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The paper deals with the development of the basic indefinite pronouns in the history of the Slovak Literary Language till 30's of the 20th century. This process was very complicated and dramatic, because its tendencies have been changed by contrary ways up to almost total victory of one of them.
Professor of Saint Vladimir University of Kiev T.D. Florinskii, the outstanding Russian Slavicist, greatly contributed to the Slovak Studies. He came out in the end of 19th century with theory that Slovak has been original Slavonic language stood out immediately from Common Slavonic. Although the majority of Slavonic scientists of that time did not support his ideas, the history of Slavonic Studies confirmed the rightness of Florinskii's theory.
(The second part of the paper published in Slovenska rec, 72, 2007, No. 1). The author deals with specific functioning of the basic indefinite pronouns since 30's of 20th century in it. In this period the specific functioning of basic indefinite pronouns are formed in the Slovak literary Language, but only some Slovak writers use the whole mini-system of them, while different types of their combination are characteristic for the others.
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