The aim of this article is to present the problem of moral fairness of Polish insurance market. According to Polish law and Polish Brokers Code Of Conduct broker should act for the benefit of insured individuals. However, the fact that brokers are paid a courtage (broker fee) by insurers allows to doubt whether brokers always act genuinely for the benefit of their customers. Two different answers to the question were analysed: one suggested by P. Sukiennik and the other offered by J. Kliszcz. P. Sukiennik claims that broker fee must be transparent for clients. He thinks that the transparency results in lowering the total amount of commission and finally it increases the quality of brokerage. J. Kliszcz insists that nowadays regulation is sufficient in guarantying clients’ interests. He maintains that a client is not interested in getting to know the broker fee, but in lowering the total price of service. From the ethical point of view one can say that both authors tacitly accept the utilitarian perspective. However, they judge differently the existing practices and thus give different prescriptions.
The aim of the article is to present the Kantian aspects of N. Bowie and R.E. Freeman business ethics. Both authors are well-known in English-area business ethics as the thinkers working on stakeholder theory. R.E. Freeman, a founder of the stakeholder theory, stated the position called “Kantian capitalism” in 1988-1993. N. Bowie has been working on Kantian business ethics since 90‘s till now. R.E. Freeman uses the second formulation of categorical imperative to redefine the aim of the corporation. According to him the traditional definition is false, because it treats stakeholders (excluding shareholders) as means to profi t (as a traditional firm’s aim). Thus, he defines the new aim as acting for interest of all stakeholders. However, this position is sensitive to strong objections what probably caused the author himself to reject it. Furthermore, Freeman’s position seems to be rather utilitarian than Kantian: acting for other’s interest as an aim of morally good company, weighing and sacrificing interest as a method of morally good acting. N. Bowie’s application of Kantian ideas is wider and more systematic than Freeman’s approach. Nonetheless, it is also sensitive to many particular objections, especially misunderstanding of Kantian ideas. Bowie rejects the idea of purity of motive in Kantian ethics in order to justify the possibility of rational Kantian ethics application to area of business. Finally, making the possibility of application seems to be a proof for economical usefulness of Kantian ethics what makes this position close to utilitarianism too (like in Freeman case).
Celem artykułu jest analiza etycznych aspektów zalecenia brania pod uwagę interesariuszy w pracach wczesnego R.E. Freemana. Zdaniem swojego twórcy wczesna koncepcja interesariuszy nie tylko nie jest koncepcją etyczną, ale wręcz nie powinna być w taki sposób interpretowana. Uzasadnienie brania pod uwagę interesariuszy jest dla wczesnego Freemana czysto skutecznościowe, autor wprost deklaruje pozaetyczny charakter swoich prac. Głównym argumentem na rzecz etycznych interpretacji wczesnego modelu Freemana jest – mimo wszystkich ograniczeń płynących z instrumentalizmu – w praktyce często prospołeczny na poziomie skutków charakter modelu.
The aim of this article is the analysis of the prescription of taking stakeholders’ into account in early R.E. Freeman works. Accordingly to the founder of the stakeholder theory its early version is neither the ethical theory, nor should be even interpreted as such. Taking stakeholders’ into account is justified and legitimized only by effectiveness of management processes. Thus early Freeman expressly states his amoral attitude. The socially beneficial character of practical consequences of Freeman’s model, despite limitations of its instrumentalism, is the main argument in favor of ethical interpretations of the early stakeholder theory.
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