This study illustrates the phenomenon of the confusion of prepositions in New Testament Greek. Apart from listing several examples from other writings and highlighting their significance, it focuses on the Gospel of John, with particular attention paid to the preposition εἰς.
Textual and literary criticism is an important step in the process of Bible translation. It facilitates the choice of the more original text and helps to understand the differences in textual variants. This article is, by and large, an exercise in textual criticism, with a particular focus on the story of David and Goliath in 1 Sam 17.
This article focuses on the progress of the widow‘s position in ancient Israel – from a weak, defenseless woman to a strong, brave heroine. Being a widow in patriarchal societies like ancient Israel was not easy. Widows, along with orphans and foreigners, were a social class on the edge of society in need of strong economical and legal protection. This article will focus on Judith, the main character in an OT book of the same name. First, we shall outline the position of women and widows in ancient Israel in general. Second, we shall take a closer look at the position of widows in the Book of Psalms as the largest corpus in the OT. And third, we will examine the figure of Judith as a prototype of courageous widow. According to some scholars, a possibility exists that the rehabilitation of widows and their acceptance by society was the chief motif for the composition of this book.
This study focuses on the sentence of the steward in John 2,10 about the good wine kept until now. It analyses the pronouncement in light of its context, its rhetorical composition, and the author’s lexical choices. The analysis proposes a new, context-oriented translation for Slovak audience.
This article focuses on the reception of Psalm 40 in ch. 10 of Hebrews. It introduces the ineffectiveness of the old cultic order. It shows that the sacrifices offered by the people were to atone for all their sins. But since this failed and sins were repeated, the cult became obsolete, a fact already heralded by the prophets. He then discusses the letter writer’s applied method – Christological Midrash – of enacting God’s will, where he contrasts the old cult and Christ’s work of salvation. In analysing Psalm 40, he compares its wording in Hebrews with the preface and discusses the essential emphases of the Greek textual form. The focus of the present study is the function of Ps 40:7-9 and its incorporation in ch. 10 with subsequent exegesis.
This study focuses on John Henry Newman (1801-1890), one of the great Christian intellectual leaders in modern era and one of the pioneers of the Catholic theological renewal. It maps out Newman’s Anglican preaching ministry and investigates the theme of friendship and family relations therein. In his Anglican sermons, the role of Newman’s personal relationship is palpable in Newman’s realism and personalism, his focus on the biblical characters and commemoration of Saints and the gradual development of the full-scope Catholic ecclesiology of the Communion of Saints on his journey to the Catholic Church.
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