Przedstawiono efektywność wymiany ciepła podczas wrzenia płynu chłodniczego przepływającego przez pionowy minikanał, asymetrycznie ogrzewany powierzchnią rozwiniętą teksturowaniem laserowo-wibracyjnym. Analizy efektywności wymiany ciepła dokonano na podstawie lokalnych współczynników przejmowania ciepła na styku powierzchnia grzejna–płyn. Zastosowanie powierzchni grzejnej rozwiniętej teksturowaniem laserowo-wibracyjnym wspomogło osiągnięcie efektywniejszej wymiany ciepła podczas wrzenia nasyconego w porównaniu z powierzchnią gładką, gdyż uzyskano wyższe wartości współczynników przejmowania ciepła.
This chapter discusses the efficiency of flow boiling heat transfer for a fluid flowing through a vertical minichannel heated asymmetrically with a surface enhanced by vibrationassisted laser texturing. The study of the heat transfer efficiency involved analysing the local values of the heat transfer coefficients at the interface between the heated surface and the fluid. The use of an enhanced surface produced by vibration-assisted laser texturing contributed to more efficient saturated flow boiling heat transfer than that observed for a smooth surface because higher values of the heat transfer coefficients were obtained.
The paper describes applications of the vibration-assisted laser surface texturing and spark erosion process as methods of modifying properties and structures of metal surfaces. Practical aspects of the use of produced surfaces in the heat exchanger with a minichannel have been described. Compared with smooth surfaces, developed metal surfaces obtained by vibration-assisted laser surface texturing and electromachining show more effective heat transfer. The local heat transfer coefficient for the saturated boiling region obtained for developed surfaces had the values significantly higher than those obtained for the smooth plate at the same heat flux. The experimental results are presented as the heated plate temperature (obtained from infrared thermography) and relationships between the heat transfer coefficient and the distance along the length of the minichannel for the saturated boiling region.
This paper deals with thermal deformations of the heating foil in a heat exchanger with a rectangular minichannel. Flow boiling heat transfer was achieved to maximize the heat transfer coefficient. As confirmed by the experiments, the deformations resulting from the thermal expansion of the heating foil led to local narrowing of the channel, and consequently distorted flow and less effective heat transfer.
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