W artykule przedstawiono problem sekwencjonowania samochodów z perspektywy wymagań stawianych przez wydział lakierni. Zagadnienie ustalania kolejności realizacji zleceń produkcyjnych w zależności od koloru, na jaki malowana jest dana karoseria, było w literaturze rozpatrywane wielokrotnie. Założenia, które proponowano w ramach prowadzonych rozważań, znacznie jednak upraszczały analizowany problem w stosunku do istniejących wymagań i rozwiązań przemysłowych. Celem przeprowadzonej analizy problemu jest wykazanie konieczności zupełnie nowego podejścia do zagadnienia sekwencjonowania, uwzględniającego rzeczywistą strukturę linii produkcyjnej samochodów oraz organizację pracy lakierni.
The article presents a problem of car sequencing from the perspective of the paint shop requirements. The issue of determining production orders depending on a color, on which a body is painted, has been considered in the literature several times. However, the assumptions proposed by scientists simplified greatly the analyzed problem in relation to the existing industrial solutions and requirements. The purpose of conducted analysis is to demonstrate a need for a completely new approach to sequencing problem, taking into account an actual structure of a car production line and organization of work in a paint shop.
The article presents internal transport system and principles of transport organization, in order to indicate that the effectiveness of material flow management in a warehouse depends on the transport strategy used by a manufacturing plant. In the paper different means of transport enabling movement of components and semi-finished products are described. From the perspective of industrial plants, minimizing the number of transport resources and maximizing the use of devices needed to operate the storage process play an important role in effective implementation of logistics processes. At the same time, it is necessary to optimize the transport processes in terms of both time and costs. In the paper the possibility to meet these requirements on the example of a high-bay warehouse is verified, based on simulation of loading and unloading operations. Indicators intended to assess the quality of storage process are presented and used to determine the optimal number of transport resources required to operate the proposed warehouse. The results obtained during simulations are the basis for discussion on the influence of a number of transport resources on operating time of the analyzed warehouse.
W artykule przedstawiono problem sekwencjonowania zleceń produkcyjnych na przykładzie wielo ersyjnej i wieloasortymentowej produkcji samochodów. Problem ten, rozpatrywany szeroko w literaturze, znany jest pod nazwą Car Sequencing Problem (CSP). W artykule zaprezentowano zarówno pierwotną wersję CSP, jak i późniejsze modyfikacje, koncentrując się na problematyce wydziału montażu. Analiza niniejszego problemu, prowadzona na przestrzeni lat, przedstawiona została w porównaniu z nowym podejściem proponowanym przez autorów artykułu.
The article presents a problem of sequencing production orders based on sequencing a multiversion and multiassortment car production. The problem, widely considered in the literature, is known as Car Sequencing Problem (CSP). In the article both original CSP and its subsequent modifications are considered. The authors focus on sequencing cars along an assembly line. The approaches to this problem analyzed over the years are presented in comparison with a new approach proposed by the authors of this article.
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Przedstawiono koncepcję pracy lakierni dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego – Paint Shop 4.0 – opartą na ideach Przemysłu 4.0 i Digital Factory. Opisano nowe podejście do sekwencjonowania karoserii, uwzględniające rzeczywistą strukturę wydziału lakierni z występującymi tam buforami. Stworzono aplikację, w której zostały zaimplementowane autorskie algorytmy sekwencjonowania karoserii.
Presented is the concept of paint shop operation for the automotive industry – Paint Shop 4.0, based on the ideas of Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory. A new approach to the issue of car body sequencing, taking into account the actual structure of the paint shop department with buffers, has been presented. In the created application, proprietary car body sequencing algorithms were implemented.
Underground extraction of coal is characterized by high variability of mining and geological conditions in which it is conducted. Despite ever more effective methods and tools, used to identify the factors influencing this process, mining machinery, used in mining underground, work in difficult and not always foreseeable conditions, which means that these machines should be very universal and reliable. Additionally, a big competition, occurring on the coal market, causes that it is necessary to take action in order to reduce the cost of its production, e.g. by increasing the efficiency of utilization machines. To meet this objective it should be pro-ceed with analysis presented in this paper. The analysis concerns to availability of utilization selected mining machinery, conducted using the model of OEE, which is a tool for quantitative estimate strategy TPM. In this article we considered the machines being part of the mechanized longwall complex and the basis of analysis was the data recording by the industrial automation system. Using this data set we evaluated the availability of studied machines and the structure of registered breaks in their work. The results should be an important source of information for maintenance staff and management of mining plants, needed to improve the economic efficiency of underground mining.
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