Main parameters of indoor environmental in terms of noise could influence people health, fettle and ability to work. Therefore proper noise level is strongly important. The research was conducted in a didactic buildings – University of Technology located in Białystok, north-eastern Poland and education buildings the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering located in center Poland. Research was devoted to issues related to the noise level in a classrooms of university during the didactic classes. In all rooms of both universities, during working days average noise level was under 40 dB. These values are in accordance with standards. Outside the buildings, the sound level was in the range of 30–35 dB. These values also comply with the guidelines.
Cigarette smoking are the most important reasons for increased carbon monoxide (CO) level in exhaled air. During the experiment, the CO level in indoor air in room was measured. Outdoor air quality data including atmospheric CO concentration, obtained from the own measured and data from the weather platform “freemeteo”. The measurements were carried out with the following variants: outside air, a room ventilated without people, nonsmokers, smokers and non-smoking people, smokers entering the room after smoking cigarettes, smokers who smoke in the room. As proven by measurements, carbon monoxide carried in the lungs by smokers has low concentrations and should not threaten the health of non-smoking users of rooms. The maximum concentration of carbon monoxide in the room was 1.4 ppm. In the external air, the average concentration of carbon monoxide was exactly as much as reported in the literature – 0.3 ppm.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów stężenia pyłu zawieszonego PM10 i PM2,5 w powietrzu wewnętrznym w domu jednorodzinnym. Dokonano analizy tych wyników oraz porównania z wymaganiami norm, a także rozważono przyczyny podwyższonego stężenia pyłów i metody polepszenia jakości powietrza.
This article presents results of measurements of the suspended dust PM10 and PM2,5 concentration in indoor air in a single-family house. Then, an analysis and comparison with the standards were made, and the reasons for the increased dust concentration were considered.
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Badania prowadzono w nowoczesnym, nowo wybudowanym obiekcie. Pomiary jakości powietrza wewnętrznego wykonano na różnej wysokości w holu głównym. Ich celem było wyznaczenie rozkładu temperatury, wilgotności względnej i stężenia CO2 w przekroju pionowym, a następnie porównanie z wartościami dopuszczalnymi. Maksymalna wartość stężenia CO2 zmierzona zgodnie z normą w dolnej części holu wynosi 735 ppm, a maksymalna wilgotność względna w tej samej części holu 28,6% jest poniżej wartości wymaganych w obowiązującym rozporządzeniu w sprawie warunków technicznych. Wykonano obliczenia symulacyjne, jak zastosowanie recyrkulacji, przy założeniu nieprzekroczenia stężenia CO2 powyżej 1000 ppm w strefie przebywania ludzi, wpłynęłoby na zwiększenie wilgotności względnej. Zalecane jest miejscowe nawilżenie holu lub powietrza nawiewanego w centralach wentylacyjnych.
The measurements were done in a modern newly-constructed building. IAQ measurements were done at different height in the main hall; their main goal was determining the profiles of temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration along the vertical cross section, and then the comparison of these values with the allowable values ranges. CO2 concentration is in accordance with applicable standards; its maximum is 735 ppm at the lower part of the hall. At the same part it was also measured the maximal relative humidity of 28.6% which is lower than the value recommended by the standards. There were made simulative calculations how an applied recirculation, on the assumption that CO2 concentration does not exceed 1000 ppm in the people’s residence zone, increased the relative humidity. There is recommended humidifying the hall locally or supplied air in an air handler.
The aim of this study is to determine the concentration of fungi and bacteria in the air inside the car cabin and, on this basis, to determine the air quality in the passenger car cabin. The aim of the work is also to demonstrate the impact of hygienic maintenance of filtering devices on the quality of indoor air. The subjects of the research are car cabins, as an example of small, enclosed spaces in which people may remain. The tests were carried out in the summer of 2020 in three passenger cars. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the operation time of regularly serviced air conditioning has a positive effect on the air quality in small, confined spaces. The vehicle with the longest-used filter was characterised by the highest concentration of fungi (8369 CFU/m3) and bacteria (16563 CFU/m3) in the environment inside the car cabin, which means that periodic replacement of the filters in the car’s ventilation system is very important. In Poland, it is recommended that such a filter be replaced after a year or after driving 10,000–15,000 kilometres. In analysing the state of air quality in the examined confined spaces, it can be concluded that by ensuring regular replacement of cabin filters and air conditioning servicing, we have a very large impact on indoor air quality.
Masks are the primary tool used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the current pandemic. Tests were carried out to determine the total pressure drop through the materials from which the masks are made and the correlation of these results with the concentration of carbon dioxide in the inner space of the mask. The results showed that a parameter representing hydraulic losses of the mask material has a significant influence on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the inner space of the mask. Masks with higher hydraulic resistances accumulated a higher concentration of carbon dioxide, and generated greater fluctuations of carbon dioxide as a function of time, which may be caused by compensation of the respiratory system. For example, in a two-layer mask (mask no. 3) the hydraulic resistance values are about three times higher than in a single-layer mask (mask no. 1). The study also noticed that the inscriptions and prints placed on the masks increase the hydraulic resistance of the material from which the masks are made, which may also contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the space between the mask and the face. To reduce the accumulation of carbon dioxide within the inner space of the mask, the results of this work suggest searching for mask materials with the lowest possible hydraulic resistance.
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