Inflection of Polish place names is a new topic in the Polish language curriculum. In the article I discuss the basic problems with the teaching of the subject in school practice (e.g. Considerable grammatical diversity and irregularity of the names, relatively low number of teaching aids) and propose basic objectives as well as examples of methods used when working with the names of Polish towns and villages. The main objective is not just to develop grammatical competence; it is also about, perhaps above all, developing logical thinking as well as the ability to deal with difficulties (using reliable sources of information). Exercises with Polish place names can teach analysis, reasoning, spotting differences and similarities, and using analogies. They should also encourage the use of place names in various texts.
W artykule są analizowane tytuły audycji radiowych zawierających nazwy rozgłośni. Celem analiz było ustalenie, jakich technik formalnych używa się, by umieścić nazwę stacji w tytule audycji; w jakim celu się to robi i które cechy współczesnego radia są w ten sposób eksponowane. Zbadano zawartość ramówek ok. 120 stacji różnego typu z całej Polski.
This article presents the analysis of radio broadcast containing the names of radio stations. The goal is to indicate what formal techniques are used to place the name of the radio station in the title of the radio broadcast. Moreover, attempt is being made to evidence what are the techniques to emphasise the name of the radio station in this way. Conclusions are being drawn on the basis of 120 radio stations and their broadcast services.
Rozmowa z prof. Iwoną Loewe, prof. Magdaleną Ślawską, prof. Marią Wojtak, prof. Krzysztofem Kaszewskim, prof. Hartmutem Lenkiem, prof. Heinzem-Helmutem Lügerem oraz prof. Simonem Meier-Vierackerem o statusie i wyzwaniach mediolingwistyki
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