Catechesis is intrinsically geared towards the salvific process which goes on between God and man. This process has the structure of an interpersonal dialogue. The task of catechesis is to help young people to engage in a dialogue with God. In the structure of catechesis, pride of place goes to personal contact. It consists in the sharing of the experience of faith and human values which takes place as part of a common search for the will of God. Catechetical dialogue should be characterized by a pursuit of truth; clarity of expression; respect for the other person; transcending one’s thought patterns in order to find new possibilities for understanding and constructive cooperation through a shared quest; and the ability to remain silent and open up to the other person to understand their viewpoint from the inside.
In times of crisis the traditional model of the family, family associations are vitally needed and deserve special care of the Church. Families themselves are the domestic church, but they also need broader groups that would serve families by multiple support. Family movements are formed on the initiative of the same families or representatives of the hierarchy, but in the perspective of faith, they always reveal the presence and action of the Holy Spirit. They use a language that expresses more family involvement. In the family movements and groups it is easier to mature in the faith, because an aid is given by the whole community. Families can share their own experiences, provide witness to the faith and are able to overcome individualism. Mutual exchange leads to a deeper entering into problems of faith and the mystery of the sacrament of marriage. Various forms of family activities constitute support for families experiencing crises of faith. They help in solving family problems, deepen marital unity, and for the deeply religious, they give the possibility of apostolic commitment. Catholic family associations can be a sign of change. They can be a real challenge facing the Church and society and can be a source of renewal of the whole of Christianity. They enliven the parishes and Christian families, deepen religious awareness, create a Christian environment and thereby affect social life.
W dobie kryzysu tradycyjnego modelu rodziny zrzeszenia rodzinne są niezwykle potrzebne i zasługują na szczególną troskę Kościoła. Rodziny same w sobie są Kościołem domowym, ale potrzebują również szerszych grup, które służyłyby rodzinie wielorakim wsparciem. Ruchy rodzinne powstają z inicjatywy samych rodzin lub przedstawicieli hierarchii, jednak w perspektywie wiary zawsze ujawniają obecność i działanie Ducha Świętego. Posługują się one językiem, który wyraża lepiej zaangażowanie rodziny. W ruchach i grupach rodzinnych łatwiej dojrzewa się w wierze, ponieważ udzielana jest bezpośrednia pomoc ze strony całej wspólnoty. Rodziny mogą dzielić się własnym doświadczeniem, przekazywać świadectwo wiary oraz przezwyciężać indywidualizm. Wzajemna wymiana prowadzi do głębszego wchodzenia w problemy wiary oraz w tajemnicę sakramentu małżeństwa. Różne formy zrzeszonej aktywności rodzin stanowią wsparcie dla rodzin przeżywających kryzysy wiary, są pomocą w rozwiązywaniu problemów rodzinnych, pogłębiają jedność małżeńską, a głęboko wierzącym dają możliwość zaangażowania apostolskiego. Zrzeszenia rodzin katolickich mogą być znakiem przemiany, prawdziwym wyzwaniem skierowanym do Kościoła i społeczeństwa oraz źródłem odnowy całego chrześcijaństwa. Ożywiają one parafie i rodziny chrześcijańskie, pogłębiają świadomość religijną, tworzą środowiska chrześcijańskie, a przez to wpływają na kształt życia społecznego.
Activating is considered one of the important educational functions. One can mention here theater or expressive animation, social-cultural or cultural animation, animation of one’s free time and holidays, as well as animation as a technique used for work in a group. The animating attitude does not mean a special initiative on the part of the educator. It is understood as his/her way of life and of being active. By some acts the educator reflects love towards life, giving life, care for its development, care for a man’s good and happiness, especially a young man’s. A Christian educator should care about creating room inside the educated group for young people’s active participation in making decisions that will determine the direction, in which the life of the community will go. The involvement of the Christian educator is not a usual outward activeness, but it issues from the awareness that the Divine Kingdom on earth is in the man’s hands.
Prayer is an encounter expressing man's bond with God. At the basis of this encounter there is faith in the existence and love of personal God. During praying entrance occurs into a personal relation not only with God, but with another man as well. An encounter with another man in prayer, connected with a trusting call for blessing, changes the relation between the persons, creates an internal bond, in which prejudice gives way to mutual openness. Liturgy is a special dimension of the God-man interaction, in which dialog takes place by means of liturgical signs. In the catechetical formation intellectual education is recommended, but raising religious sensitivity, being open to God’s gifts, building a community and acceptance of everything that Christ offers through the Church, is more important. The catechist plays the priority role in developing the communication between God and man in the pupils that are catechized. In order to meet this demand he himself has to feel the need of prayer and of bearing witness. In using prayer the catechist's creative attitude is necessary. He should find out about the religiousness of the given class, their intellectual possibilities, spiritual sensitivity, the ability to reflect, and their general state of faith that was acquired in their homes. He has to synchronize prayer with the Church, parish or school feasts, as well as with the important situations in the pupils' lives, spontaneous requests made by the catechized, with the environment they live in, and with the esthetic qualities of the room where the lesson takes place.
Catechesis and liturgy enable the Church to fulfill its saving mission awarded by the Christ. Preaching the word is to lead to the celebration of liturgy. The heart of the catechesis and faith of those who receive the message of salvation is the mystery of the Christ celebrated in liturgy. As catechesis is essential to gain understanding and ultimate experience of liturgy, a catechesis that supports and translates liturgical values into daily life is indispensable. Catechesis should relate to liturgical experience, consolidate its values, point to the richness of life renewed in Christ and propose ways of attaining sainthood in daily work. The characteristic element of liturgy is the language of celebration, which imparts significance to the celebration in the process of transmission of faith. Liturgy also uses symbolic language, which is an indispensable way of expressing and sharing religious experience. Symbols can help catechesis to resist the temptation of teaching only, because they bring teaching closer to daily life and add necessary dynamism to catechesis.
In the first centuries, Christian formation in the life of the Church as well as in the home was based on the Bible. Listening to the Word of God, reflecting on it, accepting it and putting it into practice in daily life was considered the most perfect catechesis. Sacred Scripture took first place in teaching , educating and everyday life. Contemporary catechesis should also remain in close relation to Sacred Scripture. Without the Word of God present in the Bible, catechesis would be an ineffective activity. The Post-Conciliar Church discovered anew that the community is of priceless value for catechetical spiritual ministries. As one cannot imagine the Christian community without good catechesis, so it is impossible to conceive of good catechesis without the participation of the community. The significance of the community in catechetical delivering of the Word of God cannot be underestimated. Proclaiming the Word of God in catechesis is not just directed to individual people, but to the entire community. They are the appropriate addresses of the message of salvation, contributing to the growth of the faith community. The community, in which the Word of God is proclaimed, multiplies the formation effectiveness of its members, fosters the conditions for deepening interpersonal relationships, for sharing faith, and develops and deepens brotherly love.
Permanent formation is related to periodic formation and is understood as its extension, undertaken in order to empower the teacher to participate in contemporary religious education and its curriculum design. Therefore, the nature, the contents and the methodology of permanent formation all depend on the degree and type of educational background acquired through academic courses. The major function of the permanent formation is making the teachers capable of personal growth through enhancing the professional skills they developed during the studies. The effectiveness of religious education is not, first and foremost, dependent on the contents and methods of instruction, but on the teacher: his/her personal maturity and spiritual advancement, his acquaintance with contemporary life, his interpersonal skills and readiness to stay in dialogue with others. Rapid changes in human mentality and the deeper understanding of what religious education really is impose a challenge upon the teacher to undertake permanent formation, in both the realm of the matter and of the spirit; intellectual and methodological. The formation of the religion teacher largely depends on his/her acquisition of declarative and procedural knowledge, but the main task they face is their becoming pro-active and empowered, so that they can see their strong points, make them even stronger and use them effectively for influencing their environment. Personal growth needs constant improvement and requires sensitivity to the need of renewal and social participation. Of utmost importance is the teacher's opening to God and to the problems of contemporary world, his/her contemplation of the Bible and active participation in the life of the Church. All these efforts should shape the religion teacher into a dynamic, pro-active person, capable of effective interpersonal contact. Otherwise, the teacher is very unlikely to be effective in his/her didactic impact. The proper understanding and profiling of the teacher's formation − which takes part in the community and through the community − ensures effective catechetical education.
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