W artykule dokonano analizy cech torfowiska funkcjonującego w północnej części Wzgórz Opoczyńskich, w zagłębieniu występującym na obszarze krasu reprodukowanego. Opisano cechy geologiczne i geomorfologiczne terenu, na którym występują inne formy o takiej genezie. Zagłębienia powstałe w wyniku krasowienia wapieni jurajskich przykrytych cienką warstwą plejstoceńskich glin zwałowych stanowią sprzyjające środowisko do tworzenia się w nich zbiorników wodnych i torfowisk, z depozycją osadów biogenicznych. Pobrano rdzeń osadów z torfowiska leżącego na północ od Paradyża i oznaczono jego parametry, takie jak: popielność osadu, odczyn i przewodność elektrolityczna oraz zawartość węglanu wa pnia, co pozwoliło wnioskować o warunkach funkcjonowania zagłębienia i etapach rozwoju torfowiska.
This article is concerned with the properties of peatland that function in the karst depression in the northern part of the Opoczno Hills. The geological and geomorphological properties that display the preview of the genesis of said landforms are discussed. The depressions that developed as a result of the collapse of Jurassic limestone and are covered with a thin layer of Pleistocene moraine till serve as an environment that is very conducive to the development of water bodies and peatbogs with deposition of biogenic sediments. A core sample of the biogenic sediments has been extracted from one of the peat bogs north of Paradyż and analysed to determine the ash content, pH value, electrolytic conductivity, as well as calcium carbonate content. It allowed to formulate conclusion on the environmental conditions of the depression and the phases of development of the peatbog.
Strong aggradational tendencies during the late Pleni-Weichselian have been noted in river valleys in central Europe. Thick series of mineral deposits were laid down, but also organic or mineral-organic horizons were formed under favourable conditions. The study area is located in the central section of the valley of the River Warta within an extraglacial area of the last glaciation. At the Warenka site alluvia, that attain thicknesses of 16 m, were analysed. Lithofacies analysis, OSL dating of mineral sediments and radiocarbon dating of organic and mineral-organic strata were performed. Organic and mineral-organic deposits were also subjected to pollen and Cladocera analyses. Together this set of analyses was used to determine fluvial processes and environmental conditions during the late Pleni-Weichselian. The results obtained allow the conclusion that these levels were deposited in the sedimentary environment of a low-energy, sand-bed braided river, which operated in the period from approximately 30 to 24 cal kBP – the late Pleni- Weichselian. During this time, there were periods when shallow water bodies were formed on the valley bottom, where deposition of organic material was possible. The presence of this type of sediment made it possible to reconstruct the vegetation cover; this had the character of a steppe-tundra, periodically shrubby steppe-tundra. Short-lived reservoirs were characterised by shallow-water settings with weakly developed vegetation and temporary influence of floodwaters as indicated by changes in cladoceran assemblages. Pollen spectra, low concentration of cladocerans, as well as the presence of the cold-tolerant Cladocera taxa are indicative of cold climatic conditions.
Our high-resolution data of pollen and macrofossils from 2 cores taken from the Jagodne site (Garwolin Plain) reveals a pollen succession covering the final part of the Late Saalian (Marine Isotope Stage MIS 6) and embracing the Eemian (MIS 5e). The results correspond to Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones (RPAZ). The hornbeam phase (E5 RPAZ) has been subdivided into subzones and compared to the corresponding division of the key profile of the Garwolin Plain, Kozłów K2-19. The comparison revealed a considerable sedimentary hiatus in the E5 RPAZ at Jagodne. This is attributed to significant palaeohydrological changes occurring widely in this zone, and also seen at other Eemian sites in Poland. Another specific feature of the Jagodne site is the early, rapid terrestrialisation of the palaeolake and its transformation into a raised bog, which occurred already at the end of the hornbeam phase. The Sphagnum dominated peatbog developed for a long time as evidenced by a thick peat layer covering also the Early Vistulian. Both pollen and plant macrofossil data correspond well to observed lithological boundaries, providing a consistent record of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate changes. The results obtained contribute to knowledge of palaeoenvironmental changes and palaeoclimate interpretation of that area.
A new site of Eemian organogenic deposits in S3up (central Poland) has revealed an intermittent record of several phases within this interglacial. Pollen based studies of the core S3-19, drilled at the littoral zone of the palaeolake, indicated the absence of the E2, E3, E6 and an incomplete record of the E4 and E5 zones of the typical pollen succession. Results of other proxies (plant macrofossils, Cladocera, molluscs, NPPs, isotopes) supported the conclusions derived from the pollen diagram regarding the high humidity and lake water level during the E4 (Corylus-Quercus-Tilia) phase and at the beginning of the E5 (Carpinus-Corylus-Alnus) phase, when the fossil lake was most extensive. Thus, the lack of a record of the E3 and E4 RPAZs was associated with water level lowering and a less humid climate. The results stand in agreement with several other Eemian records from central Poland.
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