Maintenance is a very important activity, which is necessary for the good operation of any technical system, even for the hydraulic drive systems. The predictive maintenance evaluates the state of technical performances of a system, by identifying the wear and thus avoiding the failures of the equipment. Using three methods of the predictive maintenance, namely infrared thermography, vibration analysis and oil analysis, the authors present their results of an experimental research on hydraulic pumps. The authors obtained thermograms, vibration spectra and diagrams of the oil contaminants which helped them indicate the proper or the malfunction of the studied pumps. Although they were only made on pumps, their investigations highlight the need of widely implementation of these modern and efficient methods in the industrial activities for the quick monitoring of the hydraulic machinery and equipment wear, before their failure occurs. Obviously, the goal is to have strong maintenance instruments in hydraulic drive systems diagnosis.
Konserwacja to bardzo ważna czynność, niezbędna do prawidłowego działania każdego systemu technicznego, nawet hydraulicznych układów napędowych. Konserwacja predykcyjna ocenia stan wydajności technicznej systemu poprzez identyfikację zużycia i unikanie w ten sposób awarii urządzeń. Wykorzystując trzy nowoczesne metody konserwacji predykcyjnej, tj. termografię w podczerwieni, analizę drgań i analizę oleju, autorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań eksperymentalnych hydraulicznych pomp. Autorzy uzyskali termogramy, widma drgań i diagramy zanieczyszczeń olejowych, które pomogły wskazać prawidłową lub nieprawidłową pracę badanych pomp. Chociaż zostały wykonane tylko na pompach, ich badania podkreślają potrzebę szerokiego wdrażania tych nowoczesnych i efektywnych metod w działalności przemysłowej do szybkiego monitorowania zużycia maszyn i urządzeń hydraulicznych, zanim dojdzie do ich awarii. Oczywiście celem jest posiadanie mocnych narzędzi konserwacyjnych w diagnostyce hydraulicznych układów napędowych.
Oscillating hydraulic pressure intensifiers, of the minibooster type, are supplied at the inlet, in the primary, by low-pressure pumps and provide, at the outlet, in the secondary, high pressure to the hydraulic consumers (linear or rotary hydraulic motors under load). The pressure increase in the secondary, proportional to the amplification factor of the intensifier occurs at a much lower flow rate than the supply flow rate, and thus the two hydraulic parameters (pressure and flow rate) at the outlet of the intensifier are affected by oscillations. Because of this, the miniboosters are designed for static applications, which require low displacements of hydraulic motors. The authors aimed to expand the field of use of miniboosters by reducing the flow rate and pressure pulses with the help of hydro-pneumatic accumulators mounted on the primary and secondary of the intensifiers. If these pulsations can be mitigated, then low-pressure pump units of small dimensions, equipped with miniboosters, can be used in dynamic mining-specific applications, in complete safety, such as, for example, those involving relatively uniform displacement, under load, of some hydraulic jacks. A numerical simulation model developed in Simcenter Amesim highlights the effect of using hydro-pneumatic accumulators on the mitigation of flow rate and pressure pulsations of the oscillating hydraulic intensifiers. Numerical simulations performed with and without hydro-pneumatic accumulators mounted on the primary and secondary of the intensifier highlight the following aspects: • hydro-pneumatic accumulators can be used successfully for the partial damping of flow rate and pressure pulses, but they must be dimensioned for each specific application and work optimally for a relatively narrow pressure range; • using hydro-pneumatic accumulators can sufficiently improve the uniformity of displacement and the velocity of displacement of a hydraulic cylinder, so that it can be used in less demanding dynamic applications, as well.
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