W artykule zaproponowano procedurę badawczą służącą ocenie jakości usług składających na pakiet turystyczny w układzie podmiotowym. Procedurę przygotowano na przykładzie oceny pakietu pobytowego do Tunezji wybieranego przez polskich turystów. W postępowaniu badawczym uwzględniono założenia i zasady metod SERVPERF z uwzględnieniem sondażu diagnostycznego oraz z wykorzystaniem podstawowych narzędzi statystyki opisowej. Uzyskane wyniki badań stanowią punkt wyjścia do przygotowania rekomendacji dla touroperatorów proponujących polskim turystom pakiety podstawowe do Tunezji.
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Introduction. In recent years spending free time in the Lublin Region has been more frequently related to equestrian tourism based on the infrastructure of the existing centres. Papers published so far focus mainly on a detailed description of features of horses used for equestrian tourism. Few papers have analysed offers and issues related to the promotion of this form of tourism. There is no paper discussing the spatial distribution of equestrian tourism centres, or analysing their offer at the regional scale. In response to this, a study was undertaken with special consideration of the features of the natural environment. Material and methods. In the period from October 2010 to April 2011, secondary information (statistics, registers, scientific papers) was analysed and primary material (field inventory, diagnostic interviews and an opinion poll) on the state of equestrian tourism in the Lublin Region was collected. Results. The analysis of the spatial distribution of 61 equestrian tourism centres subject to the inventory reveals that the highest number of centres function in the Zamooeæ and Biała Podlaska poviats. The comparison of offers in the scope of equestrian tourism in the Lublin Region shows that the basic offer of the region includes four kinds of services: horse riding, sleigh riding, chaise riding and horse riding courses. The highest number of horse treks is offered by centres in the Biała Podlaska poviat. Conclusions. In view of the data obtained, an asset in the scope of the development of equestrian tourism is the structure of offers directed at tourists and the infrastructure that already exists. Moreover, the development of this form of tourism is favoured by the features of the natural environment; the majority of trails and centres are located in environmentally valuable areas. Particularly the landscape, the filtrating-detoxicating properties of plant assemblages, their bioclimate and aesthetic value should contribute to the development of a complex offer (appropriate promotional package) of equestrian tourism in the Lublin Region
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Introduction. This study attempts to assess the tourism potential (natural resources of the geographical environment, cultural resources and tourism infrastructure) of Giełczewska Elevation. Material and methods. Based on research conducted in six municipalities, including one urban-rural (Piaski) and five rural (Jabłonna, Wysokie, Krzczonów, Żółkiewka, Rybczewice) the factors affecting the characteristics of tourist space of Giełczewska Elevation were examined. Using 48 features, grouped in four sections (tourist values, recreational and specialist qualities, tourist management, environment condition) the tourist potential of municipalities was assessed. It was expressed by synthetic numerical values of tourist attractiveness measures specified for each municipality. Results. Calculated using the method of multidimensional comparative analysis, the synthetic indices of tourist attractiveness ranged from 0.18 (Wysokie) to 0.47 (urban-rural Piaski). Their volume was significantly affected by characteristics of the group of recreational and special qualities and tourist management. Much less important were qualities of sightseeing, while the smallest - the condition of the environment. Conclusions. In view of the measures obtained, the tourism potential of Giełczewska Elevation values shapes the diverse recreational, specialist and sightseeing, and considerably varying tourist management. Less important is the environment.
Poznawczy komponent turystyki przyrodniczej odzwierciedla więzi między turystyką i edukacją, niezależnie od motywu podróży, czy indywidualnych korzyści turysty. Na Roztoczu bardzo dobrą podstawę turystyki edukacyjnej stanowią jego unikatowe zasoby. W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny aktualnej oferty w zakresie turystyki edukacyjnej, geoturystyki, sylwanoturystyki, birdwatchingu i apiturystyki na Roztoczu, a następnie pokazano możliwości zastosowania strategii aktywnego uczestnictwa (hands-on activity) w produktach turystyki przyrodniczej z myślą o ich rozbudowaniu lub dywersyfikacji. Cel ten zrealizowano stosując metody: desk research, odsiewu, analizy historycznej i analizy możliwości rozwoju, jak również inwentaryzacji terenowej oraz wywiadu środowiskowego z organizatorami produktów. Szczególne znaczenie dla rozwoju edukacyjnej turystyki przyrodniczej ma Roztoczański Park Narodowy, w którego ofercie łączy się kognitywizm z doświadczaniem wielozmysłowym i żywymi emocjami. Treści geoturystyczne odzwierciedlają produkty liniowe (szlaki i ścieżki edukacyjne), punktowe (muzea), a także produkty-rzeczy (mapy). Uprawianiu sylwanoturystyki służą ścieżki dydaktyczne na terenie roztoczańskich lasów państwowych. Najmłodszą formą turystyki jest na Roztoczu apiturystyka w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych. Zastosowanie strategii aktywnego uczestnictwa jest jednym z warunków niezbędnych w interpretacji dziedzictwa przyrodniczego w dobie nowych trendów 3 E, 4 H lub REAL travel. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że duże możliwości w tym zakresie ma obszar Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego oraz takie produkty, jak: Ścieżka Edukacyjna „DINOZAURY Krasnobród”, Szlak Geoturystyczny Roztocza Środkowego, gospodarstwo pszczelarskie Ulik. Wydaje się, że zastosowanie strategii aktywnego uczestnictwa w tworzeniu/uzupełnianiu produktów turystycznych na Roztoczu, umożliwi uczestnikom/odwiedzającym skorzystanie z nich w sposób efektywny i wartościowy. Może być także podstawą dalszej aktywizacji gospodarczej regionu.
The cognitive component of environmental tourism reflects the relation between tourism and education, irrespective of the purpose of travel or individual benefits for the tourist. The unique natural values of Roztocze provides a very rich basis for educational tourism. This paper attempts to evaluate the current offer in the scope of educational tourism, geotourism, sylvan tourism, aviotourism and apitourism in Roztocze. It also presents the possibilities of application of the hands-on activity strategy in products of environmental tourism in terms of their development or diversification. The objective was implemented by means of the following methods: desk research, elimination, historical analysis and analysis of possibilities of development, as well as field inventory and interview with the organisers of the products. The Roztocze National Park is of particular importance for the development of the educational environmental tourism. In the Roztocze National Park offer, it combines the cognitivism with sensory and emotional experiences. The geotourism aspect is represented by linear (educational trails and paths ), local products (museums ), and item products (maps ). Sylvan tourism is supported by didactic paths in the state forests of Roztocze. Apitourism is the youngest form of environmental tourism in Roztocze region. The application of the hands-on activity strategy is one of the conditions necessary in the interpretation of the environmental heritage in the era of new trends, namely 3 E, 4 H, or REAL travel. The results of the analysis of the functioning tourist products in Roztocze reveal its elements present in some of them. The obtained results suggest that extensive possibilities in the scope exist in the area of the Roztocze National Park, as well as in the scope of products such as: the Educational Trail “DINOZAURY Krasnobród,” Geotourist Trail of the Middle Roztocze, or bee farm Ulik. It seems that the application of the hands-on activity strategy in the development/supplementation of tourist products in Roztocze will allow the participants/visitors to benefit from such products in an efficient and valuable way. It may also provide the basis for the further economic activisation of the region.
Polish tourists who decide to spend a holiday in various countries can be classified as ‘institutionalised’ tourists. They mostly choose tourist packages proposed by tour operators and their quality is one of the determinants of purchase. Although there have been many attempts at assessing the quality of single tourism services/products, no consistent methods for evaluation of the quality of services in a tourist package have been developed so far. Therefore, the present study proposes a subjective consumerbased research procedure to assess the quality of such a package. The procedure was prepared based on the example of an assessment of Tunisia tourist packages chosen by Polish tourists. The study procedure included the assumptions and principles of the SERVPERF method as well as a diagnostic survey and the use of descriptive statistics. The results are a starting point for formulating recommendations for tour operators offering Polish tourists basic packages in Tunisia.
The present paper is an attempt to assess academic research achievements in the field of the geography of tourism and their didactic and practical applications. The study method was a review of academic articles and archival compilations as well as materials collected in the department.
W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny osiągnięć naukowo-badawczych pracowników w zakresie geografii turyzmu, a także ich zastosowania w dydaktyce i praktyce. Podstawową metodą badawczą była kwerenda treści artykułów naukowych oraz opracowań i materiałów archiwalnych zgromadzonych w Zakładzie.
Only a few studies have focused on building the image of emerging destinations. The region’s image is influenced by its tourist attractiveness (image-related perception) and the knowledge about its tourist attributes (recognition). To build the image of emerging destinations, the attributes of attractiveness should be identified. In this study, such an attempt was made for Lublin Province. A diagnostic survey and statistical methods were used to assess the perception of its attractiveness and the recognition of the attractiveness attributes by visitors. Lublin Province has no tourism image, and its attractiveness attributes are identified only vaguely. The landscape is the only attribute on which the image of this destination can be built.
Lubelskie voivodeship has been standing out from other Polish administrative regions because of its agricultural function that has been shaped for centuries. Food and agricultural products originating in this region are seen as healthy, ecological and tradition-based. These resources have been noticed and used by the local government for building the regional brand and for promoting it. The main aim of this paper was to present the level of Polish people’s familiarity with lubelskie culinary heritage. Research findings obtained by means of the preliminary study and the diagnostic poll prove initiatives that have been undertaken to be effective. Inhabitants of other voivodeships do recognise lubelskie voivodeship and its culinary tradition, furthermore, a great majority know regional products from lubelskie. A development of tourism based on such a heritage is therefore an opportunity to make lubelskie voivodeship’s tourist offer more attractive. The offer may also become an important component for creating the brand.
The article presents the results of studies on the tourist space of the Lublin Region conducted so far by employees of the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. The studies, regarding the environmental and cultural tourist values, the level of management and transport accessibility, as well as selected elements of the tourism policy of the local authorities, permitted the determination of the tourist potential of spatial units (administrative and physicogeographical) with various importance and character. Areas with varied degrees of attractiveness were distinguished based on their tourist potential. Those classified as attractive and very attractive were described in detail in terms of: the degree of development of the tourist function, functional types of spatial units, perception of tourist space by users, and attitudes of the local community towards the development of tourism.
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