On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. Should the tourism destination or its primary motivation determine its categorisation? Is there indeed a need when considering practice as well as theory? The authors of the article have attempted a discourse with both foreign and domestic literature and subsequently sought to find the perceived meaning of turystyka przyrodnicza (nature tourism) amongst students of Poznań University particularly those associated with the natural environment on their degree courses. The present article should be considered as a contribution to further work in this field theoretically as well as practically.
On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. Should the tourism destination or its primary motivation determine its categorisation? Is there indeed a need when considering practice as well as theory? The authors of the article have attempted a discourse with both foreign and domestic literature and subsequently sought to find the perceived meaning of turystyka przyrodnicza (nature tourism) amongst students of Poznań University particularly those associated with the natural environment on their degree courses. The present article should be considered as a contribution to further work in this field theoretically as well as practically
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt obecności dziedzictwa antropogenicznego na najcenniejszych obszarach przyrodniczych w Polsce, jakimi są parki narodowe. To również tego typu walory są chronione – wraz z dziedzictwem naturalnym tworzą niepowtarzalny krajobraz. Jeszcze w latach 90. XX w. zasoby kulturowe nie były wysoko cenione przez dyrekcje parków; obecnie – stają się coraz częściej wykorzystywane w kreowaniu specjalistycznej oferty turystycznej. Autorki podejmują próbę oszacowania tego dziedzictwa w odniesieniu do każdego parku; ponadto przeprowadziły one wywiad kwestionariuszowy z pracownikami parków dotyczący wyżej wymienionej kwestii.
Artykuł ma za zadanie przybliżyć problematykę pomiaru ruchu turystycznego w polskich parkach narodowych, zarówno z perspektywy teorii, jak i praktyki, na tle zagranicznych obszarów tej rangi. Badaczki poprzez badanie ankietowe pracowników tych instytucji spróbują opisać rzeczywistość oraz określić potrzeby w zakresie wykorzystywanych metod, współpracy z innymi podmiotami przy opracowywaniu programu monitoringu i jego realizacji. Najważniejszym zaś zadaniem będzie próba oszacowania zmian, jakie zaszły – bądź nie – w kreowanej przez parki funkcji turystycznej na podstawie wyników prowadzonego monitoringu turystycznego oraz ewentualnych jego modyfikacji.
The aim of this paper is to show the issues connected with the measurement of tourism flows in Polish national parks, as well as from the perspective of theory and practice, against the background of these importance foreign areas. Researchers — with the help of questionnaire survey among workers of these institutions — try to describe the reality concerning the monitoring and to determine their needs in the range of using methods, tools, cooperation with other entities during elaboration of monitoring schedule and its execution. The most important thing is to make an attempt to estimate changes, which have happened — or not — in tourist function created by Polish national parks on the basis of tourist monitoring results, and its possible modifications.
Poland is often referred as a “european fortress museum” in literature. In our country there are some objects beeng the result of the nineteenth-century’s thought of Russian, Austrian and Newprussian school. They are the subject of interest of both the passionates and researches. As a result, fortress tourism has been growing increasingly. It should be noted, that preparing fortress facilities to tourism function is different in each place in Poland, both in terms of the level and nature. Poznań is one of the cities where the fortresses are a definite tourist advantage. According to the report from researches conducted by the Poznań Local Tourist Organisation, every year the possibility to visit the fort during Fortress Weekend is one of the highlights atractions of a museum nature, available as a part of Poznan at half price. The aim of the study was to determine the profile of the fortress tourist. Age, gender and education level of the respondents were taken into account. Considerations and test results presented in this paper fill a gap in the literature of this subject.
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