Celem prowadzonych badań było określenie roli rodziców w kreowaniu zdrowego stylu życia swoich dzieci. Rodzina od najwcześniejszych lat życia dziecka kształtuje warunki sprzyjające zdrowiu, realizuje wychowanie zdrowotne, utrwala nawyki zdrowotne i staje się wzorem pozytywnych zachowań prozdrowotnych. Rodzice powinni być świadomi zadań, jakie przed nimi stoją. Zdarza się, że współczesna rodzina nie realizuje w pełni swoich zadań i przestaje być wzorem dla dzieci. W większości rodzin przekazuje się dzieciom negatywne wzorce zachowań w sferze aktywności fizycznej, odżywiania i uzależnień. W badaniach wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Pytania kwestionariusza była pytaniami zamkniętymi. Badania przeprowadzono osobiście. Przed badaniami właściwymi przeprowadzono badania pilotażowe, na grupie 60 licealistów. Badaniami właściwymi objęto ogółem 148 uczniów klas trzecich liceum ogólnokształcącego w Białej Podlaskiej, 84 dziewczynki (56,7%) i 64 chłopców (43,2%). Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań ustalono, że badani uczniowie ocenili styl życia swojej rodziny jako zdrowy mimo występującego zjawiska uzależnienia od palenia papierosów. Pomimo nałogów występujących u obojga rodziców, uczniowie za wzór zdrowego stylu życia uważali matkę. Wzorem zdrowego stylu życia dla młodzieży był też nauczyciel wychowania fizycznego. Zdaniem badanych, działaniami profilaktycznymi służącymi zdrowiu są wizyty u lekarza, a najważniejszą życiową wartością jest nauka w szkole i posiadanie przyjaciół. Zdrowie jako wartość znajduje się na przedostatnim miejscu. Badani uważają, że styl życia ich
The aim of the research was to determine the role of parents in shaping their children’s healthy lifestyles. A family creates pro-health conditions, ensures health education, consolidates health habits and constitutes an example of pro-health comportment from the earliest age. Parents should be aware of tasks that lie ahead. It happens that a modern family fails to carry out its responsibilities and ceases to serve as a model for children. Inappropriate standards of behaviour in the sphere of physical activity, nutrition and addictions have been transmitted in the majority of families. An original questionnaire was used in the research. Questions were of the open kind. The research was conducted personally. A pilot study on the group of 60 pupils was conducted before the proper one. 148 third-grade pupils from a High School in Biała Podlaska were surveyed – 84 girls (56,7%) and 64 boys (43,2%). On the basis of the results it can be stated that the pupils defined their family lifestyles as healthy despite occasional tobacco addictions within a family. A mother was presented as a role model of healthy lifestyle, in spite of the fact that both parents were addicts. A P.E. teacher was also treated as an example to be followed. According to the respondents, regular visits to a doctor can be perceived as prophylactic pro-health activities. Studying and having many friends were also mentioned as the most important values. Health as a value occupies the penultimate position. The respondents think that their family lifestyle should change. They assessed their health as good, despite frequent stomach- and headaches.
Starzenie się dotyka zarówno państwa rozwinięte jak i rozwijające się. Konsekwencją takiego stanu rzeczy są m.in. wzrastające koszty opieki zdrowotnej. Dlatego też celem polityki zdrowotnej jest stała poprawa jakości życia ludzi starszych, która polega na możliwie jak najdłuższym utrzymaniu ludzi starszych w kondycji pozwalającej na samodzielne funkcjonowanie we własnym otoczeniu. Celem badań było przedstawienie ogólnej charakterystyki pacjentów hospitalizowanych w oddziale geriatrii. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 102 pacjentów obu płci wieku 68-101 lat (81,25 ± 6,23 lat). Narzędzie badawcze stanowił kwestionariusz ankiety konstrukcji własnej oraz skala Barthel. Badania wykazały, że pogorszenie stanu zdrowia i/lub brak możliwości opieki w warunkach domowych były przyczyną hospitalizacji w oddziale geriatrycznym. Natomiast najczęściej występującymi schorzeniami zarówno w grupie mężczyzn i kobiet były zaburzenia krążenia mózgowego. Ograniczenia w utrzymaniu higieny i kontaktu z innymi osobami, były najczęściej zgłaszanymi dolegliwościami. Stan zdrowia badanych pacjentów oceniony wg skali Barthel był określony jako „średnio ciężki”.
Aging affects both the developed and the developing countries. As a consequence, healthcare costs are on the rise. That is why the aim of health policy is to improve the quality of life for the elderly, which is understood as possibly the longest ability of older people to remain self-suficient in their own environment. The aim of this study was to present the general Characteristics of patients hospitalized in geriatric ward. Research was conducted among 102 patients of both genderes between the ages of 68 and 101 (average of 81 ± 6,23 years). Research tools consisted of self-assembled questionnaire as well as Barthel scale. The research has indicated that the deterioration in the state of health and/ or the inability to maintain proper care in household conditions were the causes of hospitalization in the geriatric ward. Whereas the most common conditions in both male and female groups were cerebro-vascular disorders. Limits in hygiene and in contacts with other people were among the most reported complaints. Health state of examined patients was established as “mid-severe.”
The ability of fast response in case of increasing health problems of a child which lead directly to life-threatening situations is a necessary condition for creating opportunity of child’s survival until it will be transported to intensive care unit, where it will be provided with care by a specialist. In case of healthy children the most common cause of acute respiratory failure is obstruction of upper respiratory tract. There is an enormous variety of causes of upper airway obstruction, but the most important are the result of congenital defects, acute inflammation, anaphylactic reactions, foreign body aspiration and injuries. Consequence of the hypoventilation resulting from significant impediment of airflow through the obstructed airways is impaired gas exchange in the lungs. This leads to the increasing hypoxemia (PaO 2 <60 mmHg) and hypercapnia (PaCO2> 45 mmHg). This condition is called the total respiratory failure. The persistence of hypoventilation leads to hypoxia of vital organs (heart muscle, brain), increased anaerobic metabolism, acidosis, and inevitably to cardiac arrest as a result of homeostasis disorders. Respiratory failure is defined as acute when developing suddenly and is potentially reversible. We can find such a situation in the fast-increasing stenosis of the larynx. Symptoms of severe dyspnoea occur in a short time, but can be interrupted by an effective airway patency. Acute respiratory failure is a state of direct threat to life, which is why it is crucial to give a prompt aid to the sick child. The aim of this paper is to discuss the signs and symptoms, knowledge of which is essential for rapid identification and initial differentiation of the causes of acute upper airway obstruction in children. The principles of first-aid for children with acute respiratory failure and above all the description of life-saving procedures will be presented.
The development of civilization, economic growth, urbanization, industrialization and progress in medicine bring to the society an improvement in the quality of life, but at the same time caused changes in lifestyle, environmental conditions, and changes in the natural environment. All of these led to develop civilization diseases which have critical impact and the adverse effect on our health, about what we not always realize. In the past fifty years, about 30 new pathogens appeared causing diseases such as legionellosis, Lyme disease, and increase unexpectedly tuberculosis incidence which in some regions is associated with HIV infections. Also widespread use of antibiotics caused and still causing bacterial resistance increase to most of them. With the development of medicine and surgery, parallel effects of surgical areas and infections associated with implanted cardiac devices in the majority of the life-saving ones appeared. The development of research techniques allowed for the finding of new relationships between ecosystems in the microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract with of obesity in the society. The presence of new health aspects of civilization diseases impose pressure to create new prevention methods and public education.
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