One of the main components of common agricultural policy reform is incorporating agricultural insurance schemes into the rural development policy. Subsidized agricultural insurance schemes practice shows that this policy instrument is cost-ineffective and disturbs agricultural markets in many different ways. The main purpose of this paper is to show specific character of agricultural insurance and summary of experiences with this kind of insurance, which suggest that subsidized agricultural insurance may be not the best option of assisting agricultural producers’ risk management efforts.
Jednym z ważniejszych elementów reformy wspólnej polityki rolnej będzie wprowadzenie subsydiowanych ubezpieczeń rolnych jako elementu polityki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Praktyka funkcjonujących od lat programów dotowanych ubezpieczeń rolniczych wskazuje jednak, że jest to instrument bardzo kosztowny i generujący wiele niepożądanych efektów. W pracy przedstawiono specyfikę ubezpieczeń rolnych oraz bilans doświadczeń związanych z ich funkcjonowaniem, skłaniający do krytycznego spojrzenia na tę metodę ograniczania ryzyka dochodowego rolników.
Insufficient information is the main reason for the limited number of concluded contracts of insurance against losses in the process of agricultural production. Barriers to information flow distort both the demand and supply curves. Consequently, the prices at which insurance protection is offered are too high in the opinion of most farm producers. Since a well-functioning agricultural production insurance market would involve many measurable advantages, governments of many states intervene in order to cut insurance policy prices. Nevertheless, as a result of the unsolved problem of information asymmetry, usually only a small group of farms, involved in particularly risky kinds of production, as well as private insurers become the main beneficiaries of these activities.
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