This is the first of a series of papers revising the genera of Diapriidae with emphasis on the Central European fauna. The aim of this work should be to improve our knowledge of this poorly studied group of Proctotrupoidea as well as to provide useful keys, and to work out a new classification hased on the interpretation of apomorphies inferred. The genera are to be treated with respect to their presumed relationships. This paper deals with the subfamily Belytinae with particular reference to the tribus Pantolytini. The taxonomic value of adult characters and their taxonomic implications are discussed. Identification keys for all genera of Pantolytini are provided. A new classification for Pantolytini is proposed.
Praca ta jest pierwszą z serii rewizji rodzajów Diapriidae, zwłaszcza należących do fauny Europy Środkowej. Proponowana tu ponadgatunkowa klasyfikacja plemienia Pantolytini jest wynikiem zastosowania metody analizy klasyfistycznej wybranych cech o największej wartości taksonomicznej, rozpatrywanych pod kątem ich przypuszczalnego apomorfizmu. Przeanalizowano budowę pokładełka, genitaliów samców, skrzydeł, stylika, przedplecza, czułków, żuwaczek oraz obecność lub brak zagłębień parapsydialnych. Stwierdzono, że podstawową wspólną cechą całego plemienia jest prymitywne pokładełko zbliżone do typu wyjściowego, właściwego dla owadziarek (Terebrantes). Nа podstawie charakteru użyłkowania skrzydeł i struktury genitaliów samców wyróżniono dwie wyraźnie wyodrębnione linie — podplemiona Pantolytina (z rodzajami Pantolyta, Acropiesta, Meuselia, Opazon, Anommatium) i Psilommina (z rodzajami Psilomma, Cardiopsilus, Acanosema, Synacra, Sundholmiella, Polypeza). Podano także klucz do oznaczania europejskich rodzajów plemienia Pantolytini.
Настоящая публикация является первой из серии посвященной ревизии родов из семейства Diapriidae а особенно представителей фауны Центральной Европы. Целью этих работ будет углубление наших познаний об этой слабо изученной группе Proctotrupoidea, как и составление нужных ключей, а также разработка новой классификации, основанной на интерпретации апоморфических признаков. Роды рассматриваются в связи с их предполагаемыми филогенетическими связями (родством). Настоящая работа посвящена подсемейству Belytinae. Дискутируется таксономическая пригодность избранных таксономических признаков имаго и их таксономическое значение. Приведен ключ для определения всех родов, входящих в состав племени Pantolytini. Предложена новая классификация племени Pantolytini.
The genus Anommatium FOERSTER is revised, taxonomic adult characters are discussed and evaluated. The assumed synonymy of Somaroa JANSSON to Anommatium FOERSTER is confirmed and Somaroa myrmicaria Jansson, 1956 is reduced to a subspecies of Anommatium ashmeadi MAYR, 1904. Anommatium stramineum KIEFFER, 1908 (1907 — 1911) is a new synonym of Anommatium ashmeadi MAYR. The male is conclusively recognized and appropriately associated based on inferred synapomorphies. The single European species is split geographically into two subspecies — Anommatium ashmeadi ashmeadi MAYR and Anommatium ashmeadi myrmicarium (JANSSON).
Dokonano rewizji rodzaju Anommatium, omawiając i oceniając cechy taksonomiczne postaci doskonałych (imagines). Rodzaj Somaroa zsynonimizowano z Anommatium, a Somaroa myrmicaria JANSSON, 1956 uznano za podgatunek Anommatium ashmeadi MAYR, 1904. Anommatium stramineum KIEFFER, 1908 (1907-1911) jest nowym synonimem A. ashmeadi MAYR. Określono i odpowiednio przypisano samce tego gatunku na podstawie przyjętych przez autora cech synapomorficznych. Ten jedyny europejski gatunek reprezentowany jest przez dwa różniące się zasięgami podgatunki — Anommatium ashmeadi ashmeadi MAYR i A. a. myrmicarium (JANSSON).
Произведена ревизия, обсуждение таксономических признаков imagines и их оценка. Автор синонимизирует Somaroa с Anommatium, a Somaroa myrmicaria JANSSON, 1956 рассматривает как подвид Anommatium ashmeadi MAYR, 1904. Anommatium stramineum KIEFFER, 1908 (1907-1911) является новым синонимом Anommatium ashmeadi MAYR. Определены самцы на основании принятых автором синапоморфических признаков. Единственный европейский вид разделен на два географических подвида — Anommatium ashmeadi ashmeadi MAYR и Anommatium ashmeadi myrmicarium (JANSSON).
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List of old and new concepts of ICE thermodynamic improvements considering realistic limits of both mechanical and thermal stress and pollutant emissions, especially new concepts of combustion (HCCI-like), piston motion control, consequences of downsizing, possibilities of waste heat recovery and heat regeneration. Methods of simulation for conceptual optimization in hierarchy of procedures. Importance of transparency for conceptual approach. Computerized T-s diagram. References to methods of higher order of precision using 1-D, Q-D and 3-D models, modularized thermodynamics using GT Suite elements for unconventional engine cycles.Examples of results, considering limits of isochoric-like combustion, high levels of turbocharging, bottoming cycles for waste/heat recovery and heat regeneration assessment. Conclusions for further development.
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In the article the first set of experimental experience with use of hydrogen as an reciprocating engine fuel is summarised and evaluated from the point of view of trade-off between emission of NOX and engine efficiency. Theoretical predictions are constructed concerning the relationship between rate-of-heat release and engine environmental behaviour as well as its power and efficiency. It was concluded that rapid combustion of (extremely) lean mixture is an effective way to obtain both low NOX concentration in raw exhaust gas and good engine efficiency at the same time. It was proved that hydrogen is able to maintain high combustion velocity at very high air excess. The use of hydrogen seems to be advantageous (compared to conventional hydrocarbon fuels) as far as very low NOX emission is demanded.
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Differential equations of thermodynamic simulation in the form applicable to both Eulerian and Lagrangian ap-proaches. Linking conditions concerning numerical methods of finite volume methods. The danger of spurious transfer phenomena due to numerical approximation. The general set of equations solved towards derivatives in the Lagrangian approach. Application to a quasi-D model for the flame propagation. Direct and indirect tasks – simu-lation of in-cylinder parameters for known flame parameters or for evaluation of relative flame propagation veloc-ity from measured ROHR and flame front position. Assessment of geometry for both zones (volumes, surfaces) in a general 3-D shape of a combustion chamber using CAD system.
The future powertrains have to be properly assessed in early stages of vehicle design using simple and fast but reliable tools. The aim of the paper is to develop a simulation tool suitable for any of current transient cycles for finding of upper limits of tank-to-wheel efficiencies of recent or future vehicle powertrains in different concepts of vehicles to assess their potential, to find gaps between the state-of-the-art and to find ways to bridge them. The simulation philosophy and procedure may be described in the following steps. The testing cycle power demands on vehicle movement are analyzed and the optimum operation efficiency of a primary mover (engine, fuel cell, electric motor) is assigned to them. Dynamic torques at powertrain are accounted for. Speed, speed slip (driving machine/wheels) and load dependencies of transmission efficiency are simulated by simple models. In the case of a hybrid solution, charging and discharging efficiencies of energy accumulators and additional losses (e.g., in converters and inverters) are considered. The clear modular structure of the simulation tool enables the researcher to amend new features of powertrain components. The links to more detailed simulation tools are prepared. The simulation tool is described by regression and algebraic models (based on the results of higher level simulation tools) in a way giving immediate response during sensitivity analysis. The examples of tool calibration for different powertrains and results comparing powertrain potential are presented for lower medium class passenger car. The current simulation tool creates a useful link between detailed and accurate but CPU time demanding 1-D tools, based on partial differential equations, and rules-of-thumb, used sometimes for initial potential assessments. Moreover, the described tool does not require detailed data on the powertrain during early stage of design but it shows its potential for further development.
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The contribution reviews our recent research activities on numerical simulations of diesel fuel spray evolution. The simulations are performed by means of an in-house mathematical model. The developed model is capable of predicting the two-phase flows constituted by the dispersed liquid phase (droplets) injected into gaseous environment. Both the multi-component compressible gas-phase flows as well as the "droplet-phase" flows are solved using governing equations written in Eulerian coordinates. The conservation of mass, momentum, and energy is balanced on finite Volumes with arbitralily movable boundaries. Thus, the model enables the computation of movable boundary problems, which facilitates the solution of in-cylinder flow with moving engine piston. The model features the two-way coupling between phases in mas s, momentum, and energy equations. The phenomena as spray induced gaseous flow, gas-to-droplet heat transfer, and fuel evaporation with consecquent vapor transport are, therefore, taken into account. The predictive capabilities of the developed model have been tested in simplified axisymmetric flow cases of diesel fuel injection process. The results of these computations are presented.
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The paper deals with the investigation of model based predictive control of combustion engines. Three levels of dynamic models have been used. Firstly the reference1-D model with 3-D extensions calibrated by the experimental data to interpolate/extrapolate the data for identification of simplified fast models. Secondly the nearly real-time physical simulation model which allows for very fast simulation of engine transients and control algorithm design. Finaly the neuro-fuzzy predictive models implemented directly in controller. The predictive models are based on LOLIMOT approach. It is a description of generally nonlinear dynamic system by a sequence of linear dynamic systems valid in particular in one subregion of the whole state space. The decomposition of the state space into subregions is provided using the validity of linear dynamic models. The predictive models are used for the prediction of future engine states in dependence on actual measured states and possible control inputs. The future control inputs are optimized on-line based on locally linearized models. The problem of attainable prediction horizons in context of different speed of engine response to different control inputs is discussed.
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