Ryškiausia visuomenių vystymosi tendencija tapusi globalizacija akivaizdžiai veikia miestų vaizdą ir visuomenes. Globalizuojančių veiksnių paskatinti miestų pokyčiai dažniausiai susiję su gyvenamosios aplinkos vienodėjimu, erdvių fragmentacija ir komercializacija. Miestų visuomenėse pastebimi tradicinių teritorinių bendruomenių nykimo, suburbanizacijos, gentrifikacijos ir išsisluoksniavimo procesai, turintys įtakos ne tik gyvenimo kokybei miestuose, bet ir jų vaizdui. Šie miestų ir visuomenių pokyčiai ryškiausiai pasireiškia per šimtmečius susiformavusiose istorinėse miestų dalyse. Siekiant darnaus miestų vystymosi, svarbu analizuoti globalizuojančių veiksnių įtaką miestams ir jų istorinėms dalims, ieškoti galimybių pasinaudoti šių veiksnių teikiama socialine-ekonomine nauda ir išvengti neigiamo jų poveikio miestų savitumui ir visuomenėms. Analizuojama globalizuojančių veiksnių įtaka miestams, jų istorinėms dalims ir visuomenėms, pateikiamos galimos globalizacijos įtakos optimizavimo istorinėje aplinkoje urbanistinės priemonės Kauno istorinio centro pavyzdžiu.
Globalization, prevailing trend of development of contemporary societies, inevitably influences visual and social aspects of cities. Changes of cities influenced by globalization are usually associated with increasing uniformity of residential environment, decline of public spaces, fragmentation and commercialization of urban environment. Decline of traditional territorial communities, suburbanization, gentrification, and stratification are also observed in urban societies. These processes not only influence quality of life in urban territories, but also their visual characteristics. Changes of urban environment and societies influenced by globalizing processes strongly affect city's historic environment. Striving towards sustainable development of cities it is necessary to analyze the impacts of globalization on urban environment, historic centers and districts and to search for possibilities to use its social and economic benefits and to avoid its negative influence on city's identity and society. The influence of globalizing processes on cities, their historic environment and societies is discussed in the paper and the proposed model for optimization of the influence of globalization on historic environment with urban design means is presented. The proposed model is applied to Kaunas historic center.
Free standing billboards (FSBs) have a significant negative visual impact on landscape. In majority of foreign countries the construction of FSBs is regulated by various legal instruments, guidelines, and control manuals. In Lithuania the construction of FSBs considering visual impact is poorly regulated by juridical and spatial planning means. Considering this situation methodological guidelines for regulation of FSB construction taking into account their visual impact were created. The guidelines are a part of the Landscape Guidelines for the Roads and Railways of National Significance [10] which is a manual set to fulfil the requirements of the European Landscape Convention [4] to broaden the knowledge on this subject and to integrate landscape issues into all matters that influence the state and the future of landscape. The aim of the article is to show the possibilities of application of the guidelines by performing visual impact assessment of FSBs in the road landscape near the town of Elektrėnai on one of the main highways of Lithuania: A1 Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipėda. The proposed stages of FSB visual impact assessment are the following: analysis of landscape spatial structure designating visual spaces perceived from separate road sections; analysis of FSB layout possibilities designating visual spaces protected from FSB construction and visual spaces as FSB construction areas; establishment of possible visual contrast level of FSB, and establishment of FSB location in visual space and visual contrast character according to the Identity Index context (Similarity, Identity, Difference Index) theory and results of evaluation of aesthetic potential of the visual space. In the performed research we used the possibilities of spatial data management and analysis of geographic information systems (GIS) and basically implemented the first three stages of FSB visual impact assessment. The fourth stage was not implemented because it deals mainly with technical issues of FSBs. We tried to solve questions that are most important on the level of spatial planning when developing special plans for FSB construction.
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