Fotografia, po spełnieniu przesłanek ustawowej ochrony, stanowi utwór w rozumieniu przepisów prawa autorskiego. Ustawodawca ogranicza prawa autorskie twórcy z powodu nadrzędnych interesów, takich jak informowanie czy prawo do informacji. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na specyfikę utworu fotograficznego i praw w nim występujących oraz na cel ograniczeń najistotniejszych dla utworu fotograficznego, takich jak w szczególności: przedruk fotografii reporterskich, cytat, wykorzystanie w ramach satyry lub karykatury.
The photograph, after fulfillment of the statuary requirements constitutes a work – as defined in the Polish copyright law. The Legislator infinite the copyright for the overriding reasons, such as informing, or the right of access to the information. The article draws attention to the specifics of the rights appearing in the photographic work and purpose of this limitation. Special emphasis is being put on issues related to reprint of reporter’s photographs, citation, as well as the usage of photograph in satire and caricature.
From the perspective of cultural development and execution of the right of informing the society, quotation right is one of the most important copyright exceptions. The article analyzes the purposes and scope of quotation, with a particular regard to the size of quotation, as well as points out to the lack of sufficient regulations regarding translations (exercising derivative rights) by authors-scientists. Very often, authors of scientific publications translate on their own literary works which do not have official translations, and they later quote the translated parts. It is necessary to maintain the scientific integrity and make use of foreign scientific works. De lege ferenda, the article sets forth a proposition to grant authors of scientific publications and scientific journals a precise exception to derivative rights regarding translations of parts of literary works for quotations.
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