Предметом настоящей статьи является анализ языковых стратегий выражения оценочности в текстах, выполняющих побудительную функцию. Предетавлеiнны й материал выписан из статей и политических комментариев, орубликованных в польской печати („Лад” „Газета Выборча” , „Трибуна Люду”) во время предвыборной кампании 1989 г. Установка на оценочность изложения, сущностью которой является приписывание объекту признака ‘положительный’ или ‘отрицательный’ с точки зрения определенного качества, - основное средство побудительности, цель которого, в свою очередь, заключается в убеждении читателя в том, что хорошо, и что плохо, и далее - в воздействии на его поведепие. Аксиологизация рассматриваемых текстов проводится прежде всего с помощью всех лексических средств, которые можно классифицировать следующим образом: оценочная, модальная, эмоционально окрашенная лексика, а также слова, указывающие на категорию значительности или исключительности и фразеологизмы. Среди стилистических средств в той же функции изпользуются: метафора, гипербола и особенно ирония.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest ukazanie wymiaru regionalnego i ponadregionalnego tekstów folkloru poetyckiego. Podstawą rozważań są pieśni zbójnickie z Podhala, zapisane w kilku zbiorach etnograficznych, przede wszystkim w Dziełach wszystkich Oskara Kolberga. Do znamion regionalnych (podhalańskich) omawianych pieśni należą: tematyka zbójnicka, cechy fonetyczno-gramatyczne i leksykalne gwary podhalańskiej, a także użyte w funkcji poetyckiej zapożyczenia słowackie. Wymiar ponadregionalny nadaje zaś owym pieśniom operowanie typowymi środkami poezji ludowej, takimi jak zdrobnienia, archaizmy leksykalne i gramatyczne, transakcentacje, asemantyczne słownictwo meliczne, zgodność granic wersów z granicami zdań i grup składniowych, system sylabiczny, rymy żeńskie, dublety morfologiczne, powtórzenia. W tekstach pieśni zbójnickich ujawnia się też typowa dla folkloru różnych regionów wariantywność tekstów.
The aim of the article is to present the regional and general dimension of poetic folklore texts. The analysis is based on outlaw songs of Podhale recorded in several ethnographic compilations, above all in Oskar Kolberg’s Dzieła wszystkie. The regional hallmarks of Podhale include outlaw themes, phonetic, grammatical and lexical features of the local dialect of the Podhale region and Slovak borrowings used as poetic devices. The universal dimension of these songs is seen in the use of typical devices of folk poetry such as diminutives, lexical and grammatical archaisms, displaced accent, non-lexical vocables, end-stopping, feminine rhymes, morphological doublets and repetitions. The great variation of texts of each song is also universally typical for folklore.
Artykuł zawiera omówienie graficzno-fonetycznych właściwości dwóch listów Jana (Hioba) Boreckiego, prawosławnego metropolity kijowskiego w latach 1620–1631. Listy te, adresowane do księcia Krzysztofa Radziwiłła, datowane jeden na 1624 rok, drugi na 1629 rok, zachowały się w rękopisach, nie są jednak najprawdopodobniej autografami. Pod względem językowym reprezentują one polszczyznę południowokresową XVII wieku, czyli historyczną odmianę regionalną języka polskiego używaną na dawnych Kresach Południowo-Wschodnich, pozostającą pod wpływem języka ruskiego (ukraińskiego). Analiza językowa, ograniczona do przedstawienia kresowych regionalizmów fonetycznych, wykazała, że badane listy poświadczają szereg istotnych cech tejże odmiany, takich jak np. przejście grupy eń w ę w pozycji przed spółgłoską szczelinową s, wygłosowe -ć w miejscu -c, przejście ś w R przed C, zachowanie C przed samogłoskami innymi niż i, mieszanie spółgłosek l i ł, formy z r w miejscu rz oraz formy hiperpoprawne z rz (lub rż) zamiast r, formy z twardą grupą ke oraz ky i inne. Niektóre właściwości bardzo charakterystyczne dla polszczyzny południowokresowej, jak np. redukcja i zwężenie samogłoski nieakcentowanej, nie znalazły jednak w analizowanych tekstach swojego potwierdzenia.
The article includes graphical and phonetic description of two letters written by Jan (Hiob) Borecki, the Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev in the years 1620–1631. Addressed to prince Krzysztof Radziwiłł, the letters dated 1624 and 1629 were preserved as manuscripts, but probably they are not autographs. In terms oflanguage, they represent the Polish language of the Southern Borderland in the 17th century – the historical regional variety of the Polish language of former South-Eastern Borderland, influenced by the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) language. Linguistic analysis, restricted to depicting the phonetic regionalisms of the Borderland, has shown that the examined letters authenticate many significant features of the variety in question, such as for example: transition of the eń group into ę while before fricative consonant s, occurrence of the final ć in the place of c, transition of ś into R before C, the way C was used before vowels other than i, mixing of consonants l and ł, forms including r in the place of rz as well as hypercorrect forms including rz (or rż) in the place of r, forms with strong ke, ky and other groups. However, there are some features that are characteristic for the Polish language of the Southern Borderland, for example reduction and narrowing of an unstressed vowel which are not confirmed in the analysed texts.
The article concentrates on road safety in Poland, which is one of the countries with a high number of fatalities in European Union. As the passenger cars are the mostly involved in traffic accidents with fatalities, this type of vehicles was analyzed to check relationship between age of the vehicle and its involvement in accidents with fatalities. This type of scientific analysis was made for the first time. For carrying out this research, a method of estimating passenger car fleet in motion in Poland was designed, as the official data were not updated and provided wrong information. The updated information on passenger car fleet when compared with that on the age of vehicles involved in road accidents with fatalities showed that the age of a vehicle has influence on the occurrence of road accidents in Poland. Presented data showed that the fact that people involved in accidents are at a higher risk of loss of life depends on the age of a vehicle. The data from analysis conducted between 2014 and 2015 showed that the risk of being killed increases with the age of the vehicle. Chances of the loss of life of people involved in accident participants are three times more in the case of more than 21 year old cars compared to 5 years old cars.
Przedmiotem opisu uczyniono formułę zalecenia służb (oddania usług) poświadczoną w epistolografii polskiej XVII i XVIII wieku. Przedstawiono strukturę formalno-semantyczną formuły oraz jej ewolucję, wykazując m.in., że w XVII w. tworzyła ona integralną całość z formułą oddania się łasce, np. oddawać (zalecać) usługi łasce, zaś w XVIII w. łączyła się z kategorią powinności, np. być w obowiązku usług, a ponadto przybierała nową postać typu czekać na rozkazy || czekać rozkazów. Wskazano powiązania formuły służebnej z innymi aktami etykiety epistolarnej doby średniopolskiej oraz z ówczesnym modelem grzeczności szlacheckiej.
In the paper, a formal form of proposing services evidenced in Polish epistolography of the 17th and 18th centuries is described. The formal and semantic structure of the formula and its evolution has been presented to show, among other things, that in the 17th century the said formula was an integral whole with the formula of applying oneself to grace, e.g. oddawać (zalecać) usługi łasce (‘apply (propose) service to grace’) whereas in the 18th century it was associated with the category of responsibility, e.g. być w obowiązku usług (‘be obliged to serve’) and it assumed new forms such as czekać na rozkazy or czekać rozkazów (‘await orders’). Moreover, it has been indicated that the service formula was also related to other acts of Middle Polish epistolary etiquette and the nobility politeness model at that time.
The article presents results and the way of providing research project on indepth crash study on scene of accidents of 385 Powered Two-Wheelers (motorcyclists, motorists) and 116 bicycles in the European Union in 2014-2017. The main concern of an in-depth crash study at the site of a traffic accident is to collect data on vehicles, roads, and drivers, including interviews with participants. Data descriptive statistics have been used to underline the dominant factors that appear most frequently in accident scenarios with bicycles and PTW, with a special focus on causation by Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method and injuries coded by the Abbreviated Injury Scale, conducted for these road users across Europe for the first time. Medical data, police records, and jurisdiction files about crashes of PTW and cyclist were collected and analyzed in EU to define the most common accident scenarios and other threats to this group of unprotected road users. The articles present recommendations for making safer driving of motorcyclists and bicyclists.
This article presents the newest trends among pedestrians’ and car drivers’ attitudes from a survey performed at a roadside at the area of zebra crossings in Poland in 2018. Trends in road users’ attitudes and performance allow an understanding of the causes of road safety crashes to decrease deaths and injuries. Surveys of attitudes from questionnaires help gauge knowledge of road traffic laws and risky behaviours regarding road safety issues at crosswalks. Data of 800 questionnaires collected in 2018 according to the methodology first adopted in 2015 were analyzed and compared. Reliable and comparable results from 2018 published for the first time show changes in car drivers’ and pedestrians’ attitudes. Over the last three years, there have been changes in car drivers’ declared attitudes and performance towards 4 different road traffic situations at the crosswalks (when a pedestrian is approaching, waiting, entering, crossing). Before and after survey at the zebra crossings showed in 2015 according to questionnaire 88% car drivers declared giving way to pedestrians (in fact during observations on road only 20% car drivers gave way), in 2018 declared 85% car drivers and 78% already gave way to pedestrians on crosswalks. Drivers and pedestrians know the law, but do not always follow them in traffic. According to drivers’ opinions, both pedestrians and drivers display risky behaviours. 78% of pedestrians and 72% of car drivers favored more restrictive laws for car drivers to ensure that they slow down before approaching a crossing to allow pedestrians to cross. Risky pedestrian behaviour was mentioned by 76% of car drivers and pointed out as the main problem at crosswalks. n self-declared questionnaires, 90% of pedestrians stated that they must be extremely careful when crossing. The presented results influenced policy changes for implementation of more safety for pedestrians not only at zebra crossing but also when approaching it in Poland since 2021. The aim of the changes is to reduce pedestrians’ risk while crossing the road.
The subject of pedestrian safety is particularly important in Poland, where the risk of mortality is very high compared to other European Union (EU) countries. In Poland, 60% of all killed pedestrians lost their lives at night, mostly away from urban areas. The current article focuses on pedestrians’ compliance with the law requirements of the mandatory use of reflective elements at night in non-urban areas since its introduction in Poland in 2014 based on a data analysis and survey on pedestrians’ attitudes and behaviours. An analysis of pedestrian accidents, fatalities, and serious injuries at night five years before and five years after 2014 showed an improvement in pedestrian safety more in non-urban areas (where the law on reflective elements is obligatory) than in urban areas. This study is the first published work to present comprehensive results from an in-depth national survey about people’s attitudes and behaviours regarding the use of reflective elements. The data were obtained from 600 observed and 400 questioned pedestrians in 2018. Observations from 2018 showed that only 21% of pedestrians respected the obligation to wear reflective elements at night outside urban, even though 46% of respondents declared in questionnaires that they wore such elements. Pedestrians who used reflective devices in non-urban areas at night were mainly young people aged 40 years old or younger. They used reflective clothing (shoes, trousers, backpacks); 79% of observed pedestrians did not wear reflective elements at night according to questionnaires from 2018. More pedestrians (60%) who didn’t use any reflective wore black clothing, which made them not visible to drivers and put them at risk of being killed. A comparison of the data showed a positive change in pedestrians’ attitudes due to this obligation. In 2015 only 35% of respondents knew that the use of reflective elements was obligatory in some situations; in 2018, almost half of them (46%) did. The analysis carried out in the present study indicated that the preventive action of introducing the mandatory use of reflective elements at night by pedestrians outside urban areas has slowly improved the safety of pedestrians and decreased the numbers of accidents, serious injuries, and fatalities. Changes introduced into Polish traffic rules have improved pedestrians’ safety on roads since 2014; however, there is still an immense need to carry on social actions and campaigns promoting the use of reflective elements to educate road users to change pedestrians’ behaviours.
Pedestrian safety on crosswalks is extremely vital in Poland since 2015, when the first study on road users’ behaviour on driver–pedestrian encounters in areas of zebra crosswalks were conducted. The second study was carried out in 2018 and its results are published in this article for the first time. The results of the project helped lead to changes in pedestrians’ safety regulations in Poland, increasing the safety of pedestrians in areas of crossing. Since June, the 1st, 2021, drivers of oncoming cars approaching a zebra crossing are obliged to stop to allow pedestrians approaching from the sidewalk to cross the zebra crossing. Data to assess pedestrian safety presented in this article combine a new approach that is a combination of different diagnostic techniques: a surrogate safety measure (nonaccident-based indicators) and the traditional approach: statistical analysis. As a result of the study, the most frequent categories of interactions between drivers and pedestrians and pedestrians itself were characterized on crossing facilities. Videos recording pedestrians’ and drivers’ behaviours, and vehicle speed measurements at pedestrian crossings from 2018 allow to assess the safety of 7 000 pedestrians during behaviour observation in onsite fields: on all crossing facilities, except with light signalization, 55% of pedestrians had to stop and wait at the sidewalks to cross, before an oncoming car. Only 45% of drivers approaching not signalised zebra crossings gave way to pedestrians. Pedestrians aged 60+ entering the road on marked crossings without traffic light waited longer to cross than younger. In residential areas with high traffic volume more drivers stopped at non signalised crossings and gave way to pedestrians. At low speed of vehicle in urban areas pedestrians felt safer and were ready to enter the crossing; their behaviour was more predictable. Results showed dangerous pedestrian behaviours on signal-regulated crossing facilities who failed to obey the traffic lights (7% of red-light crossings). 8% of observed pedestrians crossed the street outside designated pedestrian crossings. Video-recorded speed measurements of over 32 000 vehicles on-site study fields of pedestrian crossings showed that the speed of vehicles was higher than permitted. This article presents the newest characteristics of traffic and pedestrian’ behavior at crossings together with measurements of pedestrians’ speed and loss of pedestrians’ time on different road cross sections in Poland in 2018.
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