Badano bawełnę syryjską o stopniach dojrzałości od 0,5 do 3,0 metodą skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM). Przełomy włókien badano w trybie elektronów wtórnych (SE), przy powiększeniach od 1.000x do 15.000x. Zaobserwowano wyraźną zmianę kształtu przełomu wraz ze zmianą stopnia dojrzałości bawełny. Przełomy analizowanych włókien dostarczają cennej informacji o przebiegu procesu rozrywania włókna.
Syrian cotton of maturity degree range from 0.5 to 3.0 has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fractures of fibres have been investigated in the mode of secondary electrons (SE), at magnifications from 1.000x to 15.000x. A distinct change of shape of fracture together with the change of maturity degree, was observed testifying changes of fibre structure in the ripening process. The fracture of these fibres delivers the precious information about the course of the process of fibre tearing.
W pracy przedstawiono badania morfologii powierzchni i przekrojów poprzecznych włókien polipropylenowych przy zastosowaniu mikroskopu JSM-15 JEOL i S-4200 HITACHI. W prezentowanych badaniach mikroskopowych poszukiwano różnic w budowie morfologicznej powierzchni włókien bezbarwnych i barwionych. Jednocześnie porównywano możliwości badawcze mikroskopu JSM-15 JEOL i S-4200 HITACHI.
In outdoor applications, all polymer materials weather which causes deterioration of their mechanical properties and has a negative influence on their appearance. In this article, the influence of UV irradiation and high temperature on polyamides PA6, PA6.6 and polypropylene PP and influence of aging parameters on their appearance (the state of surface) and chemical crystal structure have been shown. Microscopic examination of samples has shown that the biggest destruction in the surface of PP occurred in a short time after the beginning of the exposure. The examination of the surface and crystal structure of the materials clearly indicated that during exposure to UV irradiation and temperature degradation in PP materials occurred. Polyamides showed longer reaction time but after some time they also underwent radical changes in their supermolecular structure and they lost their esthetic appearance.
One of the major challenges in biomaterials and tissue engineering is to guide the cell differentiation to the specific phenotype, therefore allow the formation of the tissue of certain type. This can be achieved by manipulating the structural, geometrical and chemical characteristics of the tissue engineering constructs. In our studies we concentrated on the chemical modifications of the polymer based materials for tissue engineering. The primary aim of our study was to incorporate nano size hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) crystals into the polymer fibres and form membranes, which are a core to the construction of novel scaffolds for tissue regeneration. We hypothesised that n-HAp will significantly improve the bioactivity of the polymer based membranes due to the presence of chemical cues. We developed a simple method to fabricate PLDL/n- HAp composite membranes using electrospinning process. The investigation showed that the incorporation of the n-HAp particles in the polymer spinning solution induced changes in the material surface morphology. FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of apatite on the surface of the membrane' fibers. The bioactivity analysis, which was based on SEM observation of the membranes surface, showed that after only 7 days immersion in SBF, the PLDL/n-HAp -membranes were completely covered by the apatite layer. This was not observed for pure PLDL membranes.
The examinations of the skin flammability, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and thermogravimetric (TGA) investigations were all carried out in temperature sufficient for simulating a burn incident. Above methods were used to perform assessment of collagen molecular structure changes in conditions of thermal oxidative stress, whereas the scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) was used to illustrate skin surface changes. The changes were observed in the presence of active antioxidants such as L-ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate and hydrogel of orthosilicic acid H4SiO4 • n H2O. Presence of these modifiers of the burn process minimizes external effects of simulated burn incidents for model samples of animal skin and burn wound epidermis extracted from the patients. The examinations of the skin flammability were carried out with the limited oxygen index (LOI) method. In this study, synergy between orthosilicic acid and L-ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate into animal and human skin has been shown through an increase in LOI values. The treatment by means of L-ascorbic acid affects particular morphological changes in the skin which is visible in SEM method. Skin samples incubated in the solution of the 3.5 %, 5 % L-ascorbic acid, 7 % sodium ascorbate solutions and 7 % orthosilicic acid demonstrate the development of a structure resembling a coherent solid composite. SAXS gives structural information on the assembly of dermal collagen as well as the lamellar organization of stratum corneum (SC) lipids located in the outermost part of the epidermis. Using this technique, two lamellar phases with repeat distance of approximately 4.3 and 6 nm in the SC lipids domains were observed. Moreover, the diameter of the collagen fibrils were extracted. The observed differences in the values of these parameters allowed us to better understand the mechanism of modification of the surface of the burn affected skin and the influence of the modification on the process of skin regeneration.
Miejscowa oraz ogólna odpowiedź organizmu na oparzenie termiczne jest złożona. Nie tylko prowadzi do uszkodzenia skóry, ale wywołuje też głębokie długotrwałe zmiany w metabolizmie organizmu. Na podstawie wyznaczonego granicznego wskaźnika palności (LOI), wyników analizy termograwimetrycznej (TGA) i małokątowej dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej (SAXS) oceniano zmiany zachodzące w strukturze kolagenu w warunkach stresu oksydacyjnego, a metodą skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM) określano zmiany topografii powierzchni badanych próbek skóry. Modyfikowany aktywnymi przeciwutleniaczami, takimi jak: pochodne witaminy C (np. kwas L-askorbinowy, askorbinian sodu) oraz hydrożel kwasu ortokrzemowego H4SiO4 • n H2O. Kolagen wykazuje zwiększoną aktywność biochemiczną, a obecność niniejszych modyfikatorów procesu oparzeniowego minimalizuje zewnętrzne skutki symulowanych incydentów oparzeniowych.
The aim of this research was to study what happens to polylactide (PLA) fibers when they are released to wastewater systems. Samples of PLA fibers were immersed in activated sludge and subjected to typical activated sludge treatment in mesophilic (36 °C) and thermophilic (56 °C) conditions for up to 4 weeks. The characteristics of the surface and cross-sections of PLA fibers were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), showing the settlement of the microorganisms on the surface of PLA fibers immersed in sludge and also the erosion of the material with time. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis provided information on small changes in the crystalline structure of PLA fibers, and the results of tensile tests proved only partial degradation of PLA material treated in the activated sludge system during the processing time. The study confirmed that the standard processing of wastewater in the activated sludge system, in both mesophilic and thermophilic variants, is insufficient for the biodegradation of PLA. Therefore, PLA microplastics can be released from wastewater treatment plants.
Zbadano oddziaływanie osadu czynnego w procesach przebiegających w oczyszczalni ścieków na włókna polilaktydowe (PLA) uwolnione z wyrobów włókienniczych. Próbki włókien PLA umieszczano w osadzie ściekowym i poddawano klasycznemu procesowi oczyszczania ścieków metodą osadu czynnego, w procesie mezofilowym (36 °C) oraz termofilowym (56 °C), w ciągu 4 tygodni. Powierzchnię i przekrój poprzeczny włókien charakteryzowano z zastosowaniem skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM). Wykazano zasiedlenie mikroorganizmami powierzchni włókien inkubowanych w osadzie czynnym oraz stopniową erozję badanego materiału. Na podstawie wyników badań metodą różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej (DSC) stwierdzono nieznaczne zmiany w strukturze krystalicznej włókien PLA, natomiast badania wytrzymałościowe potwierdziły częściową degradację włókien poddanych działaniu osadu ściekowego. Dowiedziono, że standardowe procesy oczyszczania ścieków metodą osadu czynnego, zarówno w wersji mezofilowej, jak i termofilowej, nie powodują biodegradacji PLA, dlatego też polilaktydowe mikrocząstki mogą być uwalniane z osadu ściekowego.
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