W artykule zaprezentowano sposób wykorzystania pakietów obliczeniowych Octave w kodzie języka C. Analizę możliwości wykorzystania gotowych bibliotek Octave dokonano pod systemem Linux pracującym na platformie embedded – moduł Beagle Board z zaawansowanym procesorem OMAP firmy Texas Instruments. Opracowanie będzie stanowiło wstęp do budowy oraz oprogramowania niskobudżetowego systemu do pomiaru jakości energii elektrycznej w oparciu o prezentowany moduł.
The paper presents the use of computational packages Octave language in the code C. The analysis of the possibility of using ready-made libraries Octave on Linux running on the embedded platform – Beagle Board module with advanced OMAP processor from Texas Instruments was shown. The development will provide an introduction to both software preparation and hardware construction of low-cost system to measure the power quality based on the presented module.
The paper presents an algorithm for determining parameters of single sinusoidal components contained in the analyzed digital signal with the use of a small number of mathematical operations. The proposed algorithm can be applied, among others, in measuring devices to monitor basic parameters of electric energy quality as well as in devices used to determine the phasor in the power system. The proposed simplification of the algorithm for determining the sinusoidal components of the analyzed signal allows to use it in embedded devices with low computing power, which translates into lower cost of construction of devices of this type, while maintaining full functionality of the measuring system. The article contains a mathematical argument, which leads to the proposed algorithm, then the optimization of the number of performed mathematical operations is presented. The last part of the paper includes information about performed mathematical operations and presents exemplary times of execution of the algorithm for simple embedded devices.
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