The present article is devoted to admissibility of the “golden share” in Polish stock company. The current legislation does not explicitly allow or prohibit the existence of this statutory instrument. The article considered the possibility of granting such special privileges both as a shareholding privilege and as a personal right granted to a shareholder. The admissibility of these concepts has been assessed on the basis of the rules and common rules of company law, as well as the concepts incompatible with them has been criticised. In addition, the issue of statutory “gold shares” of the State Treasury, which grants the relevant minister a right to object to the specific decisions of the company, is outlined. Regulations and concepts under the current and previous law has been compared, as well as the above solutions were compared with the general rules and principles of company law.
This article is devoted to the issue of the admissibility of distinguishing negative resolutions and non-existent resolutions adopted by bodies in capital companies. The current legal provisions do not contain explicit regulations that allow or prohibit the existence of these legal structures. However, the fact whether it is possible to separate them is not only doctrinal, but also above all practical. This work considers the legal nature of the resolution as a legal act and also presents the most important problems regarding the admissibility of negative and non-existent resolutions. The aim of the article is to assess the admissibility of these structures on the basis of regulations and general principles of company law. The arguments adopted both by the representatives of the commercial law doctrine, as well as the analysis of the thesis from the case-law, which have the most significant impact on the solution to the problem, were presented. Critical analysis of the concept of non-applicable regulations and non-compliant with the rules of economic turnover were also made.
Wstęp. Zarówno codzienny reżim treningowy, jak i sam udział w zawodach jest dla sportowca źródłem wielu trudnych emocjonalnie sytuacji. Zawodnik, który chce odnosić sukcesy powinien posiadać umiejętność radzenia sobie z tego rodzaju przeciwnościami. U niektórych zawodników stres sam w sobie może być bodźcem motywującym, choć w praktyce zależy to od wielu czynników. Celem badań było poznanie i scharakteryzowanie metod wykorzystywanych przez wrocławskich judoków w celu minimalizowania natężenia stresu przedstartowego. Materiał i metody. W eksperymencie uczestniczyły 54 osoby uprawiające judo w kilku wrocławskich klubach. Osoby badane były w wieku od 8 do 22 lat. W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego opartą o techniki kwestionariuszowo-ankietowe. W anonimowej ankiecie zawarte były pytania o występowanie stresu przedstartowego, metody minimalizacji stresu, rodzaj odczuwanego stresu oraz okoliczności, w których występuje maksymalny jego poziom. Wyniki. Aby zminimalizować poziom stresu przedstartowego badani rozmawiają głównie ze znajomymi, słuchają muzyki, oglądają telewizję, grają w gry komputerowe lub wykonują ćwiczenia fizyczne. Tylko niewielka część zawodników stosuje techniki relaksacyjne przed startem w zawodach. Wnioski. Istnieje konieczność wprowadzenia do treningu zawodników judo bardziej zróżnicowanych, specjalistycznych strategii i technik radzenia sobie ze stresem. Permanentna edukacja trenera w tym zakresie jest niezwykle istotna, ponieważ pełni on, jak wskazują przeprowadzone badania, istotną rolę w regulacji stanów emocjonalnych zawodnika.
Background. Both everyday training regime and participation in competitions itself are for athletes sources of multiple emotionally-difficult circumstances. A competitor who would like to succeed should know how to cope with such problems. For some competitors, stress itself can be a motivating stimulus, although, in practice, it depends on multiple factors. The aim of the study was presentation and description of the approaches used by Wroclaw judo competitors in order to minimize pre-start stress accumulation. Material and methods. 54 judo trainees from Wroclaw clubs participated in the experiment. Diagnostic opinion poll was used, based on questionnaires and surveys. The anonymous survey included questions concerning the presence of pre-start stress, approaches to stress minimization, the type of stress and the circumstances under which stress reaches its maximal levels. Results. In order to minimize the level of pre-start stress, the participants talk mainly with their friends, listen to music, watch TV, play computer games or exercise. Only a small part of competitors use relaxation techniques prior to competitions. Conclusions. It is necessary to introduce more diverse specialist strategies and stress coping techniques to judo training. Permanent coach education in this domain is essential since, based on the study results, their role in regulation of the competitor’s emotional states is essential.
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