Circular economy (CE) is seen as a key strategy for achieving sustainable development (SD). One of the components of SD is sustainable production and consumption. Poland, as an EU member state, has for many years been trying to imitate the good practices of other countries in the field of sustainable production and consumption, and above all, in reducing the amount of waste generated. However, the country’s economic situation, pandemic, people’s mentality, habits and other ecological, economic and social factors mean that the pursuit of CE is very slow. The aim of the article is to present own research showing the level of recovery and recycling of municipal waste in Poland in comparison to the EU, and the level of preparation of Polish society for the implementation of CE. The survey method with open and closed questions was used in the research. Moreover, the observation of the market and the analysis of the literature on the subject allowed for drawing additional conclusions. Research shows that part of the society does not segregate waste despite the obligation and higher fees, does not believe in CE and, unfortunately, disposes of waste incorrectly. In addition, the differences between the repair/ refurbishment and the purchase of goods from discount stores, or second-hand goods are so slight that it is not profitable for the consumer to repair, regenerate used goods - from an economic point of view, it is better to buy a new one at "cheap“ shop.
Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym (CE) jest postrzegana jako kluczowa strategia osiągnięcia zrównoważonego rozwoju (SD). Jedną ze składowych SD jest zrównoważona produkcja i konsumpcja. Polska jako kraj członkowski UE od wielu lat stara się naśladować dobre praktyki innych krajów w zakresie zrównoważonej produkcji i konsumpcji, a przede wszystkim zmniejszenia ilości wytwarzanych odpadów. Jednak sytuacja gospodarcza kraju, pandemia, mentalność ludzi, przyzwyczajenia i inne czynniki ekologiczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne powodują, że dążenie do CE następuje bardzo powoli. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie badań własnych ukazujących poziom odzysku i recyklingu odpadów komunalnych w Polsce na tle UE, oraz stopień przygotowania polskiego społeczeństwa do wdrożenia CE. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę ankietową z pytaniami zamkniętymi i otwartymi. Ponadto obserwacja rynku i analiza literatury przedmiotu pozwoliły na wyciągniecie dodatkowych wniosków. Z badań wynika, że część społeczeństwa nie segreguje odpadów pomimo obowiązku i większych opłat, nie wierzy w CE i niestety pozbywa się odpadów w sposób nieprawidłowy. Ponadto różnice pomiędzy naprawą/odnowieniem a zakupem towarów ze sklepów dyskontowych, lub towarów z “drugiej ręki” są tak niewielkie, że konsumentowi nie opłaca się naprawiać, regenerować zużytych towarów – z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia lepiej kupić nowy w “tanim” sklepie.
The article describes issues related to power distribution between a power plant system consisting of a synchronous generator operating at variable shaft speed and a super capacitor which is a short-term source of electricity for sudden electrical load changes. In the presented system a generator and a battery of supercapacitors were connected with use of power electronic converters. The synchronous generator is connected to the DC network via an AC-DC converter and the super capacitor is connected with means of an isolated DC-DC converter. Both converters have been equipped with auctioneering diodes to prevent the flow of equalizing currents. The theoretical basis and results of experimental research obtained on a laboratory test-stand equipped with the aforementioned system are presented.
Competitiveness and innovation are indicators of the strength of the circular economy (CE). Eco-innovations are highly important because they lead to the reduction of energy consumption and to lowered CO2 emissions. They also contribute to effective waste management and the use of materials that are less polluting or dangerous to the environment. These investments will increase Europe's economic competitiveness through environmental protection, the creation of new jobs and the promotion of entrepreneurship. The article indicates the scope and directions of changes in the implementation of eco-innovations in Poland and the obstacles that slow down the process of their activation. The presented ecological innovations were divided into: process, product, organizational and marketing. The data analysis was based on reports from the European Union (Eurostat), the Central Statistical Office (Polish: GUS) and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Polish: PARP). In the summary, attention was drawn to the biggest barriers to the putting into place eco-innovations. Among these are the lack of financial resources, too high costs of eco-innovation implementation, legal obstacles and bureaucracy. The benefits for the environment are obvious, but investment costs often outweigh the financial possibilities of manufacturing or service, and, therefore, they are a factor slowing down the introduction of CE in Poland.
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