In the integrated logistics and marketing management the company increasingly adopting the results of modern industrial experiments. The paper presents the principle of selecting one of these types statistical analysis method. The aim of the study was to determine the conditions for application of a few selected methods for analyzing of repeated measurements data and to develop procedures for dealing with decisionmaking process of choosing one of them. Analysis of this type of data is often carried out in an irregular manner, in particular correlations between measurements are not always taken into account. Three basic parametric methods for the analysis of such data were considered and discussed. The decisional procedures for the methods of analysis with repeated measurements are presented graphically in the form of a diagram. The developed procedures for handling enriched with practical tips for choosing the methods of data analysis with repeated measurements, which were formulated in the form of conclusions.
W zintegrowanym zarządzaniu logistyczno–marketingowym kierownictwo przedsiębiorstwa coraz częściej wykorzystuje wyniki nowoczesnych eksperymentów przemysłowych. W pracy przedstawiono zasady wyboru metody analizy statystycznej wyników jednego z tego typu eksperymentów. Celem pracy było określenie uwarunkowań do stosowania kilku wybranych metod analizy danych z powtarzanych pomiarów oraz opracowanie procedury postepowania przy procesie decyzyjnym wyboru jednej z nich. Analiza tego typu danych jest często prowadzona w sposób nieprawidłowy, w szczególności korelacje pomiędzy pomiarami nie zawsze są brane pod uwagę. W pracy omówiono trzy podstawowe parametryczne metody analizy danych tego typu. Ścieżkę decyzyjną procedury wyboru metody analizy danych z powtarzanymi pomiarami zaprezentowano graficznie w postaci schematu. Opracowaną procedurę postepowania wzbogacono o praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące wyboru metody analizy danych z powtarzanymi pomiarami, które sformułowano w postaci wniosków.
The aim of the present study was to compare the dynamics of grass pollen seasons and to assess whether the method of grouping pollen seasons and years with similar weather conditions would apply to the same groups. On the basis of Spearman’s correlation test between pollen counts and weather parameters during the pollen season, the strongest positive correlation was found with temperature and air humidity. The pollen seasons greatly varied in terms of air humidity, rainfall, and cloud cover, whereas temperature variations were small. The seasons in 2004 (very cold) and in 2010 (very warm) are exceptions. As a result of cluster analysis, three groups of seasons were distinguished. The grouping of seasons by using various criteria produced different groups of pollen seasons. No strong direct relationship was found between the mean values of the seasonal meteorological factors analysed and groups of seasons. PCA analysis can be used for quick and easy interpretation of weather characteristics of a particular season and to compare it with other seasons.
Celem pracy było porównanie dynamiki sezonów pyłkowych traw oraz ocena czy metoda grupowania sezonów pyłkowych i lat o podobnych warunkach pogodowych będzie dotyczyła tych samych grup. Na podstawie testu korelacji Spearmana między stężeniem pyłku a czynnikami meteorologicznymi podczas sezonu pyłkowego stwierdzono najsilniejszą pozytywną korelację z temperaturą i wilgotnością powietrza. Sezony pyłkowe były bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem wilgotności, opadów oraz zachmurzenia natomiast zróżnicowanie ze względu na temperaturę było niewielkie. Wyjątki stanowią sezony 2004 (bardzo zimny) i 2010 (bardzo ciepły). W wyniku analizy skupień wyodrębniono trzy grupy sezonów. Grupowanie sezonów przy zastosowaniu różnych kryteriów wyłoniło odmienne grupy sezonów pyłkowych. Nie stwierdzono bezpośredniego silnego związku pomiędzy średnimi wartościami analizowanych czynników meteorologicznych w sezonie a grupami sezonów. Analiza PCA może być wykorzystywana do szybkiej i łatwej w interpretacji charakterystyki pogodowej danego sezonu pyłkowego oraz porównania z pozostałymi sezonami.
The European Union countries have witnessed increasing importance of migration for years, while contribution of natural increase to population change has visibly diminished. This poses a great pressure on migration research. In particular, searching for migration determinants becomes more and more important. In the years 1986-1994, EU12 constituted a relatively stable group of countries, thus investigation of possible migration determinants for these countries could deliver promising results. Data published by Eurostat and data from national statistical institutes of individual countries, supplemented by estimates based on numerous theories and empirical evidence, constitute a basis for the analysis of migration determinants for NUTS 2 regions. Assuming that internal and international flows of migration are undertaken simultaneously, regression analysis is used to indentify the impact of carefully selected independent variables. The regression results show that economic variables, typical for migration studies, do not play an important role in determining migration, while general measures of the standard of living (number of cars per 1000 and household energy consumption), along with population density and long-term unemployment rate, explain net migrations at a satisfactory level. However, regressions run for selected countries allow for better explanation of net migration by variables considered. These results suggest that migration determinants vary between the EU12 countries and further research is needed, on factors affecting migration, in particular by referring to spatial and temporal integration of migration flows.
Repeated measurements analysis is often carried out in an irregular manner, and the correlations between measurements are not always taken into account. In the paper examples of this type of data analysis are presented, along with practical tips in choosing the method of conduct and carrying out the this analysis. The presented experiments are fully described, the mathematical model is presented and the results obtained are fully discussed and interpreted. In these examples the reader can find the answer to the question "what if".
Analiza danych z powtarzanymi pomiarami często prowadzona jest w sposób nieprawidłowy, a korelacje pomiędzy pomiarami nie zawsze są brane pod uwagę. W pracy zaprezentowane są przykłady analizy danych tego typu wraz z praktycznymi wskazówkami postpowania przy wyborze metody oraz przeprowadzania samej analizy. Prezentowane eksperymenty są dokładnie opisane, przedstawiony jest ich model matematyczny, a otrzymane wyniki są wyczerpująco omówione i zinterpretowane. W przedstawionych przykładach czytelnik może znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie „co, jeśli”.
L-arabitol is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It can be secreted by genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying the genes responsible for pentose metabolism in yeast cells. The process of the biotransformation of L-arabinose to arabitol is highly dependent on culture conditions. The aim of this investigation was to use statistical response surface methodology (RSM) for optimization of biotransformation of L-arabinose to arabitol by a karyoductant of S. cerevisiae V30 and Pichia stipitis CCY 39501, named SP-K7. Batch cultures of yeast were performed according to a Plackett-Burman design, and three factors, rotation speed, L-arabinose concentration, and temperature, were chosen for a central composite design (CCD) applied in order to optimize the production of the polyol by the karyoductant. On the basis of results obtained using 20 combinations of batch cultures of karyoductant SP-K7, the optimal levels of the factors were determined as: rotation speed 150 rpm, concentration of L-arabinose 32.5 g/l, and temperature 28°C. In such conditions, the predicted concentration of arabitol after two days of incubation of SP-K7 should be 18.367 g/l. The value of R2 = 0.93195 suggested that this model was well-fitted to the experimental data. A verification of the model in experimental conditions confirmed its usefulness.
Experiments with recognition of the dominating musical instrument in sound mixes are interesting from the point of view of music information retrieval, but this task can be very difficult if the mixed sounds are of the same pitch. In this paper, we analyse experiments on recognition of the dominating instrument in mixes of same-pitch sounds of definite pitch. Sound from one octave (no. 4 in MIDI notation) have been chosen, and instruments of various types, including percussive instruments were investigated. Support vector machines were used in our experiments, and statistical analysis of the results was also carefully performed. After discussing the outcomes of these experiments and analyses, we conclude our paper with suggestions regarding directions of possible future research on this subject.
The effects of culture conditions on exopolysaccharides (EPS) production by a probiotic Lb. rhamnosus E/N have been studied using the Plackett-Burman design. Process optimization was performed in stationary cultures to maximize the production of EPS. In order to verify the optimal conditions, an analysis was performed of EPS production in fermentation culture. Batch fermentation was carried outat working volume of 2.5 l. The optimal temperature, pH, carbon source, and nitrogen source conditions were 37°C, pH 5.0, galactose,and yeast extract, respectively. EPS production was improved by 210.28 mg/l in stationary cultures compared to 134.2 mg/l in a control grown on commercial MRS medium. The fermentor experiment showed the possibility of increasing EPS biosynthesis by 175.8%. Our results clearly demonstrate that in the case of Lb. rhamnosus E/N specific culture conditions can enhance EPS production for possible application in the industry.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of thermal treatment in a convection-steam oven on the textural properties of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The thermal treatment was continued for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes at various levels of steam addition (0, 20, 60, and 100%). The thermal treatment in the convection-steam oven was shown to have a significant effect on the hardness, chewiness, and cohesiveness of the product. The thermal processing methods analysed in this study did not exert a significant effect on the elasticity of the Jerusalem artichoke tubers. With an increase in the heating time, the mean values of the material hardness and chewiness declined and the cohesiveness of Jerusalem artichoke tubers increased. Application of higher volumes of steam resulted in a reduction of the mean values of hardness and chewiness of the product accompanied by a simultaneous increase in the mean cohesiveness values.
The present study aimed to determine the adaptation capacity of horses subjected to defined, seasonally variable exercise on the basis of selected indicators of their oxidative status. The research was carried out over a two-year period on 25 Polish Noble Half-bred horses (PKSP). All horses came from stables in south-eastern Poland (51°15’00”N, 22°34’00”E) and competed in show jumping. According to the intensity of exercise, two experimental periods were distinguished, characterized by moderate intensity of exercise (D1) and high intensity of exercise (D2). The test material consisted of blood taken from the external jugular vein into dry tubes in a closed system. Samples were collected four times. The oxidative status was determined by means of PerOx reagents (TOS/TOC) and ImAnOx reagents (TAS/TAC) from Immundiagnostik. The results were analyzed statistically with the Statistica 10 software (StatSoft Inc.). Changes were found in all parameters studied. The average level of total antioxidant status (TAS) in our research was low, and the average level of total oxidant status (TOS) obtained in the experiment corresponds to a low level of oxidative stress. The oxidant status and the antioxidant status did not correlate with each other. The values were balanced regardless of sex or age, which suggests that training did not result in oxidative stress. Our results also suggest that evaluation of blood oxidative markers can help in assessing the welfare of training horses.
Response surface methodology was used to optimize media components such as carbon and nitrogen (simple and complex) sources, mineral agents and growth factors (B vitamins, amino acids) for enhancing the biomass production of Lactobacillus rhanmosus PEN. For screening experiment the following carbon sources were selected: glucose, glucose+pyruvate, glucose+citrate, glucose+lactate, galactose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, lactulose, fructooligosaccharides, maltodextrins DP 4-7 and DP 13-17. Nitrogen sources such as yeast extract, meat extract and peptone K were used in lower concentrations than in MRS medium which served as a control. All experiments were run at 37°3C for 24-48 h under stationary conditions. Constituents chosen after the first screening experiments were further screened by the Plackett-Burman design. Glucose and sodium pyruvate, meat extract, potassium phosphate, sodium acetate, and ammonium citrate were chosen as promising medium components for further optimization studies. By solving the regression equation and analyzing the response surface carton, optimal concentrations of the components were determined as: glucose (13.4 g/l), sodium pyruvate (3.4 g/l), meat extract (7.2 g/l), potassium phosphate (2.0 g/l), sodium acetate (5.0 g/1) and ammonium citrate (2.0 g/l). In comparison to MRS broth the optimal medium contained fewer ingredients and in modified amounts but Lb. rhanmosus PEN showed better growth activity. Biomass concentration (as dry cell weight) of bacteria cultivated in optimal medium at bioreactor conditions was 5.5 g/l after 16 h of incubation, being higher in comparison with bacterial growth in MRS medium (1.9 g/l) under the same conditions. Moreover, the new medium was less expensive.
The aim of the research was to determine how time of infrared radiation heating of grains influences the falling number of flour gained from wheat variety Waluta and spelled wheat variety Schwabenkorn. Moisture content was determined in the first stage of the study and it was 12% ± 1%. Then grain was moisturized to the moisture of: 14, 16 and 18%. Prepared material was subjected to infrared radiation heating at the temperature of 150ºC for 30, 60, 90 and 120 seconds. The heated material was sent to milling, and the falling number was determined. It has been found that the infrared radiation heating of wheat grains prior to milling significantly affects the falling number of flour, which increases with the duration of heating grain.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu czasu obróbki wstępnej ziarna promieniami podczerwonymi na zmiany liczby opadania dla mąki otrzymanej z pszenicy zwyczajnej odmiany Waluta oraz pszenicy orkisz odmiany Schwabenkorn. W pierwszym etapie badań oznaczono wilgotność ziarna, która kształtowała się na poziomie 12% ± 1%. Następnie ziarno dowilżono do wilgotno- ści 14, 16 i 18%. Tak przygotowany materiał poddano obróbce cieplnej promieniami podczerwonymi w temp. 150ºC w czasie 30, 60, 90 i 120 s. Ogrzany materiał skierowano do przemiału, po czym oznaczono liczbę opadania. Stwierdzono, że ogrzewanie promieniami podczerwonymi ziarna pszenicy przed przemiałem istotnie wpływa na liczbę opadania, która wzrasta wraz z wydłużeniem czasu ogrzewania ziarna.
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