After the war about 50% of the historic property in towns of Pomerania was destroyed, while only 4 out of 35 historic town complexes in the old voivodship of Szczecin did not suffer total destruction, preserving buildings from 18th and 19th centuries. Soon the works were undertaken on recording the possessions and were carried out under the auspices of the Western Institute. At the same time, i.e. between 1945 and 1959, conservation services were arranged, historic structures secured and their rebuilding started. It was also then that the castle and town-hall in Szczecin were provided with protection. In 1953 a monuments conservation workshop was founded there and still earlier the Museum of Western Pomerania was opened. The Museum took up archaeological studies ; discoveries on the Szczecin castle included a crypt with sarcophagi of the last Pomeranian princes. After 1954 protection works comprised such towns as Stargard, Kamień Pomorski and Dolsk. In 1958 a branch office of a monuments conservation workshop was formed to take over construction works. However, because о the need for a fast house building town centres often acquired structures that collided with their historic character. The second stage of works covered the years from 1959 to 1978. It was then that buildings of historic interest were rebuilt and adapted, mobile objects reconstructed and, which is most important, a proper conservatory preservation took shape. One of the most serious tasks was the rebuilding and adaptation of the castle at Szczecin, town-halls at Stargard, Kamień Pomorski and Nowe Warpno, the Bishops’ Palace at Ploty, the church of Holy Ghost at Stargard and numerous parish churches. Finally, the author draws attention to the necessity of engaging conservatory services in the protection of rural constructions.
A set of conservation and restoration problems has been presented with concern to a tenement house situated within the southeastern frontage of the market square at Trzebiatów. The technical decsription of that house is followed by a chronological survey that covers the period from its erection and early reconstructions during the second half of the 14th century up to the adaptations and renovations carried out in the 19th and 20th centuries. The above-mentioned chronological survey has been made on the basis of restoration works during which a number of analyses were conducted on the revealed wall portions and details. In conclusion of the article some outlines concerning the restoration have been given by the author who is of opinion that the layout of the house in question should be reconstructed basing on that from the Baroque times, i.e. 17th century for which the most abundant source materials are now available. The façades, however, should be brought back to their forms from the Renaissance period (16th—17th century) with the simultaneous displaying of portions dating from earlier times.
During his sch o la rsh ip jo u rn ey to F ra n c e th e a u th o r has g a th e red a good d eal of m a te ria ls , i.e. de sc rip tiv e an d p h o to g rap h ic , concerning th e stay an d lives of th e Polish people in th a t co u n try . As Po lan d an d F ra n c e a re fo r man y c e n tu rie s lin k ed by th e close tie s of th e ir m u tu a l frien d sh ip in th e F re n ch tow n s can be en co u n te red lots of in te re s tin g relics re la tin g to th e Po lish history. While living tw o m o n th s in P a ris an d a few o th e r tow n s a fa irly a c c u ra te m a te ria ls h av e b e en collected by th e a u th o r w ith concern to g rav e s of Poles, th e ir s ta tu e s, comm emo ra tiv e desks a n d a rc h ite c tu ra l objects. Rich collections of th e Polish relics a re also to be fo u n d in m u n ic ip a l a n d p riv a te a rch iv e s a s w e ll as in museums. A t th e en d of his a rtic le th e a u th o r p u ts fo rw a rd a p ro p o sa l th a t an a p p ro p ria te a ction should be s ta rte d to p re p a r e as fu ll as possible d o cum en ta tio n of th e Polish relics in Fran c e .
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