The increase in summer temperatures is intensifying and causing the rise of air pollution by photochemical transformation. The main source of pollution in cities are vehicles. Calculations of a convective jet from the warm surface of intersections and overpasses have been performed and the secondary formaldehyde contamination by photochemical transformations was estimated. It was shown that the non-carcinogenic risk is significantly increased with the concentration. At temperatures above 30°C, the non-carcinogenic risk is more than 10 (significant) and requires in-depth studies of the harmful influences. Carcinogenic risk ranges from the median to acceptable and requires dynamic control and in-depth studies. Reducing the risk is possible by "green" design: "green" roofs, vertical greening, facade blocks, etc. Using phytoncide plants destroys the pathogenic microflora and improves the microclimate of the premises. Proposed is an assortment of plants suitable for medical and educational buildings within a continental climate area.
Wzrost temperatur w lecie nasila się i powoduje wzrost zanieczyszczenia powietrza poprzez transformację fotochemiczną. Głównym źródłem zanieczyszczenia w miastach są pojazdy. Wykonano obliczenia strumienia konwekcyjnego z ciepłej powierzchni skrzyżowań i wiaduktów oraz oszacowano wtórne zanieczyszczenie formaldehydem przez transformacje fotochemiczne. W temperaturach powyżej 30°C ryzyko nierakotwórcze wynosi więcej niż 10 (znaczące) i wymaga dogłębnych badań dotyczących szkodliwości. Ryzyko rakotwórczości waha się od mediany do akceptowalnej i wymaga systematycznej kontroli i dogłębnych badań. Zmniejszenie ryzyka jest możliwe dzięki „zielonemu” projektowi: „zielone” dachy, pionowe zazielenienie, bloki elewacyjne itp. Zastosowanie roślin fitonitowych niszczy patogenną mikroflorę i poprawia mikroklimat przedwczesnych zmian. W artykule zaproponowano gatunki roślin odpowiednich do budynków medycznych i edukacyjnych w strefie klimatu kontynentalnego.
Research contains assessing of the risk of heat stress and the improvement of the comfort of being outdoors for the urban population. The specialized TownScope program, banks of monitoring data of the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory were used for the calculations. Calculations were made for the first climatic zone of Ukraine. On the example of the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region, a widespread U-shaped construction scheme of a five-section, nine-story residential building was chosen. In the calculations, the influence of the surrounding buildings was excluded, and the surface of the courtyard was decided to be free of trees and bushes to exclude the influence of unpredictable shading in the calculations. To obtain calculation data, the authors prepared a corresponding 3D model of the building and exported it to the 3Ds format. The temperature of the facades and the courtyard at different orientations with respect to the cardinal points was calculated. Graphs of the dependence of the amount of direct solar radiation falling on the surface per hour during daylight hours are plotted. The heating temperature of the surfaces of building facades and the underlying surface from solar radiation during one hour of daylight was determined according to the formula of A.M. Shklover. This research makes it possible to apply relevant innovative technologies of “green construction” both at the design stage and during the operation of the existing building.
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