profitable for ignition process close to spark plug was determined. If velocity of the droplet in spark plug was near zero and droplet dimension were small repeatable ignition for lean mixture was obtained.
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Results of atomized fuel spray parameters measurement are presented in this paper, for an injector applied in common rail systems of CI engines as well as for an air-assist type petrol atomizer compared with a conventional petrol one. The measurements were carried out with the use of a dynamic, laser Doppler particle size and velocity analyzer (LDV and PDPA). It is shown that the both injection systems examined are capable of producing very fine atomization. The measuring set-up and equipment are described.
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In the paper some results of preliminary operating parameters research are presented. This investigation was conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector. The new-made research injector has needle, which executes rotational and reciprocating motion. The new worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that undergoes a change during the injection process, which enables to decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at different rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector was not optimized in relation to engine performance. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a new injector and their influence on combustion process in varied method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimization.
W referacie przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań parametrów roboczych silnika wysokoprężnego, w którym zastosowano prototypowy wtryskiwacz o zmiennym przekroju otworów rozpylających. Pomiary dotyczyły charakterystyk prędkościowych w zakresie od 1000 do 1600 obr/min. Wtryskiwacz nie był zoptymalizowany ze względu na osiągi silnika. Badania miały na celu określenie z jednej strony jakości pracy wtryskiwacza nowego typu, zaś z drugiej strony, procesu spalania na zmieniony sposób wytwarzania mieszaniny palnej. Uzyskane wartości wskazują na kierunek koniecznych dalszych badań mających na celu zoptymalizowanie systemu.
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The paper concerns a new idea of fuel injector for Diesel engines on base of invention applied by M. Zabłocki and J. Szymański. Some results of preliminary operating parameters research are presented in the paper. This investigation was conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector. The new-made research injector has needle, which executes rotational reciprocal motion. The new worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that undergoes a change during the injection process, which enables to decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at varied rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector was not optimized in relation to engine performance. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a new injector and their influence on combustion process in different method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimization, injector manufacturing improvement, fuel preparation improvement to obtain proper droplet size and both fuel consumption reducing and toxic exhaust gases emissions reducing.
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Some results of preliminary engine performances and laser research are presented in the paper. Two kinds of injectors have been tested: the fist one - standard and the second - novel one on the basis of invention applied by M. Zablocki and J. Szymanski (P2944889). Investigations were conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector and on the LDV and POP A laser equipment. The novel research prototype injector has needle, which executes rotational - reciprocal movement. The novel worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that executes a change during the injection process, which enables lo decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at varied rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector in relation to engine performance was not optimised. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a novel injector and their influence on combustion process in different method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimisation. Some results of novel injector concerning brake power fuel consumption, CO emission and HC emission are the same or better than of standard injector. One of the test results are not as good as expected. The reasons of worse test results have been investigated with the laser methods. One of them is leak of the prototype injector. After removing leakage laser test results were much better.
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