W artykule przedstawiono wybrane działania w ramach planu mobilności przygotowanego dla obiektów – budynków Politechniki Śląskiej w Katowicach. Omówiono działania obejmujące między innymi: redukcję podróży/ruchu do i z obiektu, poprawę oferty komunikacji publicznej (publicznego transportu zbiorowego), poprawę jakości infrastruktury rowerowej, zwiększenie napełnienia samochodów osobowych (carpooling) oraz zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa ruchu w otoczeniu obiektu. Wybór prezentowanych działań uzasadniony został wynikami badań zachowań i preferencji transportowych użytkowników – pracowników i studentów Politechniki Śląskiej w Katowicach.
The article presents selected activities within the mobility plan prepared for the facilities – buildings of the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice. Actions include, among other things: reduction of travel/traffic to/from the facility, improvement in the public transport offer, improvement in the quality of bicycle infrastructure, increased occupancy of passenger cars (carpooling), increase in traffic safety in the surroundings of the facility. The selection of the presented activities was justified by the results of research on the behavior and transport preferences of users – employees and students of the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice.
The article discusses the level of road safety in the case of the city of Sosnowiec. Traffic safety was compared over a 11-year period from 2006 to 2016. The data were obtained from the municipal police headquarters in Sosnowiec. The authors of this publication created a graphical presentation of traffic incidents with their participants and causes. Numerical data have been presented, and separated into road accidents and collisions as well as injured and fatalities. The age and sex characteristics of the perpetrators of road accidents were presented. The QGIS program was also used for the analysis, which allowed us to map the most dangerous intersections in Sosnowiec.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki badań zachowań i preferencji transportowych. Pokazały one zróżnicowanie w wyborze środków transportowych przez studentów i pracowników uczelni wyższej. Analiza tych wyników pozwoliła opracować projekt planu mobilności i posłuży do analizy skuteczności zaproponowanych w planie rozwiązań - opcji mobilności - po ich wdrożeniu.
The paper presents results of transport behaviour and preferences survey. They have shown diversification in the choice of means of transport by university students and employees. The analysis of those results allowed to develop a draft mobility plan and will be used to analyse the effectiveness of solutions proposed in the plan - mobility options - after their implementation.
The article addresses solutions implemented in two cities, namely, Mexico City and Katowice, with the aim of improving road traffic safety. Despite the distance of more than 10,000 km separating the two cities, a comparison revealed many similar solutions having been implemented in both of them. This comparative case study is complemented with a collation of statistics pertaining to accidents, fatalities and injured persons as reported in the period 2012-2015.
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