INTRODUCTION: Gen AI, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, has transformed various sectors, including healthcare education. Despite its rapid adoption across fields, the utilisation of Gen AI in healthcare education in the UK remains inconsistent, with research predominantly focused on academic integrity and examination performance, rather than exploring its potential benefits in educational practices. Notably, there is a paucity of literature within emergency healthcare education and paramedic courses. Objective - to investigate the integration and impact of Generative AI (Gen AI) within emergency healthcare education, focusing on undergraduate and postgraduate pre-registration courses in the UK. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the JBI methodology and PRISMA-ScR guidelines, the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed, and Cochrane were searched. The selection process involved screening by title and abstract, followed by full text review. Thematic analysis identified prevalent Gen AI applications within healthcare education. Inclusion criteria - the review targeted peer-reviewed studies that discuss the use of Gen AI in healthcare education, without publication date or geographical restrictions. RESULTS: A total of 13 studies were included in the review. These studies demonstrated Gen AI’s application in curriculum development, assessment design, student implementation, academic support, and clinical application. Gen AI aids educators in curriculum design and assessment creation, supports students through digital literacy enhancement, and facilitates academic writing and research practices. Additionally, its role extends to practical skill enhancement in clinical scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: Gen AI offers transformative potential for all healthcare education and applications to the emergency education setting, providing innovative solutions for curriculum design, learning tools, and clinical simulations. While the identified themes are generalisable to healthcare education, they hold particular relevance for individuals seeking to advance the utilisation of Gen AI technologies within the specialised domain of emergency and prehospital care. However, its integration requires careful consideration of legal, ethical, and pedagogical implications.
INTRODUCTION: Over 70,000 cases of Proximal Femoral Fracture (PFF) occur annually in the United Kingdom (UK), primarily affecting the elderly. These injuries are associated with high morbidity and mortality, and often see inadequate pain management in the prehospital setting. The Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block (FICB), a regional anaesthesia technique, is the gold standard of care in Emergency Departments (ED). This review aims to assess the literature on paramedic-performed FICB for suspected PFF in the prehospital setting, highlighting benefits and challenges to guide future practice and policy in the ambulance sector. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A rapid scoping review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology, with modifications for this project’s limitations. A systematic search of the databases CINHAL, PubMed, EMBASE, and Medline was performed. A synthesis matrix was created to extrapolate data from the included studies and allow for a coherent interpretation of results. Each included study was subject to a critical appraisal conducted using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). RESULTS: Data was extracted from three studies and two reports which identified four key themes emerged: paramedic competency in performing FICB, patient perspectives, adverse events, and training and governance. Studies showed paramedics can competently perform FICBs in prehospital settings. Verbal pain scores were lower following an FICB compared to standard care with IV morphine, which required more supplementary morphine for break-out pain. Concern for causing harm was a consistent theme among the paramedics performing FICB, particularly in precipitating an adverse event sequela. Adverse events were more common in non-FICB groups, with only one case of local anaesthetic toxicity in the FICB group, which was correctly managed by the paramedic. CONCLUSIONS: Paramedics can competently perform FICB in the prehospital setting, showing promising results in pain relief compared to intravenous morphine. However, higher-level research is needed for confirmation. Patients generally tolerated paramedic-led FICB well, with minimal concerns. Training and governance remain significant barriers to implementing FICB in local ambulance services.
INTRODUCTION: Gen AI, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, has transformed various sectors, including healthcare education. Despite its rapid adoption across fields, the utilisation of Gen AI in healthcare education in the UK remains inconsistent, with research predominantly focused on academic integrity and examination performance, rather than exploring its potential benefits in educational practices. Notably, there is a paucity of literature within emergency healthcare education and paramedic courses. Objective - to investigate the integration and impact of Generative AI (Gen AI) within emergency healthcare education, focusing on undergraduate and postgraduate pre-registration courses in the UK. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the JBI methodology and PRISMA-ScR guidelines, the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed, and Cochrane were searched. The selection process involved screening by title and abstract, followed by full text review. Thematic analysis identified prevalent Gen AI applications within healthcare education. Inclusion criteria - the review targeted peer-reviewed studies that discuss the use of Gen AI in healthcare education, without publication date or geographical restrictions. RESULTS: A total of 13 studies were included in the review. These studies demonstrated Gen AI’s application in curriculum development, assessment design, student implementation, academic support, and clinical application. Gen AI aids educators in curriculum design and assessment creation, supports students through digital literacy enhancement, and facilitates academic writing and research practices. Additionally, its role extends to practical skill enhancement in clinical scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: Gen AI offers transformative potential for all healthcare education and applications to the emergency education setting, providing innovative solutions for curriculum design, learning tools, and clinical simulations. While the identified themes are generalisable to healthcare education, they hold particular relevance for individuals seeking to advance the utilisation of Gen AI technologies within the specialised domain of emergency and prehospital care. However, its integration requires careful consideration of legal, ethical, and pedagogical implications.
INTRODUCTION: Over 70,000 cases of Proximal Femoral Fracture (PFF) occur annually in the United Kingdom (UK), primarily affecting the elderly. These injuries are associated with high morbidity and mortality, and often see inadequate pain management in the prehospital setting. The Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block (FICB), a regional anaesthesia technique, is the gold standard of care in Emergency Departments (ED). This review aims to assess the literature on paramedic-performed FICB for suspected PFF in the prehospital setting, highlighting benefits and challenges to guide future practice and policy in the ambulance sector. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A rapid scoping review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology, with modifications for this project’s limitations. A systematic search of the databases CINHAL, PubMed, EMBASE, and Medline was performed. A synthesis matrix was created to extrapolate data from the included studies and allow for a coherent interpretation of results. Each included study was subject to a critical appraisal conducted using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). RESULTS: Data was extracted from three studies and two reports which identified four key themes emerged: paramedic competency in performing FICB, patient perspectives, adverse events, and training and governance. Studies showed paramedics can competently perform FICBs in prehospital settings. Verbal pain scores were lower following an FICB compared to standard care with IV morphine, which required more supplementary morphine for break-out pain. Concern for causing harm was a consistent theme among the paramedics performing FICB, particularly in precipitating an adverse event sequela. Adverse events were more common in non-FICB groups, with only one case of local anaesthetic toxicity in the FICB group, which was correctly managed by the paramedic. CONCLUSIONS: Paramedics can competently perform FICB in the prehospital setting, showing promising results in pain relief compared to intravenous morphine. However, higher-level research is needed for confirmation. Patients generally tolerated paramedic-led FICB well, with minimal concerns. Training and governance remain significant barriers to implementing FICB in local ambulance services.
WSTĘP: Ponad 70 000 przypadków złamania bliższego kości udowej (PFF) występuje corocznie w Wielkiej Brytanii (UK), dotykając głównie osoby starsze. Urazy te wiążą się z wysoką zachorowalnością i śmiertelnością, a często wymagają nieodpowiedniego leczenia bólu w warunkach przedszpitalnych. Blokada przedziału powięzi biodrowej (FICB), technika znieczulenia regionalnego, jest złotym standardem opieki w oddziałach ratunkowych (ED). Niniejszy przegląd ma na celu ocenę literatury na temat FICB wykonywanego przez ratowników medycznych w przypadku podejrzenia PFF w warunkach przedszpitalnych, podkreślając korzyści i wyzwania, aby ukierunkować przyszłą praktykę i politykę w sektorze pogotowia ratunkowego. MATERIAŁY I METODY: Przeprowadzono szybki przegląd zakresu zgodnie z metodologią Instytutu Joanny Briggs (JBI), ze zmianami dotyczącymi ograniczeń tego projektu. Przeprowadzono systematyczne przeszukanie baz danych CINHAL, PubMed, EMBASE i Medline. Stworzono macierz syntezy, aby ekstrapolować dane z uwzględnionych badań i umożliwić spójną interpretację wyników. Każde uwzględnione badanie zostało poddane krytycznej ocenie przeprowadzonej przy użyciu narzędzia Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). WYNIKI: Dane zostały wyodrębnione z trzech badań i wyłoniły się dwa raporty, które zidentyfikowały cztery kluczowe tematy: kompetencje ratowników medycznych w zakresie wykonywania FICB, perspektywy pacjentów, zdarzenia niepożądane oraz szkolenie i zarządzanie. Badania wykazały, że ratownicy medyczni mogą kompetentnie wykonywać FICB w warunkach przedszpitalnych. Wyniki werbalnego bólu były niższe po FICB w porównaniu ze standardową opieką z morfiną dożylną, która wymagała większej ilości dodatkowej morfiny w przypadku bólu wybuchowego. Obawa przed spowodowaniem szkody była stałym tematem wśród ratowników medycznych wykonujących FICB, szczególnie w przypadku wywoływania następstw zdarzeń niepożądanych. Zdarzenia niepożądane były częstsze w grupach bez FICB, z tylko jednym przypadkiem toksyczności znieczulenia miejscowego w grupie FICB, który został prawidłowo opanowany przez ratownika medycznego. WNIOSKI: Ratownicy medyczni mogą kompetentnie wykonywać FICB w warunkach przedszpitalnych, wykazując obiecujące wyniki w łagodzeniu bólu w porównaniu z dożylną morfiną. Jednak w celu potwierdzenia potrzebne są badania wyższego szczebla. Pacjenci ogólnie dobrze tolerowali FICB prowadzone przez ratowników medycznych, z minimalnymi obawami. Szkolenie i zarządzanie pozostają istotnymi barierami wdrażania FICB w lokalnych usługach pogotowia ratunkowego.
INTRODUCTION: Workplace violence (WPV) against healthcare professionals (HCPs), including student paramedics, is a global concern, with reported incidents ranging from physical to psychological abuse. The prehospital environment, characterised by its high-risk nature, presents unique challenges for student paramedics during clinical placements. To explore the extent and nature of WPV experienced by student paramedics during clinical placements, assess the impact of WPV on their training and psychological well-being, and identify existing support mechanisms and training provisions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Included were research or review articles specifically exploring WPV experienced by student paramedics during clinical placements. Exclusions were applied to articles not focusing on student paramedics, those not in English, and publications outside the specified time frame. A comprehensive search strategy was used across the databases CINAHL, Medline, EMBASE, EMCARE, and PubMed, supplemented by grey literature searches via Google Scholar and citation searching. Data extraction was facilitated through a synthesis matrix and themes were identified and analysed. RESULTS: From 417 records identified, six articles were included, all conducted in Australia, revealing themes such as the risk and effects of WPV, lack of reporting, the role of the practice educator (PEds), and preparedness for WPV. Freedom of Information (FoI) requests to English Ambulance Services highlighted inconsistencies in recording WPV incidents and variability in support provided to student paramedics. CONCLUSIONS: WPV significantly impacts student paramedics' educational experience and psychological health. There is a crucial need for improved education on WPV, standardised reporting mechanisms, and enhanced support systems. Collaborative efforts between ambulance services and higher educational institutions (HEIs) are essential to address these challenges and ensure a safer learning environment for student paramedics.
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