Two of Them – the dialogue of Ignacy Karpowicz prose and Tymoteusz Karpowicz poetry This essay is about the participation of poetry Tymoteusz Karpowicz at Ignacy Karpowicz novels. The basis for writing prose is fragmented, multiplying references and styles, and above all the use of quotes and quasi citations. The article analyzed the references to the Karpowicz work occurring in three works: Gesty (2008), Balladyny i romanse (2010) and Spam (2008). This feature of the postmodern novel (Hassan) is here discussed in the perspective of the concept “rhizome” (Deleuze, Guattari). Karpowicz strips his characters with delusions of values. Both artists also connects the way contact with the customer – constantly shifting horizon of meaning results in the loss of opportunities to communicate and ultimately the possibility of incurring defeat.
The article presents the problem of animal death in the perspective of contemporary posthuman research in the field of animal studies. Manifestations of animal characters were discussed on the example of works by a contemporary Polish writer – Krystyna Kofta. Selected topics from Kofta’s works (Kot, Syf and Pawilon małych drapieżców) serve to illustrate the relationship between the fate of a woman and an animal as victims of patriarchal culture.
The essay concerns the work of Joanna Mueller, who is one of the main representatives of polish linguistic poetry. Her project combines the tradition of linguistic poetry and body experience. This strategy requires the development of a new understanding of the language, which will no longer be conceived as a trap references, but rather as one of many elements of reality. The best way to describe the work of the poet’s imagery is stratification, both in terms of the attitudes adopted by Mueller, by the subjects, to the construction of the poem. Equally important it seems to be the prospect of motherhood, both in terms of artistic activity, as well as the practices of life.
Chociaż Leksykon Hesychiosa stanowi wartościowe i wciąż nie w pełni wykorzystane żródło do badań nad wymarłymi językami antycznych Bałkanów, to jednak zachowane glosy paleobałkańskie wymagają właściwej analizy filologicznej i semantycznej. Autor analizuje pod tym kątem. dwie glosy paleomacedońskie. W pierwszym przypadku odtwarza nie tylko właściwą postać wyrazu (mac. prY:capa.) i całej glosy, ale też właściwe jego znaczenie: 'łaźnia parowa, wanna'. Zestawia następnie ów termin paleomacedoński z pokrewnymi nazwami, zachowanymi w językach germańskich (por. niem. Bad, ang. bath, stisl. ba6). W drugim przypadku autor rozważa semantyczne aspekty glosy paleomacedońskiej licMa.I i na bazie analizy etymologicznej rekonstruuje jej pierwotne znaczenie i postać (ie. *ósdoi 'gałęzie').
Libro quarto Corporis Tibulliani continentur ignoti poetae longa elegia, quae Panegyricus Messallae vulgo appeIlatur (IV, I), quinque elegiae auctoris, quem "Sulpiciae laudatorem" voco (IV, 2--6), sex brevia elegidia sub Sulpiciae nomine servata (IV, 7-12) et postremo duae elegiae TibuIlo adiudicatae (IV, 13-14). Multi viri docti iam diu disputant, qui fuerit "Sulpiciae laudator". Qui poeta talem distichi elegiaci structuram adhibere solebat, qualis ante Ovidium exculta est. Constat autem auctorem elegiarum IV, 2--6, quae de amore Sulpiciae erga Cerinthum narrant atque a muItis viris doctis Tibulli opera ducuntur, "Sulpiciae laudatorem" fuisse. Quisnam is esset et quare Matronalium die elegiam III, 8 Sulpiciae donasset, quaerebatur. Nova opinio ad ignoti poetae personam, eius vitae aetatem otiumque litterarium spectans nostro in opusculo proposita est. Ex meis investigationibus apparet Servium Sulpicium Quinti Horatii Flacci amicum aequalemque aetate (Hor., Sat., I, 10, 86), elegiarum scriptorem (Ovid., Trist., II, 441; Plin., Ep., V, 3, 5) se poetriae fratrem firmissimumque "Sulpiciae laudatorem" praestare.
The ratio of human to an animal is one of the most important relationships between nature and culture. The study of this issue can bring a new look on the body, especially the fact that today in the era of already developed animal studies. Ovid’s Metamorphoses were treated as text-pattern, which makes the transformation – the process of incorporation into an animal. The article is about the interpretation of the myth of the transfiguration mistress of Zeus nymph Io into a heifer and her attempts to communicate with the world of people using the letters. The myth of Io can thus be regarded as a story initialized to the creation of writing (the save characters), and the same placing as the animal in the center of the story – as the beginning of a discussion on the relationship occurring between what exists (nature) and what is produced (culture).
Stosunek człowieka do zwierzęcia obrazuje istotny związek między naturą i kulturą, a badanie tego zagadnienia może przynieść nowe spojrzenie na ciało, zwłaszcza na to, które dziś w dobie rozwiniętych już studiów dotyczących kwestii nieantropocentrycznych gubi ludzką postać. Metamorfozy Owidiusza potraktowane zostały jako tekst-wzorzec, w którym dokonuje się transformacja – proces wcielenia się w zwierzę. Artykuł dotyczy interpretacji fragmentu dzieła poety opowiadającego o historii przemienienia kochanki Zeusa nimfy Io w jałówkę oraz jej prób porozumienia się ze światem ludzi za pomocą pisma. Mit o Io może być zatem traktowany jako opowieść inicjalna powstania pisma (systemu zapisywania znaków), a samo umieszczenie postaci zwierzęcej w centrum opowieści jako początek dyskusji o relacji występującej między tym, co zastane (naturą), a tym, co wytworzone (kulturą).
The article presents a perspective of somatic present in the prose of Nikolai Gogol. The body is treated here as a project - a collection of body fragments. Particular attention is paid to the figure of nose, which occurs in two selected short stories entitledNose and Diary of a Madman. Therefore, any attempt to emancipate the body part is a threat to the need to preserve the face. Nose is a sense of belonging. This part of the body is thus a limit to what we used to be referred to as belonging to us. Its location creates the last bastion of perception, the selfness.
The article deals with a Baltic etymology of the river name and place name Węgra, earlier Wągra (Northern Mazovia). It is suggested that the hydronym in question derives from Yatvingian *Wungrā and Baltic *Wingrā f. ‛winding, tortuous, crooked [river]’. Yatvingian is the only Baltic language showing the depalatalization of palatalized syllabic resonants at an early period. Three examples of such an exclusive phonological process are carefully reviewed. Two glosses exemplifying the sound change are found in the so-called Polish-Yatvingian dictionary (PYD ), also known as Zinov’s dictionary: Yatv. wułkʃ ‛wolf’ (PYD 25) < Balt. *wilkas, cf. Lithuanian vilkas, Latvian vìlks, OPrus. wilkis ‛id.’; Yatv. wułd ‛to want’ (PYD 3) < Balt. *wiltēi, cf. Lith. vìltis ‛to hope’, Latv. vilt ‛to cheat, swindle, delude’. The third instance, Yatv. wurszajtis ‛an aged priest offering a goat’ (cf. Lith. viršáitis ‛village-mayor, village-chief, elder in a village’, Latv. virsaitis ‛village-mayor’), is mentioned in the 16th century AD in Jan and Hieronim Malecki’s testimony on the Sudovians (i.e. Y atvingians) inhabiting the Sambia Peninsula.271-
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Purpose: In my paper I discuss the origin of the dual n-marker in Tocharian (Toch. B -ne, A -m), which seems to denote natural pairs, as well as random twosomes. It is traditionally treated as an innovation of the Tocharian languages. Method: In my investigations I used the historical-comparative method. Results: Some residual facts attested in the different Indo-European languages (including Albanian, Old Prussian and Insular Celtic ones) demonstrate traces of the n-marker. Conclusion: The dual nmarker, preserved in Tocharian, is of Indo-European origin.
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The aim of this article is to find an equine motivation for several personal names attested in the territory of the Roman Lusitania. New or better Indo-European reconstructions (e.g. *melyos and *ku-melyos ‘horse; stallion’; IE. *k∂nkilos and *k∂nkanos ‘horse’, as well as the root *k∂nk-) in reference to the animal terminology are suggested. The distribution of the reflexes of IE. *ekwos ‘horse’ and *k∂nkilos / *k∂nkanos ‘id.’ in the area of the Hispanic Peninsula is carefully explained. Finally it is concluded that the horse and bull were the most esteemed animals in the culture of the ancient Lusitanians.
Autorzy przychylają się do tezy o istnieniu pierwotnego rozwarstwienia dialektalnego między ludnością prabaltycką i prasłowiańską. Innymi słowy, zakładają, że nie było nigdy jednolitego języka bałto-słowiańskiego. Tezę tą wzmacniają spostrzeżeniem,że języki bałtyckie (w przeciwieństwie do słowiańskich) mają licme powiązania z językami paleobałkańskimi. Szczególnie jest to widoczne przy porównaniach leksykalnych bałtycko-greckich. Autorzy grupują liczne tego rodzaju podobieństwa leksykalne według grup tematycznych, np. zjawiska natury (por. choćby takie zestawienia jak gr. 8iJa.'dym ofiarny' i lit. dujd 'wyziew, gaz', alb. mai 'góra' i łot. mała 'brzeg').
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