The aim of this study is to present the impact of the new legal solutions introduced in the so-called Falsified Medicines Directive on medicine safety in the EU. For the purposes of this study, it was necessary to analyze and interpret the provisions of the said Directive and the Delegated Regulation. The guarantees of medicine authenticity, such as a code to be scanned and placed on the medicine packaging (serialization) have been discussed in the paper. These activities are aimed at reducing the market of counterfeit medicines across the EU. The research tool used in the study was the dogmatic and legal method, which made it possible to conclude, that the provisions of the Falsified Medicines Directive increase the guarantee of drug safety. Considering the fact that these regulations are apolitical, one can assume that they will be implemented in other legal systems.
Artykuł porusza problematykę funkcjonowania portu rybackiego we Władysławowie. Materia ta została omówiona poprzez przedstawienie rysu historycznego powstania tej jednostki organizacyjnej, jej wpływu na lokalne środowisko rybaków i podjęcie ostatecznych działań związanych z budową portu. Dla uformowania się portu we współczesnym kształcie duże znaczenie miały przekształcenia struktury organizacyjnej przeprowadzone w latach 1950- 1990. Wspomniane zmiany administracyjne miały wpływ na zakres prowadzonej działalności i formy współpracy z lokalnym środowiskiem rybackim. Wszystkie te elementy stały się szczególnie ważne w okresie komunalizacji portów i działań związanych ze zmianami strukturalnymi portów rybackich w Polsce.
The article discusses the functioning of the fishing harbour in Władysławowo. It presents brief history of the harbour, including the influence local fishermen community had on its foundation. The harbour as it is today has been shaped by the transformations of its organizational structure undertaken between 1950 and 1990. The aforementioned administrative changes exerted influence on the scope of the harbour’s activities and forms of cooperation with local fishermen community. All these elements played an important part during communalization of harbours and other processes concerning structural transformations of fishing harbours in Poland.
This article undertakes an analysis of preventative problems faced by national authorities when dealing with infectious animal diseases. This examination is based on the example of the pathogenic avian influenza, commonly known as ‘bird flu’. Its incidence is comparatively varied among the EU member states; a result of a number of factors which influence the occurrence and spread of said virus, including, but not limited to, climate, species of domesticated fowl on farms, veterinarian practices, and the general movements of birds in a given area. These factors affect the occurrence of said disease in a majority of European states, as observed in the relatively rapid spread of the disease between countries. The objective of the article is to answer the questions of how Poland’s current regulations work practically in combating the considered disease, and whether these current regulations are sufficient. The analysis uses the dogmatic method focusing on the general, effective regulations and local laws. The examination ends with closing remarks.
Artykuł podejmuje próbę analizy problematyki zapobiegania przez właściwe organy państwa rozpowszechnianiu się chorób zakaźnych zwierząt. Zagadnienie to zostanie przedstawione na przykładzie wirusa zjadliwej grypy ptaków. Zapadalność na nią jest stosunkowo zróżnicowana w poszczególnych państwach unijnych, co wynika z określonych czynników, które wpływają na powstanie czy też rozwój samego wirusa. Do nich można zaliczyć między innymi: klimat, gatunek ptactwa hodowanego w gospodarstwach rolnych, praktyki weterynaryjne oraz przemieszczanie się samych ptaków na określonym obszarze. Wspomniane czynniki wpłynęły na wystąpienie tej choroby w dużej liczbie państw europejskich. Jak można zauważyć, choroba ta szerzyła się stosunkowo szybko pomiędzy poszczególnymi państwami. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak regulacje prawne w praktyce przyczyniają się do zwalczania wspomnianej choroby oraz czy istniejące rozwiązania prawne są wystarczające. W artykule zastosowano metodę dogmatyczną polegającą na analizie przepisów powszechnie obowiązujących oraz prawa miejscowego. Całość zamykają wnioski końcowe.
The article discusses a currently significant issue of administrative law regulations concerning foodstuffs and food additives. They both function in the law as dietary supplements. Distinguishing between dietary supplements and medicinal products is crucial, as it entails different law regulations, different registration procedures, and it allows to determine competent public administration authorities. If a product is considered a dietary supplement, it is then dealt with in terms of the Act on food and nutrition safety. As far as advertising of dietary supplements is concerned, it is not allowed to mislead consumers.
Purpose: The authors analyze the decisions made from March to September 2020 which affected the functioning of Polish health care facilities. According to the authors, that period determined and significantly influenced the decisions taken by state authorities during the subsequent waves of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of the issue presented in the paper will be a descriptive one. The research exploration will be carried out using the desk research method. Findings: Analyses of secondary and compilation documents showed that the authorities of the Republic of Poland were not prepared to manage the state in unprecedented conditions caused by the first wave of the pandemic, and the decisions taken at that time by public administration bodies were chaotic, not always well thought out and often influenced by public opinion. Originality/value (mandatory) The article can be considered original due to the fact that it combines an analysis of Polish legal acts issued during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic with, above all, an analysis of their social effects. The analyses showed that Polish authorities were not prepared for the pandemic crisis. The article is addressed to state administration employees as well as employees and students of universities with majors in national defense, public safety, medicine, medical rescue and public health. It may become a basis for developing legal acts of a preventive nature, which can be immediately applied in the event of another epidemic.
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