The article is exposing some results of the study in bee-keepers’ spell as a featuring trait of Ukrainians’ world-view practice; the present research is the first work of such a kind in the home ethnology. The spell belongs to that sort of ritual text that might be characterized by a vivid and most active speech with its fully evident magical strength. Spell as a genre of folklore refers to peculiar items owing to its archaic nature as well as to utilitarian functionalism, especially verbal destination, unity of sacral and profane articulation. The world-view ground of spell has been always heterogeneous as that originated and developed through the ages with fixing so prime of human world-consciousness as historically later (Christian) epistemological and axiological picture of the reality. In the paper the bee-keepers’ spell has been considered because of its religious and magical contents that has quite significant spread so in everyday bee-keeping practice (occasional aspect), as in the contents of yearly religious festivals (the calendar one). The aim of bee-keepers’ spell has been getting a concrete practical result, i.e. successful functioning of apiary.
The article describes the leading annual ritual holidays of the Ukrainian population in Galicia (Christmas, Easter, Whitsun, Ivan Kupala) based on ethnological publications from Lviv periodicals in the first half of the 19th century (Rozmaitości, Czasopisma Naukowego Księgozbioru Publicznego im. Ossolińskich, Lwowianin, Pamiętnik Lwowski, Rozmaitości dla Ludu Wiejskiego). These publications randomly collected information on spiritual culture, woven into articles of a geographic-topographic, historical-statistical, and regional nature. The article utilizes both contemporary and later research interpretations.
W artykule scharakteryzowano wiodące święta dorocznego cyklu obrzędowego Ukraińców w Galicji (Boże Narodzenie, Wielkanoc, Zielone Święta, Iwan Kupała) na podstawie publikacji etnologicznych z periodyków lwowskich I połowy XIX w. („Rozmaitości”, „Czasopisma Naukowego Księgozbioru Publicznego im. Ossolińskich”, „Lwowianina”, „Pamiętnika Lwowskiego”, „Rozmaitości dla Ludu Wiejskiego”). Odnotowywały one losowo zbierane informacje z dziedziny kultury duchowej, wplecione w artykuły o charakterze geograficzno-topograficznym, historyczno-statystycznym i regionalnym. Wykorzystano zarówno współczesne, jak i późniejsze interpretacje badawcze.
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