Social insurance was conceived from a great thought of the social caution, from the thought of protection of an uncertain future. That thought of caution, during the time of development of social insurance, was implemented by the public entities on the one hand and by the civil activity on the other one. However, the process of creation of the social insurance system in Poland did not represent the policy of caution executed by the state. The only sign of caution could be seen with reference to the insurance associations as there the participants decided whether to enter the system or not whereas the state executed the policy of giving privileges to the certain social groups.
Permanent and high unemployment level in Poland of the period between the two World Wars compelled the authorities to take actions resulting in reduction in the dimensions of the problem. The situation aggravated during the period of the great crisis. The action taken by Government in order to reduce an increase in the unemployment rate turned out to be counterproductive as it resulted in a growing number of the youth without work. A labor service was to be a response to this situation. The first labor camps in the Second Republic of Poland were inevitably bound with the person of Silesian voivodship governor, Michał Grażyński and has been formed since February 1932 in Silesia. A potential of this initiative has been noticed in Warsaw immediately. It resulted in taking actions which headed towards control takeover and extension of the action. On November 17th, 1933 a social welfare department established the Unemployed Youth Welfare Association (SOM). A principal goal that has been set for SOM was to take care of the not employed youth, in particular by organizing employment for them. Building centers and labor camps, where the unemployed youths could live, work, improve and complement their professional qualifications was the key instrument to realize the above mentioned strategy. 28.224 volunteers (including 1300 female volunteers) have been given work during the 2-year period of time of an association’s activity. They worked by embankment of the Polish rivers (including Vistula, Warta, San), building roads, railways, dams and working at the request of the local governments as well. Interest in the labor centers shown by the army was one of the actual reasons of their liquidation and resulted in transformation of the labor centers into Blustering Labor Camps.
After the First World War the Republic of Poland was an agricultural country where almost 2/3 of the population of a country was cultivating. This agrarian structure, with dwarf farms, was not very profitable, because it did not give maintenance to its owner, and it had no prospects of development for the future. The most important issues were the remains of archaic ways of farming such as patchwork and land communities. Poland was not raised from the dead yet when the issue of the agrarian reforms divided politicians into two hostile camps. This state of the situation had disastrous influence on reformist conceptions because some parties had more and more radical watchwords and the other ones were falling into extreme conservatism. As a result of such conduct there was the establishment of agrarian relations. On 10th July, 1919 the Seym (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) adopted a resolution concerning the agricultural reform and on 15th July, 1920 following it a bill, which were both the result of the compromise. None of political options was satisfied of that bill, so nobody cared deeply about the realization of the bill. Władysław Grabski did not have to be concerned about the demands of the agricultural reform which were becoming more and more radical. The tension round the issue was his own fault, the consequence of the adoption of the tactic to find support in the Seym. The Prime Minister did not have any uniform, reformist manifesto. He was selecting his associates on the basis of the profit or the loss of votes in Parliament, not taking the realization of the bill into consideration. In the first half ol 1924, when the highest positions were taken by the people of the Right, Władysław Grabski was realizing the conception of the transformation of the agrarian structure using economic stimuli. Bigger properties were due to be taxed. At the same time some preparations were made to introduce State Agricultural Bank whose aim was to help in integrating of farmlands. To meet with support in Parliament Władysław Grabski resigned as Minister of Agricultural Reforms. W. Kopczyński, the candidate of the Polish Peasant Party „Liberation" was Władysław Grabski’s successor. It was unavoidable to introduce the issue of the agricultural reform in forum of the Seym where politics were more important than sober thinking. It was failure of reforms connected with the Polish country because politics once again won with a Polish raison d’etat.
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