Stres jest aktywną reakcją organizmu na stawiane mu wymagania i odbierane przez niego zagrożenia. Pojawia się jako wynik rozbieżności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami człowieka a możliwościami ich spełnienia. Celem artykułu było określenie czynników, które wywołują u menedżerów stres zawodowy. Do czynników tych można zaliczyć: brak czasu, konieczność podejmowania trudnych i pośpiesznych decyzji, problem konfliktu i niejednoznaczności roli, brak równowagi pomiędzy pracą zawodową a życiem prywatnym, rozdźwięk pomiędzy głoszonymi przez organizację wartościami a rzeczywistą ich egzekucją, nadmiar zadań, możliwość utraty pracy, pracę pod presją czasu, wysokie tempo pracy, konieczność pracy w nadgodzinach, utratę kontroli, nadmierną kontrolę, niskie wynagrodzenie, niesatysfakcjonującą karierę zawodową, dużą odpowiedzialność za ludzi i za rzeczy, pracę do późnych godzin wieczornych, zmęczenie przyczyniające się do spadku skutecznego działania, charakter stosunków interpersonalnych na linii menedżer - przełożony i menedżer - podwładny.
Stress is the active response of an organism to the challenges and threats that it faces. It appears as a result of a discrepancy between expectations and the ability to fulfill them. The purpose of the article was to determine the factors which cause stress among managers at their place of work. These factors can include shortage of time, necessity of making difficult decisions in a hurry, conflicting and ambiguous roles, the lack of balance between one's work and private live, divergence between the values propagated by an organization and their actual implementation, excessive tasks, fear of losing the job, working under time pressure, high pace of work, necessity of working overtime, loss of control, excessive control, low salary, unsatisfying professional career, big responsibility for people and assets, working till late hours, fatigue which contributes to decline of an effective performance, the nature of interpersonal relations between a manager and his/her superior as well as a manager and an employee reporting to him/her.
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This article is an attempt to take a critical look on Oskar Kolberg’s works in the context of modern methodological standards, which are accepted in the folklore research. The analysis of specific qualities of Kolberg’s material, (e.g. the way of obtaining ethnographical data, organizing them and preparing for print) leads to a few conclusions. An ambitious and innovating project (an attempt to show the connections between folk texts and folk culture in general) was partly realized, because in Kolberg’s works there is a characteristic dissonance. Some texts are placed in the group with descriptions of habits, beliefs and rituals, some in the separate sections associated with literature (e.g. “Folk novels”, “Songs”, “Proverbs”). And the third group consists of dances. The entire material is divided in two basic sections. The first one includes texts, which are recognized as closely connected with cultural context and this connection is emphasized. The second section includes texts, which are treated as autonomous and their links with other elements of folk culture are omitted and marginalized. It appears that Kolberg, despite his very modern, holistic approach to culture research, stayed in the strong influence of philological and musicological paradigms. They were not harmoniously combined, but competed which each other and gained “local victories” in particular areas of research.
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