There are plenty of reasons for which tax rights arc changed. One of the reason is change in extent of political and economical system in the country. According to every very new decree taxation is being changed and adapted lo be consistent with political and economical policy which forces different rules in tax policy. However either current political system or economical one is stable they both are often said to be improved what is usually joined with necessity of changing taxation. The income tax act passed in July 26th 1991 has forced lor 12 years and it’s obligation is to make taxation changes approved in 2004 understandable and comprehensible from the national budget and taxpayers point of view.
Technical, technological, IT and organisational progress is most evident in industry. In a situation where innovations are accompanied by structural and political changes, it is all about restructuring. In Poland, restructuring processes occurred most frequently in the 1990s. Currently, the phenomenon still occurs, but on a much smaller scale, with the transformations concerning generic, personnel and processes structures. The textile industry is still significant and is a hallmark of the Łódź region in Poland. The recent past has shown that companies from the textile industry, although very fragmented, remain on the market and are doing well in the new economic system. The purpose of the study is to assess the financial condition of municipalities and cities with district rights in the context of the restructuring activities of the textile sector, with particular emphasis on local government units of the Łódź region in the years 2007-2017. The work consists of three parts. In the first, the authors include theoretical premises for the restructuring of enterprises. The second part contains research hypotheses which have been empirically verified with an econometric model developed in the last part of the work. The purpose of the econometric model is to describe the relationship between the self-financing indicator and the explanatory variables, which largely describe the financial condition of enterprises in the textile sector in Poland over the period between 2007 and 2017. The results of the research conducted allow to conclude that the financial condition of communes and cities with district rights is diverse, and is affected by factors related to the location, type and level of development of local government units. In addition, the restructuring which took place in industry, in particular the textile industry, had a positive impact on the financial condition of local governments, in particular on their level of self-financing.
Celem artykułu była identyfikacja uwarunkowań kondycji finansowej, ocena jej zróżnicowania oraz wskazanie determinant wpływających na jej poziom w gminach i miastach na prawach powiatu w kontekście działań restrukturyzacyjnych sektora tekstylnego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem JST aglomeracji łódzkiej w latach 2007-2017. Praca składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej z nich autorki zawarły teoretyczne przesłanki restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw. W drugiej części zawarto hipotezy badawcze, które w ostatniej części pracy zostały empirycznie zweryfikowane poprzez opracowanie modelu ekonometrycznego. Celem skonstruowanego modelu ekonometrycznego jest opisanie zależności między wskaźnikiem samofinansowania, a zmiennymi objaśniającymi, które w dużej mierze opisują kondycje finansową przedsiębiorstw sektora włókienniczego w Polsce na przestrzeni lat 2007-2017. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, iż kondycja finansowa gmin i miast na prawach powiatu jest zróżnicowana, a wpływ na to wywierają czynniki związane z położeniem, typem oraz poziomem rozwoju JST. Ponadto restrukturyzacja, która miała miejsce w przemyśle, w szczególności przemyśle włókienniczym wywarła pozytywny wpływ na kondycję finansową samorządów, a w szczególności na jej poziom samofinansowania.
The authors present a complex definition of the local authorities activity concept in connec- tion with most common concepts of public finance: the decentralisation of public finance and the decentralisation of local tasks. The authors emphasise the complexity of relations between these concepts and the impact of this complexity of relations in the context of public finance crisis, activities aiming at reduction of discrepancies between regions, etc. The article shows also the need of detailed economic and law analysis and broad, professional discussions, taking into account, as the starting point, the analogy between Poland and Spain.
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