The theory of the art of war exerts a great influence on the organisation and management studies that in the 90s increased significantly. It is a twofold influence. Firstly it is a cursory influence of military language, secondly its is a methodological and factual influence with serious consequences for conducting organisation and management studies. The article discusses the methodological basis for applying the principles of “civilian” management and the art of war principles by distinguishing two different co-ordination mechanisms. The author puts forward a thesis that in normal conditions of market competition the use of, by analogy, the principles of armed forces commanding is not satisfactorily justified in economic activity. The commonly used notion of “competitive battle” diverts the attention from the most essential fact that competition is not a form of battle, but a form of co-operation. However, applying the principles of the art of war is possible and recommended in specific situations, i.e. crisis management.
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The article features the main methods of measuring the economic and defence potential of the state. This notion is extremely vague and appears also named differently, therefore a wide formula of presentation was adopted. Thus the approaches and methods relating directly to the economic and defence potential's notion as well as the notion of states ’power were discussed. Such a way of presentation agrees with the observation according to which the defence and economic potential is perceived in two ways. Firstly, as a material basis of the defence potential (as a supply system of the defence system), secondly, as a material component of the power of the state, apart from so called nonmaterial components. The whole of the material components is called hard power, whereas the whole of non-material factors is called soft power. Defence economics and the concept of the defence and economic potential have emerged on the experiences of total wars. Such a war cannot be excluded in the future, however, it is not the only paradigm. The presented models and concepts show that the traditional approach is still strong. American, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Indian and Polish concepts were discussed in the article. The complexity of the economic and defence potential notion, the power of the states including, is reflected in a certain degree by professions of the models ’ and concepts ’ creators which include political scientists, economists, servicemen and even physicists (Wilhelm Fucks).
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The notion of the power of the state fas a political entity) includes a synthesised assessment of material, rational and moral factors. The power understood in such a way may be appropriately modelled and measured. The article presents and discusses the results of certain approaches to the research and measurement of the power of states that appeared or developed after the Cold War. The first part of the article contains the measurement results of the European Union’s, United States’ and Japan’s power received thanks to applying the author's model. This model allows measuring two kinds of power - of disposition and of coordination. The second stream of consideration focuses on some questionnaire research on the power of the state (J.Y.Caro’s and the author’s). The research results show that substantial differences appear in the perception of the states among different groups. The article also discusses the RAND approach. However, it has rather an analytic, not synthetic character.
W artykule pokazano możliwości prognozowania bezpieczeństwa narodowego pod postacią uporządkowanej metodyki, opierającej się na dwóch zasadniczych filarach. Pierwszy to sprecyzowanie operacyjnej definicji bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Drugi wyraża się syntetycznymi miarami potęgi państw. Operacyjna definicja bezpieczeństwa narodowego zawiera składniki będące przedmiotem prognozowania, przy wykorzystaniu specyficznych metod. Są to: stosunek sił rozpatrywanych stron, wzajemna sprzeczność interesów, skłonność do agresji, skłonność do obrony oraz charakter środowiska międzynarodowego. Takie podejście umożliwia ilościową ocenę jego poziomu oraz prognozowanie ilościowo-jakościowe.
This article shows the possibility of national security forecasting using a specific form of arranged methodology. The one presented is based on two fundamental pillars. The first pillar is the operational definition of national security. The second is based on synthetic measure of nations’ power. The operational definition of national security includes the methodologically defined instruments linked to the subject of forecasting. These would be: the ratio of powers, contradiction of interests, propensity to aggression, propensity to defense and the nature of international environment. Advantage of this approach lies in its exact measurement and a possibility of a quantitative assessment of national security.
Oleje silikonowe były stosowane jako substancje smarowe nie tylko w elementach tarciowych maszyn, ale także w układach biologicznych, np. jako smary w torebkach stawowych w przypadku schorzeń reumatycznych. Związki te są jednak nierozpuszczalne w wodzie, dlatego do badań wytypowano rozpuszczalne w wodzie pochodne polieterowe. Polietery silikonowe zaliczane są do grupy niejonowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych. Aktywność powierzchniowa polieterów z wodnych roztworów została potwierdzona przez pomiar napięcia powierzchniowego i kąta zwilżania. Wykonano także szereg testów tribologicznych [L. 1, 2]. W prezentowanej pracy wyznaczone zostały opory ruchu i zużycie stali w obecności wodnych roztworów polieterów silikonowych, jako modelowych substancji smarowych. Testy prowadzono za pomocą aparatu T-11, wyprodukowanego przez Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu. Stwierdzono polepszenie właściwości tribologicznych wody, jako medium smarnego, w obecności polieterów silikonowych.
Silicone oils have been applied as lubricants not only in machinery but also in biological systems, for instance, in articular capsules in the case of rheumatism. Since these compounds are not water-soluble, their polyether derivatives were selected for testing. Silicone polyethers belong to the group of non-ionic surfactants. Their surface activity was confirmed by measurement of surface tension and wetting angle. Tribological tests [1–2] were also made. The tribological properties of the aqueous solutions of silicone polyethers were measured as motion resistance and wear. The tests were performed using a T-11 apparatus, produced by the Institute for Sustainable Technologies in Radom. A significant influence of the silicone derivatives on the tribological properties of the lubricants was observed.
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie pomiarów termowizyjnych budynków i problem obliczeń charakterystyki energetycznej wraz z uwidocznieniem słabości obowiązującej metodologii. Badania eksperymentalne rozkładu temperatury wykonane kamerą termowizyjną i obliczenia charakterystyki energetycznej dotyczą budynku wielorodzinnego wykonanego w technologii wielkiej płyty.
The paper presents the issue of infrared measurements on buildings and their energy performance together with weaknesses of the current methodology. The experimental tests of thermal fields conducted with a thermovision camera and calculation results have been performed on a multiflat building.
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