Climate change is causing increasingly frequent extreme events (including strong winds), which are becoming an integral part of the natural environment. In 2017, from the 11th to 12th of August, a storm passed causing catastrophic damage in general and to forest resources in particular. The study aims to determine the feasibility of using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and other GIS tools and techniques for estimating forest damage caused by the storm in the Przymuszewo Forest Inspectorate. The analysis of forest cover changes was performed using the NDVI and BI2 index as well as unsupervised classification predicated on satellite imagery obtained before and after the storm. It was calculated that a total of 2,048.1 hectares of forest was damaged based on the NDVI index and 1,661.7 hectares based on the unattended classification, whereas the area of agricultural and and non-forest land based on the BI2 index was 1,739.1 hectares. These figures are comparable to the records of post-storm losses from the Przymuszewo Forest Inspectorate. This indicates a considerable feasibility of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in assessing damage caused by extreme phenomena (strong winds) in forest areas, which is true both on a regional and global scale owing to the wide range of imaging (up to 290 km). The only limitation for Sentinel-2 satellites is heavy cloud cover, as the emitted radiation does not penetrate clouds.
The effect of unmodified and stearic acid-modified calcium carbonate (5, 10, 20 and 30 wt%) on selected properties (tensile strength, puncture resistance, haze and gloss) and processability of polypropylene films (MVR, extensional viscosity) was investigated. The composites were obtained in the twin-screw extrusion process with cold granulation, and the films in the single-screw extrusion process, using a flat die head (so-called cast films) and a chill roll type cooling and pull-back device. It has been shown that stearic acid is an effective modifier of polypropylene processing properties both under shear and tensile flow conditions (lower extensional viscosity of films containing modified calcium carbonate).
Zbadano wpływ dodatku 5, 10, 20 oraz 30 % mas. niemodyfikowanego imodyfikowanego kwasem stearynowym węglanu wapnia na wybrane właściwości użytkowe (wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, odporność na przebicie, zamglenie, połysk) iprzetwórcze folii polipropylenowych (MVR, lepkość wzdłużna). Kompozyty otrzymano w procesie dwuślimakowego wytłaczania z granulacją na zimno, a folie w procesie jednoślimakowego wytłaczania, przy użyciu głowicy płaskiej (tzw. cast films) oraz urządzenia chłodząco - odciągającego typu chill roll. Wykazano, że kwas stearynowy jest efektywnym modyfikatorem właściwości przetwórczych folii polipropylenowych zarówno w warunkach przepływu ścinającego, jak i rozciągającego (mniejsza lepkość wzdłużna folii zawierających modyfikowany węglan wapnia).
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