The aim of this paper is to determine the detailed structure of the headwater valley segment in the Western Tatra Mountains. Seven sub-catchments were chosen in Chochołowski Stream catchment for a detailed geomorphological analysis of the headwater valley segments. Selected sub-catchments represent both the crystalline and the sedimentary environment of the study area. Geomorphological mapping was used to study the structure of headwater valleys which strictly depends on the conditions of the natural environment and can be varied even in such a small area as the catchment of Chochołowski Stream. Statistical analysis showed that headwater valleys in the crystalline part differ in terms of morphometric parameters from these in the sedimentary part and are characterized by greater gradients but smaller channel widths and roughness. However, the structure of headwater valley segment in the longitudinal profile shows a similar pattern in both parts of the study area and follows a sequence of valley types: unchanneled valley – colluvial channel (channel without steps) – cascade channel.
Paper presents results of mapping of springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment (Wysokie Bieszczady Mts. -Outer Carpathians). Springs were the most common outflow type in the area (52.55%). Outflow density in the area studied (8.32 km2) was equal 23.56 per km2, while spring rate was 12.4 per km2. Outflow discharges were low and very low- most springs belong to Meinzer classes VI-VIII. Only seven springs had discharges higher than 0.5 dm3/s, and three-over 1 dm3/s. The spatial outflow distribution strongly depends on geology, tectonics and river valley direction. High density of outflows was especially observed within the Bukowe Berdo anticline, where the Otryt sandstones are alternated by thin-bedded flysch of high shale content. All these layers dip down in the opposite direction to the slope, which creates numerous springs and other outflows. Furthermore, a spectacular spring line is visible in the field lying along the Halicz fault.
Przeprowadzono szczegółowe kartowanie hydrograficzne obejmujące układ sieci rzecznej w górnej części zlewni Wołosatki. Badania ukierunkowane były na określenie związków między współczesnym układem sieci rzecznej a budową geologiczną i rzeźbą. Dominującą rolę w kształtowaniu układu sieci rzecznej odgrywa przebieg warstw skalnych oraz obecność stref nieciągłości tektonicznych. Upad warstw skalnych decyduje o możliwości retencji wód opadowych i obok uwarunkowań klimatycznych jest czynnikiem decydującym o zasobności zbiornika wód podziemnych. Odpływ jednostkowy okresów niżówkowych w poszczególnych częściach zlewni może wynosić od 2.1 do 9.81s/km2.
Detailed hydrographic investigation was carried out in the catchment of Upper Wołosatka Stream. The characteristics cover the structure of hydrographic network, namely its pattern. Detailed map of stream network was created. The main factors controlling the development of the hydrological network were discussed. Geological structures played the mast important role in the development of hydrographic network. The capacity of groundwater aquifer is strictly connected with the dip of flysch strata hoverer it also reflects the rain shadow effect. The unit discharge in the catchment can range in dry periods from 2.1 up to 9.81/s/km2.
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