Franciszek and Jadwiga Gawrońscy, the citizens of Uniejów, who wanted to build a house near the city market but did not have sufficient funds, decided to take out a loan. Itzig Łęczycki, a Jewish merchant, agreed to lend them 1000 Polish złotys, which were to be paid to them in instalments during the process of construction. In return he could rent for three years a part of this house which was intended for a stall. After that time Gawrońscy were obliged to return the whole sum to the lender. The burghers’ shortage of funds was probably due to a fire in the city some time earlier. Jews, on the other hand, having no property in Uniejów at that time, had to rent premises from burghers-possessors.
Życiorysy wielu duchownych z okresu staropolskiego pełniących urząd proboszczów parafii szadkowskiej, jak również dziekanów szadkowskich zostały opublikowane w postaci krótkich biogramów. Niniejszy artykuł poszerza wiedzę na temat jednego z nich, żyjącego na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. - ks. Michała Mieczko Żdzenickiego.