The contribution represents a fragment of an intended Lexicon of grammatical-semantic features. It presents only very general properties as components of grammatical categories and the results of their presence or non-presence for category value interpretation and for (in)compatibility of language means. Grammatical features of a lexical unit can be described with the help of the tagset, i.e., analytical morphological label. Similarly, it is possible to describe a complete grammeme on the principle of fractals, including inner structure of each grammatical category and their values with the help of sets of grammatical-semantic properties. Grammatical-semantic properties bound on lexical forms are not isolated from lexical-semantic features: the first can be considered as a result of grammaticalization of the latter. From the chosen point of view, the construction of grammar from a semantic basis seems to be as a multi-level phenomenon to such a level in which grammatical-semantic properties are based on similarity and contrast in the area of lexical-semantic properties.
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The paper deals with words that precede the noun in the nominative form in Czech. It evaluates them in terms of parts of speech with regard to the functions that these words realize. It focuses on words of non-Czech origin that are classified (more or less traditionally) as nominative prepositions (kontra, versus, à la, via). It analogously treats other words from Czech which perform similar functions in the sentence. The author poses the question of whether it is theoretically possible for a preposition to be associated with the nominative, to determine it, to demand it. The answer is negative. The author concludes that the contra versus expressions are not prepositions, but conjunctions, and proposes that other verbal forms should be evaluated as particles. Some can be considered text structuring particles (ad, viz ‘see’, srov. ‘cf.’), others prenominative particles (via). The function of these words is to be a signal of nominative for naming, which is effective in communication.
Defectibility of the paradigm of flexible word classes is generally described in grammar books within the periphery of a word class: (as the limitation of the numerical paradigm of pluralia tantum, substance and abstract nouns, as the aggradation of relational adjectives etc.) or within the particular grammatical category (as the absence of the 1st and 2nd person of impersonal verbs, imperative, vocative of impersonal nouns etc.). However, the actual corpora data only partly correspond to this rough concept. The purpose of this paper is to discuss such issues as to what extent these irregularities should be taken into account in terms of the automatic text processing, how they should be registered in databases such as Internetová jazyková příručka or to what extent they should be reflected in dictionaries
Neúplnost deklinačního/konjugačního paradigmatu ohebných slovních druhů je v obecné rovině popsána v gramatikách v rámci periferie slovního druhu (jako restrikce číselného paradigmatu jmen pomnožných, látkových a abstrakt, nestupňování vztahových adjektiv ap.), nebo v rámci gramatické kategorie (nepřítomnost tvarů 1. a 2. osoby neosobních sloves či jejich imperativu, nevytváření vokativu apersonálních jmen ap.). Skutečná korpusová data odpovídají této obecné charakteristice jen částečně. Cílem příspěvku je hledání odpovědi, do jaké míry s nepravidelnostmi počítat při automatickém zpracování textu, jak je evidovat v databázích typu Internetová jazyková příručka nebo do jaké míry je promítnout do slovníků.
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