Since 2013 “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR, also “Belt and Road Initiative”) has been one of the most commonly used terms in public discourse regarding Chinese foreign policy. This show the importance of the initiative to the Chinese leaders, particular president Xi Jinping. The enterprise consists of two parts: The Silk Road Economic Belt and The 21st-century Maritime Silk Road. The article aims to consider the future development of the project. The analysis of Chinese documents, statements of political leaders, and expansion of the project from 2013 to mid2017 was employed in order to assess possible outcomes of the policy. The results of the study lead to three conclusions. Firstly, OBOR is becoming an umbrella term for different regional development strategies across Eurasia, Africa and perhaps beyond. Those strategies include many aspects, ranging from economy, through security, science to environmental protection. Secondly, OBOR became the cognitive framework, a paradigm, for international relations – the way that people perceive them. Thirdly, the introduction of the initiative may be the beginning of China in the role of architect of new global institutions and rules. However, the rapid expansion of OBOR, both in term of quantity of participants as well as various aspects of cooperation, may lead to ineffectiveness of the initiative.
As a result of the growing status of the People’s Republic of China in the international arena, the self-interest and principles of the foreign policy of this state are changing. In only a few regions of the world, this transformation is as visible as in the Middle East. In the 21st century, China’s engagement in this area was growing dynamically due to three processes: development of the Chinese economy, Beijing’s increasing great-power ambitions and rising instability after the outbreak of the Arab Spring. Strategic goals, which are results of those processes, includes a search for natural resources, promotion of own international initiatives among nations from the region and attempt to resolve local security issues. Nevertheless, growing engagement causes dilemmas, which China has not encounter beforehand. The most important of them is maintaining neutrality in case of confl ict between diff erent partners.
Wraz z rosnącym statusem Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej na arenie międzynarodowej zmieniają się interesy oraz założenia polityki zagranicznej tego państwa. W niewielu regionach świata ta transformacja jest równie widoczna jak na Bliskim Wschodzie. W XXI wieku zaangażowanie Chin na tym obszarze rosło dynamicznie się z powodu trzech procesów: rozwoju chińskiej gospodarki, rosnących ambicji mocarstwowych Pekinu oraz zwiększenia się niestabilności regionu po wybuchu Arabskiej Wiosny Ludów. Wynikające z tego cele strategiczne obejmują pozyskiwanie surowców naturalnych, promowanie własnych inicjatywach międzynarodowych wśród państw regionu i próbę rozwiązania lokalnych problemów bezpieczeństwa. Wrastające zaangażowanie rodzi jednak dylematy, z którymi Chiny się wcześniej nie stykały. Najważniejszym z nich jest zachowanie neutralności w sytuacji konfliktu pomiędzy różnymi partnerami.
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