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nr 36
The arrow of time problem belongs to the most discussed questions of the contemporary philosophy of physics. Some aspects of this problem are discussed in this paper in the context of Henry Mehlberg's philosophical views. Mehlberg devoted a significant part of his work to the enigma of time. He argues that all major empirical theories are invariant with respect to time reversal. In the present paper, the difference between temporal isotropy as expressed in the everyday language and in scientific theories is first presented, then Mehlberg's arguments on behalf of temporal symmetry are analyzed and, finally, some philosophical implications of arrowless time are discussed.
Content available Prawie wszystko o nauce w krótkiej historii
nr 41
Recenzja książki: B. Bryson, Krótka historia prawie wszystkiego, przekład: J. Bieroń, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2006, s. 539.
Content available O problemie autorstwa paradoksu nocnego nieba
nr 41
In this paper a prehistory of the so called Olbers' paradox is discussed. The stress is laid not on the paradox and its solution within contemporary cosmology, but rather on its authorship: it is argued that Olbers was not the first to formulate the famous paradox. Some astronomers are quoted (Kepler, Halley, Cheseaux), who long before Olbers were aware of the problem of the darkness of the night sky and who wrote about it. Their solutions to the paradox in question were not correct, but neither was Olbers'; to resolve the paradox one has to assume that universe had its beginning and that it expands.
Content available Krótka (pre)historia argumentu EPR
nr 47
The 1935 thought experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen is one of the most important episodes in the history of the dispute about the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics. The present paper deals with the origin of the EPR paper and discusses some other thought experiments that preceded the formulation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument. Special attention is paid to the evolution of a simply photon-box experiment, which was devised by Einstein in 1930 and then modified by him several times before 1935. It is argued that the scheme of the original EPR argument is in fact contained in these few seminal experiments.
nr 3
This paper presents some ideas of Henry Mehlberg on the problem of temporal localizability of psychological states belonging to a human being. There are three kinds of extra-physical time, referred to in Mehlberg's philosophy as psychological, inter-psychological, and psychophysical. The first one determines temporal order of psychological states belonging to the same self; the second one concerns psychological states of different selfs; the third one describes temporal relations between physical and psychological events. Physical time and all three kinds of extra-physical time together form a single universal time. This article includes short characterisation of these temporal concepts and discusses some methods of psychophysical synchronisation.
Content available A Short History of Nonlocality
tom 15
nr 4
Nonlocality is one of the most uncommon features of the quantum world. This "spooky action at a distance" signifies a kind of instant interaction between places separated by space. This paper deals with a history of this notion and tries to answer the question of how and when this notion appeared as well as what were the factors of its evolution. The main source of information about this subject-matter is the history of science. In the paper the most important episodes concerning nonlocality are presented, excluding the Bell's Theorem (1964), which proves nonlocal behavior of quantum objects and opens completely new period in the history of science. First, Newton's gravitational action at a distance is discussed. Afterwards, the problem of nonlocal interactions in quantum mechanics is sketched; special attention is paid to the EPR paradox. Finally, the interpretative disputes about nonlocality in the years preceding the Bell's Theorem are presented.
nr 2
Emergetism is a theory which explains the mechanism of evolutionary development of nature by stipulating that in complex natural systems on the higher levels of complexity there appear some functions and properties that can not be reduced to and accounted for by functions and properties of the lower levels of complexity. It is therefore the theory of emergence – which stands for some special way the complex systems arise (emerge) from a multiplicity of their relatively simply components. The idea of evolutionary emergentism appears in the philosophical writings of Joseph Życiński in the context of a discussion on the possibility of creating a interpretation of evolutionary processes in which biological theory of evolution could be combined in a coherent way with a theological doctrine about God, the creator of the universe. This paper presents the main ideas and opinions Życiński formulated about this theory; the first part of it contains some basic characterization of emergetnism, the second one compares the notions of emergence and of supervenience; the third one concerns some theological interpretation of this two notions.
Content available Idea Bożej wszechmocy a problem zła
nr 2
This article deals with the relation between the theological idea of God’s omnipotence and the problem of evil which refers to the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with God who is good. One of the main arguments of theodicy, which is a philosophical discipline dealing with this question, points to some important limitations of God’s omnipotence. According to this argument, God’s power is limited by different factors. One of them is human freedom: God can not prevent evil resulting from free decisions of people, because He himself decided them to be free. But this argument can be extended to the whole created world: God gives freedom not only to man, but to the whole universe as well, and this is why it can freely evolve in the boundaries of laws of nature. Physical evil is a simple consequence of such freedom of created world. The paper is composed of three parts. At first, the very idea of God’s omnipotence is discussed. Then the relation of God’s omnipotence and the laws of nature is expounded. In the end the so called non-interventionist model of God’s action in nature is presented.
Tematyka artykułu oscyluje wokół koncepcji Bożej wszechmocy postrzeganej przez pryzmat głównego problemu teodycei, która stara się znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego Bóg pozwala na zło. Jeden z argumentów wykorzystywanych w ramach tej dyscypliny odnosi się do różnego rodzaju ograniczeń Bożej wszechmocy, które decydują o tym, że z pewnych względów wszechmocny Stwórca nie może zapobiec różnym formom zła. Takim ograniczeniem jest np. wolność darowana człowiekowi – pozwalając na istnienie wolnej woli Bóg nie może powstrzymać działań człowieka prowadzących do zła. W artykule poddano analizie nieco inny aspekt tego samego ograniczenia, który ma związek z funkcjonowaniem świata przyrody: Bóg daje wolność nie tylko rozumnemu człowiekowi, ale również całej materii, która w granicach wyznaczonych przez prawa przyrody może doświadczać autentycznej autonomii. W tej interpretacji zło fizyczne jawi się jako prosta konsekwencja integralności procesów przyrodniczych. Pierwsza część artykułu dotyczy samej idei Bożej wszechmocy; w drugiej części idea ta zostaje odniesiona do koncepcji praw przyrody; w trzeciej i ostatniej omówiony jest tzw. nieinterwencjonistyczny model działania Boga w przyrodzie.
tom 6
nr 1
This paper deals with the conflict between faith and science. Since the issue is extensive, only selected aspects of this question are discussed. At first, the origin of the problem is outlined – it is argued, that the fundamental difference between the language and the method of science on one hand and of theology understood as a rational reflection on the truths of faith on the other is responsible for the conflict. Afterwards, two aspects of the conflict are presented – the first one concerns inconsistencies which appear on the plane of content – when some scientific statements or theorems seem to deny some theological claims; the second one involves differences in mentality and in worldview which appear on the plane of attitude. It is argued, that the content discrepancies can be eliminated with the help of two methods: of separation and of catharsis. But the differences in mentality which appear on the plane of attitude cannot be so easily eliminated. So finally the characteristics of these two different attitudes – of faith and of science – is discussed. It is argued, that a fundamental dissimilarity between the character of scientific knowledge (especially its empiricism) and of religious faith is a basic source of mutual estrangement and alienation.
This paper deals with the problem of God’s action in nature. It is argued that the divine action is always non-interventional, which means that God never violates the laws of nature. He creates the evolving universe, keeps it in existence and continously influences its history using these laws, and not breaking them. At first, the character of the laws of nature will be discussed – both in scientific and theological perspective. Later, the creative presence of God in the universe will be described. Special attention will be paid to St. Thomas Aquinas argument concerning the distinction between the first cause (which should be identified with God) and the secondary cause (which should be identified with all the physical causes explored by science). Finally, some advantages of the non-intervetnional model of the divine action in nature will be indicated.
Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce działania Boga w świecie przyrody. Zaprezentowano w nim argumenty przemawiające za modelem nieinterwencjonistycznym, w którym zakłada się, że Bóg konsekwentnie respektuje porządek przyczyn i skutków wynikający z praw przyrody, i zamierzone przez siebie efekty uzyskuje bez naruszania tego porządku. Historia ewoluującego wszechświata, którą badają nauki empiryczne, jest w perspektywie teologicznej historią działania Boga, który stwarza świat i podtrzymuje go w istnieniu za pośrednictwem praw przyrody powodujących stopniowy rozwój wszechświata i ewolucję życia. W kolejnych częściach artykułu podjęta została problematyka praw przyrody, stwórczej obecności Boga w przyrodzie oraz działania Stwórcy dokonującego się za pośrednictwem przyczyn wtórnych (argument św. Tomasza). W zakończeniu wskazano na zalety modelu nieinterwencjonistycznego.
tom 68
nr 4
The article is devoted to the critical analysis of several arguments appearing in contemporary discussions regarding the interpretation of God’s creative activity in the world of nature, considered in the context of the theory of evolution. In particular, an attention was paid to some reservations about this theory put forward by some representatives of creationism contained within the framework of St. Thomas’s metaphysics, who see no way to reconcile evolution with the theological truth about God’s creation of the world. The arguments underlying the theory of intelligent design were also considered. This theory claims that chance-based evolution cannot adequately explain the „irreducible complexity” of living organisms, and that it must therefore be assumed that the course of evolutionary processes is primarily influenced by the direct actions of God-the Intelligent Designer.
Artykuł poświęcono krytycznej analizie kilka wybranych argumentów pojawiających się we współczesnej dyskusji dotyczącej interpretacji stwórczego działania Boga w świecie przyrody, rozpatrywanego w kontekście teorii ewolucji. W szczególności zwrócono uwagę na zastrzeżenia wobec tej teorii wysuwane przez niektórych przedstawicieli kreacjonizmu ujętego w ramy systemu metafizyki św. Tomasza, którzy nie widzą możliwości uzgodnienia ewolucji z teologiczną prawdą o stworzeniu świata przez Boga. Rozpatrzono również argumenty leżące u podstaw teorii inteligentnego projektu, która głosi, że oparta na przypadku ewolucja nie może w sposób adekwatny wyjaśnić „nieredukowalnej złożoności” żywych organizmów, i że w związku z tym należy przyjąć, iż na przebieg procesów ewolucyjnych mają zasadniczy wpływ bezpośrednie działania Boga-Inteligentnego Projektanta.
Content available Some Remarks on the Mind-Brain Identity Theory
The issue of the relation between the mind and the brain is known as one of the most discussed problem of the philosophy of mind. The recent development of neuroscience contributed significantly to animate the discussion on this subject. This article is one voice in this discussion. It contains a critical analysis of some arguments in favor of the theory which claims that the mind is identical to the brain. Moreso, it is argued, that the observed correlations between physical and mental events cannot be treated as a proof that there is no difference between the mind and the brain.
nr 1
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