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nr 4(174)
The authoress presents the issue of international ethics or morality as one of the few normative systems that regulate international relations (inter alia next to international law or political norms). The article begins with the description of levels at which ethics in international relations is present - the level of individuals, of states, of international community). The authoress attempts to compare international law and ethics and points to differences between those two normative systems and manners of distinguishing legal norms from moral ones. The emphasis is laid on the idiosyncrasy of morality (ethics). Finally she analyses the reasons for growing importance of the ethics as well as the obstacles in that process.
Celem pracy była ocena rozpowszechnienia palenia papierosów i picia napojów alkoholowych przez młodzież szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w powiecie sokolskim. Charakterystykę grupy badanej, termin oraz metodę badania przedstawiono w cz. I pracy. W niniejszej pracy analizowano odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące podjęcia próby palenia papierosów i picia napojów alkoholowych, częstości palenia papierosów i picia poszczególnych napojów alkoholowych oraz upijania się. Wykazano, że 44,09% młodzieży w wieku 17-19 lat podjęło próbę palenia papierosów, a pali z różną częstotliwością 52,42%, w tym codziennie 26,49%. Eksperymenty z napojami alkoholowymi deklarowało 80,4% młodzieży, a w stanie upojenia alkoholowego co najmniej raz w życiu było 17,34% nastolatków. Najczęściej spożywanym napojem alkoholowym przez badaną młodzież było piwo.
The purpose of this research was the evaluation of the use of cigarettes and alcohol among secondary school students in the sokolski district. Information about the sample, date and method of research was presented in the first part of the study. This part analyses answers to questions concerning: alcohol and smoking initiation, and the frequency of smoking, drinking and being under the influence of alcohol (intoxication). The research showed that 44.09% of the students in the 17 to 19 age range tried smoking cigarettes. 52.42% of them smoke somehow frequently, 26.49% smoke daily. 80.4% of students declared to have experimented with alcohol. 17.34% of students were under the influence of alcohol (intoxication) at least once during their lifetime. The most frequently consumed alcoholic beverage was beer.
The study was conducted on a group of 556 men. Their manner of nutrition was evaluated by the frequency of consumption of food items during last three months and also a 24 — hour consumption questionnaire was used. Dietary patterns were estimated by cluster analysis. According to the frequency of consumption, three dietary patterns were identified. In three conducted studies during 9 years, increased occurrence of the first dietary pattern, clasified as beneficial, was observed. On the contrary, the occurrence of the least beneficial pattern in nutritional sense was decreased. In each of those three studies, the level of education and physical activity, among others, affected the manner of nutrition.
Celem pracy była ocena aktywności fizycznej oraz zajęć w czasie wolnym w pozycji siedzącej wśród uczniów szkół ponad gimnazjalnych w pow. sokolskim. Badaniami objęto 796 uczniów w wieku 17 - 19 lat. Badania przeprowadzono w miesiącach marzec - kwiecień w roku szkolnym 2005/2006 metodą sondażu diagnostycznego za pomocą anonimowego kwestionariusza ankiety opracowanego dla międzynarodowych badań nad zachowaniami zdrowotnymi młodzieży. Stwierdzono zbyt małą aktywność fizyczną, duży udział zajęć sedenteryjnych w czasie wolnym, wyraźną dysproporcję między czasem przeznaczonym na aktywność fizyczną i zajęciami sedenteryjnymi.
The purpose of this research was to determine the level of physical activity, and free time spent in the sitting position by secondary school students in the sokolski district. The research was conducted on 796 students who were in the 17 to 19 age range. It was carried out in March and April of the 2005-2006 school year using the diagnostic poll method. The students filled out an anonymous questionnaire (modified in 2001, part of an international research regarding youth's health behavior). The results showed not enough physical activities, a lot of sedentary activities. There was a great disproportion between these two types of activities.
Introduction. School health education programmes are among the instruments for the prevention of tobacco smoking among children and adolescents. Knowledge obtained in evaluation studies of these programmes indicates the degree of their effectiveness and serves to improve their quality. Objective. Recognition and evaluation of the effect of two-year anti-tobacco programme of health education on the changes in the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of adolescents. Materials and method. An intervention study was originated in May 2007, and covered 859 first-year schoolchildren from eight public junior high schools in Białystok in Poland, from among 3,318 schoolchildren attending 33 schools. The sample was selected by means of two-stage stratified sampling with consideration of two groups: an intervention group covered with educational actions (417 schoolchildren), and a control group (442 schoolchildren), where anti-tobacco education was not carried out. Before the educational programme and after its completion an evaluation of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of junior high school adolescents was performed with respect to nicotinism, based on a survey. The educational part consisted in conducting within 2 years, 4 educational classes and 2 competitions concerning tobacco-related problems. Results. After two years, in the group of adolescents covered by the educational programme a significant increase was observed – by 11.6% – in the percentage of schoolchildren who were familiar with the negative effects of tobacco smoking, and an increase by 4.4% of those who were convinced that smoking is harmful. With respect to adolescents’ attitudes, the effect of the programme was noted in only one of six components analyzed. After completion of the two-year educational programme, both in the group covered by this programme and the control group, the percentage of smokers significantly increased (by 12.8% and 12.7%, respectively). Conclusions. It is necessary to evaluate the health education programme from the aspect of both the actual hard effects of the anti-nicotine programme (changes in behaviour), and indirect effects – soft (knowledge, skills) which are a basis for the potential verification of the programme in order to increase its effectiveness.
Celem pracy była ocena żywienia w okresie 9-letniej obserwacji mężczyzn w wieku 35-44 lat zamieszkałych w regionie północno-wschodnim Polski. Badania wykonano trzykrotnie u tych samych osób w latach: 1987, 1991 i w 1996 roku. Żywienie oceniano na podstawie wywiadu dotyczącego spożycia z ostatnich 24 godzin. Obliczano wartość energetyczną oraz składniki odżywcze i grupy produktów. Odnotowano w kolejnych badaniach spadek spożycia wszystkich składników pokarmowych, grup produktów oraz wartości energetycznej żywienia, a jedynie wzrost spożycia w 1996 roku tłuszczów roślinnych. Spożycie tłuszczów uległo normalizacji z 142% normy w 1987 roku do 110% normy w 1996 roku. Pogłębił się niedobór spożycia węglowodanów, który wynosił 80% normy w 1996 roku. Odnotowano drastyczny niedobór w 1996 roku spożycia mleka, wapnia, witaminy A, B1, B2, C. Jedynie spożycie żelaza w 1996 roku było w granicach zalecanych norm.
The purpose of the study was the assessment of nutrition during 9 years of follow-up of men aged 35-44 years living in the North-East part of Poland. The study was carried out three times in the same population in the years 1987, 1991 and 1996. Food consumption was assessed on the basis of 24-hour consumption history. The energy value of food products was calculated and the consumption of nutrients and product groups was evaluated. In the consecutive studies a decline was noted in the consumption of all food components, product groups and energy value of the diet. The only rise was in the consumption of plant fats in 1996. The consumption of fats became normal from 142% of the recommended value in 1987 to 110% in 1996. The insufficient consumption of carbohydrates became even more pronounced in 1996 - 80% of the recommended value. A drastic deficiency was noted in 1996 in the consumption of milk, calcium, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. In 1996 only the intake of iron reached the recommended level.
Introduction: Treatment delay is a major problem of contemporary oncology. Knowing the time interval between diagnosis and initiation of treatment, together with monitoring this adverse prognostic factor, is an important element of the treatment planning process in the population and can contribute to the improvement of patients’ curability. Objective: To assess the waiting time for first treatment of women diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001-2002 in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Materials and methods: During 2001-2002, there were 709 cases of women with breast cancer who reported to the Voivodeship Cancer Registry in Bialystok. 659 women were diagnosed with a primary invasive breast tumour. A cohort of 499 women who were treated with a curative intent was selected from this group. The waiting time in the created cohort was calculated as the number of days between the date of the breast cancer diagnosis and date of the first treatment. Results: The average time between the date of diagnosis and date of the first treatment was 38 days. The median was 14 days. 28.6% of patients from the selected cohort waited longer than 28 days. The treatment of rural women was initiated faster than the treatment of urban patients.
In case of disabled people we cannot discuss full health. Depending on the type of disability, mental or physical health is affected, or both. That is why social health as a third component of health is so important. Social health is determined by the disabled persons’ ability to work in a healthy place [1, 2] The main aim of this study was to describe the scale of the unemployment among disabled people as a social health threat in Podlasie region. The detailed aim was to describe how sheltered work facilities deal with unemployment. To analyze the problem of unemployment and sheltered work facilities activity we used information from GUS, the Regional Work Office in Białystok, the Podlasie Regional Office in Białystok, the Podlasie Department PFRON and local self-government. The results show that unemployment among disabled people is a big problem in Poland – among 4,085,000 disabled people in Poland, 3,550,000 are unemployed or professionally inactive. At the end of 2005 in the Podlasie region there were 2,315 of disabled people, which were 3.2% of all unemployed in the region. The following conclusions were drawn from the above-mentioned results: 1. The number of disabled people to the Podlasie is lower than the average for Poland; according to NSP data from 2002 there are approximately 143 disabled people per 1,000 inhabitants, and in Podlasie – 129 per 1000 inhabitants. 2. The main social health threat of disabled people aged 15-65 in Podlasie is unemployment.
The programme of the State Provincial Sanitary Inspector of Białystok was aimed at gradual elimina­tion of mercury from healthcare facilities, spread out over the years 2003-08. Participation in the programme was voluntary. The programme outlined the preliminary actions to be taken and their realization at each governing level, including technical possibilities for substitution or recycling. It included information on harmful effects of mercury and its compounds on people and the environment, instructions concerning implementation, mon­itoring and training, information about alternative products, costs and effects of implementing non-mercury devices, and how to collect, store and utilize this metal. The programme of mercury eradication in the Podlasie region was mainly concerned with the with­drawal of Hg-based medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers. Already in 2003, when the programme was commenced, one of the largest hospitals delivered several dozen kilograms of stored mercury for recy­cling, thus eliminating the risk of staff exposure to this deleterious metal.
The aim of the study was to evaluate differences in the results of the curative treatment received by women with breast cancer in urban and rural area in Podlaskie Voivodship in 2001-2002 before the introduction of the National Cancer Control Programme. The analysis was based on 449 women with breast cancer, who received curative treatment in years 2001-2002. Relative 5-year survival rates as function of age and stage among urban and rural women population were calculated. The results showed that survival rates in Podlaskie Voivodship among curatively treated women with breast cancer were 81.9% but they differed between urban and rural areas. Patients living in rural areas had much lower survivals than those living in urban areas at local and regional stage of disease. In all age groups considered in the study survivals in rural areas were lower than in urban ones in which survivals were higher in 55-64 age group. These results indicated the necessity intervention in order to increase the access to the health care system and effectiveness of early detection and also improved treatment standards for more disadvantaged rural areas. These results should be also considered in monitoring of the National Cancer Control Programme introduction in Poland in 2006.
Introduction. The results of breast cancer treatment depend mainly on better detection in mammography screening and, consequently, a higher proportion of women with early stage of the disease. They depend also on a better access to health care services and the effectiveness of oncological treatment. One of the methods of breast cancer control is a breastconserving surgery. With a proper patients’ classification for the treatment, the results of the breast-conserving surgery do not differ in relation to mastectomy. That’s why, the availability of breast-conserving surgical methods is particularly important, especially in a population in which a population screening is conducted. Objective. The analysis of the selected aspects of the breast cancer treatment’s standard in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Patients and methods. In years 2001–2002, 709 cases of women with breast cancer were reported to the Voivodeship Cancer Registry in Bialystok. 659 women were diagnosed with a primary invasive breast cancer. Based on a cohort of 499 women treated with radical methods the following indicators, recommended by WHO for the evaluation of the breastconserving surgery’s availability, were calculated: a percentage of patients with whom breast-conserving surgery was used, a proportion of breast cancer cases receiving post-operative breast radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery and a proportion of breast-conserving surgery in pT1 cases. Results. The breast-conserving surgery has been used much less frequently in Podlaskie Voivodeship than in Western Europe, but more frequently than in Poland in general. Conclusion. It should be aimed to provide a surgical treatment with the use of breast-conserving surgical methods to the highest possible percentage of patients. The increase of the percentage of patients treated with breast-conserving surgery methods can be a result of an effective screening realisation.
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