Te article concerns education of children and youth in the Evangelical Reformed environment in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 17th century. Te school system was invented in such a way as to assure education both to those preparing for civil service and those who would become future clergymen and teach others either as religion teachers or preachers (ministers) in the Evangelical Reformed Church. Te article refers to the second category of the aforementioned individuals. Te author discusses all three educational stages: elementary, secondary (junior high schools) and tertiary. Particularly a lot of attention is devoted to education provided by junior high schools (Kiejdany, Sluck) since while establishing them, their founders intended these schools to prepare students for university studies, and exactly such kind of education was necessary in the case of preachers. Te author writes about the attempt at creating an Evangelical higher school for Evangelists in Vilnius and the objection of the Roman Church holding monopoly for such schools. Due to the above, Lithuanian Jednota was forced to send talented students to foreign universities, mainly to nearby Królewiec (Königsberg) or very popular Lejda. Te complete scholarship system enabling Evangelical youth to study at universities in the states of Protestant Europe was elaborated. Moreover, the author shows a career model based on the example of one of later ministers in Węgrów in Podlasie district, a man who was of extreme merit to the entire Lithuanian Jednota, who initially learnt in Sluck junior high school followed by studies at the university in Królewiec and Lejda. It is the example of a career made by a preacher's son who only thanks to a scholarship could graduate from tertiary studies, and whose sons chose the model of a clerical career also thanks to scholarships and education gained in this way.
The article offers a glance at the personality of Duke Boguslavas Radvila, the Master of the Stables of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Governor of the Duchy of Prussia, through the entries in his personal diary (1661–1666). The diary contains information on B. Radvi- la’s private life which is discussed in the article. When speaking about B. Radvila’s image, which becomes obvious from the diary entries, his hobbies, spare-time activities, and entertainment preferences as well as information related to his health and character are analysed. Some of the * Šiame straipsnyje skelbiama Boguslavo Radvilos įvaizdžio, atsiskleidžiančio jo privačiame dienoraštyje, tyrimo dalis. B. Radvilos įvaizdis, atsiskleidžiantis jo įrašuose dienoraštyje apie artimuosius, tarnus bei klientus, aptartas straipsnyje, kuris bus publikuojamas „Lietuvos istorijos metraščio“ 2020 m. 1 numeryje. statements pertaining to B. Radvila’s personal life that can be detected in historiography are specified as well as the uniqueness and importance of B. Radvila’s private diary as an historical source in the analysis of his personality and every-day life is revealed.
Straipsnyje žvelgiama į kunigaikščio Boguslavo Radvilos, Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės arklidininko ir Prūsijos kunigaikštystės generalinio gubernatoriaus, asmenybę per jo paties darytus įrašus privačiame dienoraštyje (1661–1666). Aptariama dienoraščio informacija apie B. Radvilos privatų gyvenimą. Aptariant B. Radvilos įvaizdį, atsiskleidžiantį įrašuose privačiame dienoraštyje, analizuojama informacija apie jo pomėgius, laisvalaikio leidimo būdus, pramogas, taip pat informacija apie jo sveikatos būklę ir charakterį. Patikslinami kai kurie istoriografijoje įsitvirtinę teiginiai apie B. Radvilos privatų gyvenimą. Parodomas B. Radvilos privataus dienoraščio, kaip istorinio šaltinio, unikalumas ir svarba tiriant kunigaikščio asmenybę bei jo kasdienę veiklą.
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