Przedmiotem pracy jest program komputerowy do obliczania przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków, głównie w zakresie doboru urządzeń. Opracowanie ma za zadanie przedstawienie programu zwanego "Kalkulatorem przy-domowych oczyszczalni ścieków". Program ma za zadanie: zaproponowanie odpowiedniego rodzaju przydomowej oczyszczalni ścieków dla zadanych warunków wejściowych, obliczenie parametrów poszczególnych urządzeń wchodzących w skład przyjętego układu technologicznego, dobór możliwie jak najodpowiedniejszych podzespołów spośród urządzeń dostępnych na polskim rynku. Ponadto aplikacja ta da dużą swobodę przy wprowadzaniu danych wejściowych w zależności od zapotrzebowania użytkownika, co pozwoli w znacznym stopniu modelować i wariantować rozwiązanie. Program taki skróci również czas potrzebny na wykonanie projektu. Program Kalkulator przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków służy do rozwiązywania zadań, takich jak: analiza jakościowa i ilościowa ścieków odprowadzanych z pojedynczych domów lub ich zgrupowań, zaproponowanie sposobu oczyszczania ścieków pochodzących z tych źródeł, projektowanie parametrów technologicznych jednej z pięciu najbardziej popularnych wiejskich oczyszczalni ścieków, dobór dla zadanych warunków osadnika gnilnego spośród dostępnych urządzeń tego typu na polskim rynku.
A preliminary information describing application for calculation of household sewage treatment plants is presented in this paper. It is a set of tools allowing to streamline the whole of preparatory actions, essential to carry out the planned task, which is to calculate working parameters and dimensioning of such an object. The paper presents the application called "Calculator of household sewage treatment plants". The application has following tasks: suggesting the right type of household sewage treatment plant for given input conditions, calculating parameters of individual devices which are used in the selected technological system, selection of possibly most suitable sub-assemblies from components accessible on the Polish market. Moreover this application gives the wide freedom when introducing input data depending on the demand of the user. This allows to model and change solution in a considerable degree. Such application will also shorten the needed time for designing. It allows to calculate technical parameters of five, most often used systems in rural sewage treatment plants: sewage distributing drainage, sand filter, biological deposit, devices of activated sludge, hydrobotanic sewage treatment plant, And additionally devices being a obligatorily or optionally part of each system: putrefactive settler, secondary settler, soakaway. Algorithms allowing to calculate parameters of these devices were created bas-ing on literature and standards data, frequently in the effect of their synthesis and modi-fication. In this part module: input data concerning calculation of devices used in household sewage treatment plants is presented.
A preliminary information describing application for calculation of household sewage treatment plants is presented in this paper. It is a set of tools allowing to stream-line the whole of preparatory actions, essential to carry out the planned task, which is to calculate working parameters and dimensioning of such an object. The paper presents the application called "Calculator of household sewage treatment plants". The application has following tasks: suggesting the right type of household sewage treatment plant for given input conditions, calculating parameters of individual devices which are used in the selected technological system, selection of possibly most suitable sub-assemblies from components accessible on the Polish market. Moreover this application gives the wide freedom when introducing input data depending on the demand of the user. This allows to model and change solution in a considerable degree. Such application will also shorten the needed time for designing. It allows to calculate technical parameters of five, most often used systems in rural sewage treatment plants: sewage distributing drainage, sand filter, biological deposit, devices of activated sludge, hydrobotanic sewage treatment plant, And additionally devices being a obligatorily or optionally part of each system: putrefactive settler, secondary settler, soakaway. Algorithms allowing to calculate parameters of these devices were created bas-ing on literature and standards data, frequently in the effect of their synthesis and modification. This part describes programming environment Borland Delphi. Delphi is counted into 4th generation programming language group. For the creation of computer application solving presented problems of household sewage treatment Borland Delphi Environment In version 7.0 Personal is used. The paper also presents basic ideas in the range of designing household sewage treatment plants, quantitative characteristics of household sewage, concentrations and loads of contaminants in household sewage, requirement for quality of treated sewage, treated sewage receivers as well as methods for sewage treatment in household sewage treatment plants.
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