Some figures are based on a change in the orthography or phonology of a single word and others incorporate the context and visual form of a word. In contrast to the changes made accidentally and treated as vices, figures are considered conscious choices made by the speaker or writer in order to reveal a double meaning, display eloquence or brilliance. Because grammar describes only regular and categorial phenomena in languages, for the sake of describing irregular and occasional processes it is worth taking into account the usefulness of rhetoric terms. In the following paper I discuss figures resulting from the word structure.
In axiological argumentation that refers to issues concerning matters of ethics, politics, or aesthetics, a warrant is derived from a general axiological base, which consists of propositions that are accepted by a particular social group. Such a warrant is supported by ideology, understood as a relatively well organized set of evaluative propositions (justified within frames of the given system). In axiological argumentation beliefs are represented by cultural objects that serve as the arguments. Cultural objects are universals, which have a culturally developed interpretation. Sub-type of cultural objects are ideological objects. In argumentative discourse the arguer applies the loaded axiological definitions, in which individual objects play the role of definiendum whereas definiens is represented by ideological objects, which are emotionally loaded. The main objective of this type of discourse is not changing beliefs, but generating the excitement of the audience for rudimentary premises that refer to the ideological beliefs shared by the same groups to which the sender belongs. The main purpose of this article is to show how ideological objects constitute the emotional base of the discourse.
Argumentacja aksjologiczna odnosi się do kwestii dotyczących etyki, polityki albo estetyki. W tego rodzaju argumentacji źródłem gwaranta jest ogólna baza aksjologiczna, która składa się z przyjętych przez określoną grupę społeczną sądów wartościujących. Taki gwarant jest poparty przez ideologię, rozumianą jako względnie dobrze zorganizowany zbiór sądów wartościujących usankcjonowanych w ramach danej kultury. W argumentacji aksjologicznej sądy są reprezentowane przez obiekty kulturowe, które służą jako argumenty. Podklasą obiektów kulturowych są obiekty ideologiczne. W dyskursie argumentacyjnym używa się definicji wartościujących, w których poszczególne obiekty indywidualne grają rolę definiendum, podczas gdy definiens jest reprezentowany przez nacechowane emocjonalnie obiekty ideologiczne. Głównym celem tego rodzaju dyskursu nie jest zmiana przekonań, ale indukowanie w odbiorcach emocji, które odwołują się do ideologii wyznawanych przez grupę, do której należy nadawca. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób konstruowane są obiekty ideologiczne i jak ich konstrukcja wpływa na emocjonalną podstawę argumentacji.
Quarrel is atype of agonistic dialogue regulated by the principle of negative cooperation. Its aim is to win with the person and not with his views, which are of secondary importance. The main source of quarrel are negative emotions which is also why it is asubstitute of physical aggression, to which it can actually lead in case of an uncontrolled development. Quarrel is the lowest and the final level of argumentative dialogue, which all the uncontrolled discussions are bound to achieve. As long as the dialogue lasts, though, there are some minimal dialectic rules which — once determined — enable a normative description of the phenomenon of a quarrel.
Grammatical structures, both regular, strongly embedded in the language, and those which are exceptions from a synchronic viewpoint, are not only carriers of certain cultural messages, but also mirrors of the way of perceiving the world. The lingual representation of the world recorded in the grammar of the Polish language is comprised, among others, of the following features: anthropocentrism, that is observable both in lexis and grammar; a hierarchical-patriarchal structure of society supported by, among other things, the masculine-personal gender and honorific pronouns; xenophobia and national megalomania, and efforts to avoid responsibility. The objective of this paper is to show how language influences the thinking and behaviour of people, and consequently it maintains a specific, negative autostereotype of Poles. The analysed material was excerpted from grammar textbooks originating from the end of the 18th century to the present day.
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