Ludwik Osiński – professor-aesthete. An attempt to valorize the comparative literature lectures The article is an attempt to give a broad outline of the profile of Ludwik Osiński as a literature lecturer at the Warsaw University. Over the centuries, the author of Zbiór zabawek wierszem has been accused of: lack of originality in concluding, imitativeness, deficiency of qualifications characteristic for a university lecturer, and finally, disapproval for transformations taking place in literature. The purpose of the article is to answer the question about the Osiński’s position among the scientists of the Congress Kingdom. Moreover, this paper is also an attempt to verify the slightly understated, still taken over and reproduced judgements about unilateral and definitely negative attitude of scientists towards the critical legacy of the author of Zbiór zabawek wierszem. When assessing the aesthetic and literary achievements of Ludwik Osiński, two points of reference were determined; the first one is the heritage of Antique, and the other one – the European literary doctrines developing in the 2nd half of 18th and the beginning of 19th century. In the exemplification, the author of the article subjects a fragment of the Osiński’s course (Wykład literatury porównawczej, czytanej w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, [The lecture of comparative literature, read at the Warsaw University]) devoted to lyrical poetry to research review. A detailed presentation concerns a few issues, mainly the attitude to the antique tradition and the European literary doctrines, as well as understanding of the rules of evaluating and valuing of literary works.
The article focuses on a selective analysis of selected works by Alojzy Feliński to demonstrate the references to God, religion, and the Christian faith in his poetry. Considering the poet’s association with Krzemieniec, the article attempts to present the works that served as a pompous accompaniment to loyalist state sermons in the 19th century, which were a kind of supplicatory hymns addressed to God concerning Poland and its king. Attention is also given to the occasional speeches addressed to the youth, emphasizing the importance of religion in the lives of people at that time. The aim of the article is to provide evidence that Christian faith was one of the creative inspirations for Feliński, who wrote in accordance with the classical tradition.
Artykuł dotyczy selektywnej analizy wybranych utworów Alojzego Felińskiego w celu ukazania w nich odwołań do Boga, religii i wiary chrześcijańskiej. Mając na względzie twórczość poety związanego z Krzemieńcem, podejmuje się próbę zaprezentowania utworów będących paradną oprawą lojalistycznych kazań państwowych w wieku XIX, stanowiących rodzaj błagalnych pieśni adresowanych do Boga w sprawie Polski i jej króla. Zwraca się też uwagę na mowę okolicznościową adresowaną do młodzieży, w której podkreśla się wagę religii w życiu ówczesnych ludzi. Celem artykułu jest więc próba udowodnienia, że twórczą inspirację dla krzemieńczanina tworzącego w zgodzie z nurtem klasycznym stanowiła między innymi wiara chrześcijańska.
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