A fifty-nine year-old male was hospitalized for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. As a gigantic cyst of the pancreatic tail was identified, it was fused with the jejunal loop. Due to persistent fever and severe symptoms in the storage and voiding phases, the patient was referred to a urologist. Because transrectal ultrasound examination revealed a fluid collection resembling the left seminal vesicle filled with purulent material, a transrectal puncture procedure was performed. The analysis of computed tomography scans led to the diagnosis of duplicated collecting system of the left kidney with the enormous ureter of the upper moiety that entered the prostate gland. In order to permanently decompress the hydronephrosed upper moiety of the left kidney, the patient was deemed eligible for endoscopic treatment. A transurethral incision through the bladder wall and the adjacent segment of the ectopic ureter was made with holmium laser under transrectal ultrasonography guidance, thus creating a neo-orifice of this ureter.
Pięćdziesięciodziewięcioletni mężczyzna został hospitalizowany z powodu zaostrzenia przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki. Rozpoznawszy olbrzymią torbiel ogona trzustki, dokonano jej zespolenia z pętlą jelita czczego. Ze względu na uporczywą gorączkę i nasilone objawy w fazie napełniania i wydalania moczu pacjent został skierowany na konsultację urologiczną. Ponieważ w przezodbytniczym badaniu ultrasonograficznym rozpoznano zbiornik płynowy przypominający pęcherzyk nasienny lewy wypełniony ropną treścią, dokonano jego punkcji z dostępu przezodbytniczego. Analiza obrazów tomografii komputerowej pozwoliła rozpoznać zdwojenie układu kielichowo-miedniczkowego nerki lewej z olbrzymim moczowodem górnego segmentu uchodzącym do stercza. W celu trwałego odbarczenia wodonerczowego segmentu górnego nerki lewej zakwalifikowano pacjenta do leczenia endoskopowego. Pod kontrolą przezodbytniczego badania ultrasonograficznego, przy użyciu lasera holmowego, dokonano przezcewkowego nacięcia przez ścianę pęcherza i przylegającego odcinka moczowodu ektopowego, wytwarzając nowe ujście moczowodu.
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Colorectal cancer constitutes 10% of all malignant neoplasms and is the fourth most common cancer in men and the third most common cancer in women, worldwide (second most common in Poland). Unfortunately, despite large scale screening programs, changes in diet and lifestyle, colorectal cancer incidence rates for both male and female patients has increased.The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of preoperative radiotherapy (RTH) on the survival and local recurrence rate of patients with rectal cancer, subject to surgical treatment with postoperative (adjuvant) chemotherapy (CTH).Material and methods. The study group comprised 132 patients, including 53 females and 79 males. Patients were divided into the following groups: I - 70 patients treated by means of preoperative radiotherapy, II - 62 patients treated by means of surgery alone. Patients qualified to radiotherapy were diagnosed with stage B (39 patients) and stage C (31 patients) cancer, according to Duke's classification (CT).The patients received 5 Gy each day for a period of 5 days (25 Gy altogether), and underwent surgery. Postoperative pathomorphology demonstrated the following: group I comprised 39 patients with stage B and 31 patients with stage C cancer, whereas group II comprised 34 and 28 patients, respectively. Patients with stage B and C (both groups) received postoperative chemotheraphy - six courses of 5-FU 435 mg/kg/d with leucovorin 20 mg/m2.Results. Kaplan-Meier's survival analysis was applied in each group, according to the following: grade of tumor (pT), lymph node involvement (pN, pN "+",pN "-"), type of surgical resection, stage of cancer, administration of radiotherapy, and presence of local recurrence. Result analysis point to the existing correlation between radiotherapy and the five-year survival rate (p=0.031), and local recurrence (stage B: p=0.1; stage C: p=0.049).Conclusions. Preoperative radiotherapy, considering prospective studies and our own study render hope for better prospects of treating rectal carcinoma in the future, and better 5-year survival rates. Analysis of the five-year survival rates, local recurrences, and distant complications confirmed the effectiveness and safety of preoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of rectal cancer, considering B and C patients.
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