The aim of the study was to analyze somatometric chest structure in persons aged over 100 years. The study group included 83 women and 13 men, aged 100-108 yr (median age -100.8 yr), who participated in the scientific project: 'Genetic and Environmental Factors of Longevity of Polish Centenarians' in 2002-2004. The Rohrer index of chest structure using acromion-acromion length and body height were compared with the results of pulse oximetry, spirometry, and the level of general physical activity. The majority of the centenarians had a pyknic structure of the chest, most likely as a result of a progressive reduction of body height and chest stooping. In comparison with the women who had marked alterations of chest structure, females with less profound changes had a lower respiratory rate, better tolerance of exercise, higher forced vital capacity, and a higher physical activity. A small number of male subjects studied made it impossible to analyze statistical correlations in this group. We conclude that there is a need to redefine anthropometric indices for a reliable assessment of chest structure in senescent subjects.
The aim of the study was to assess energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates intake by centenarians living in Warsaw. The study was conducted between the years 2001 and 2004. An average dietary energy covered only approximately 81% of Polish RDA for elderly people over 60 years of age, and for 7 persons (1 male and 6 females) was lower than 66.7% of the RDA. Protein and fat intake fully covered nutritional recommendations for these nutrients with exception of 2 women for protein and 4 women for fat. The energy distribution figures were slightly higher for protein and fat, while for carbohydrates lower than recommended. It is very difficult to assess whether energy and nutrient intake by centenarians were adequate because of a lack of nutritional recommendations for such old people. It is necessary to determine the RDA values for a group of 85+ years old.
Celem badania była ocena wartości energetycznej i zawartości białka, tłuszczu i węglowodanów w diecie stulatków mieszkających w Warszawie. Badanie prowadzone było w latach 2001-2004. Średnio wartość energetyczna diety wynosiła 81% normy na poziomie bezpiecznym dla osób w wieku powyżej 60 lat, a dla 7 osób (1 mężczyzny i 6 kobiet) nie przekraczała 66,7%. Ilość białka i tłuszczu w diecie całkowicie pokrywała normy u większości osób, z wyjątkiem dwóch kobiet dla białka i czterech kobiet dla tłuszczu. Udział energii z białka i tłuszczu był nieco wyższy niż zalecany, natomiast z węglowodanów – niższy. Ze względu na to, że brak jest norm/zaleceń żywieniowych dla osób w tak sędziwym wieku, a wskaźniki stanu odżywienia oparte na pomiarze wzrostu nie są dokładne ze względu na pochylenie sylwetki, trudno jest ocenić, czy sposób żywienia stulatków był właściwy. Ze względu na rosnącą liczbę osób w wieku powyżej 85 lat na świecie, a także w Polsce, istnieje konieczność opracowania norm/zaleceń dla tej grupy wiekowej.
The aim of the study was to determine the preferences and nutritional habits of Warsaw centenarians during their "third period" of life. The study was conducted by a questionnaire method among 29 centenarians. Most of centenarians had general good health condition. Almost 60% of centenarians performed manual labor in the past. Then they drank small amounts of alcohol irregularly. Several percent of centenarians smoked in the past. Before the age of sixty less people then at present snacked between meals. Sweets both now and in the past were preferred products, however, in the past sweets were rarely eaten by centenarians. At the present time centenarians ate more often yogurt, skim curd, fish, lean meat products, plant oils and sweets. The changes in eating habits were probably caused by civilization changes.
Celem badań było określenie preferencji oraz zwyczajów żywieniowych stulatków w określonych trzech okresach życia. Badania przeprowadzono metodą wywiadu kwestionariuszowego wśród 29. stulatków z Warszawy. Stan ogólny większości respondentów był dobry. Prawie 60% stulatków wykonywała w przeszłości pracę fizyczną. Badani pili alkohol nieregularnie i w małych ilościach. Kilkanaście procent badanych paliło papierosy. Mniej osób przed 60 rokiem życia, niż w okresie badania, pojadało miedzy posiłkami. Słodycze w przeszłości i w czasie obecnym należały do produktów preferowanych przez respondentów, jednak w przeszłości były one spożywane rzadziej. W obecnym czasie, w porównaniu do przeszłości, stuletnie osoby częściej spożywały jogurty, twarogi, ryby, chude produkty mięsne, oleje roślinne oraz słodycze. Zmiany zwyczajów żywieniowych mogły być przede wszystkim spowodowane zmianami cywilizacyjnymi.
Factor V Leiden (G1691A FV mutation) is a widely acknowledged risk factor of deep vein thrombosis, including pulmonary embolism as the most serious complication. However, its high prevalence of ~5% in the Caucasian population might be related to an unknown evolutionary advantage. It might exert a beneficial effect on the carrier, e.g. protecting women from excessive bleeding during labour or allowing increased survival in severe sepsis or with other inflammatory diseases. The aim of our study was to verify or contradict the hypothesis of a favourable association between the A allele (A1691) and longevity in the Polish population. For this purpose, the G1691A mutation was analyzed by PCR-RFLP in 1016 Poles: 400 neonates (187 female and 312 male), 184 healthy adults (129 female and 55 male), and 432 long-lived individuals (age ≥ 95 years: 343 women and 89 men). Frequencies of G1691A carriers and the A1691 allele in long-lived individuals (0.2% and 0.1%, respectively) were significantly lower than in neonates (4.2% and 2.2%, respectively) and adults (3.3% and 1.6%). The frequency of the G1691A factor V Leiden mutation decreased with age, which indicates a shorter survival time among A1691 allele carriers in the Polish population.
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