Artykuł dotyczy kwestii administracyjnego odebrania broni palnej. Ta dyskusyjna kwestia została uregulowana w art. 19 ustawy o broni i amunicji. Artykuł zawiera liczne odniesienia do orzecznictwa Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego oraz Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego. Autor przedstawia słuszne rozwiązania prawne w tej materii oraz prezentuje regulacje dyskusyjne i budzące wątpliwości. Kwestie polemiczne autor kończy wnioskami de lege ferenda.
The article concerns the issue of administrative seizure of firearms. This questionable issue was regulated in art. 19 of the Act on arms and ammunition. The article contains numerous references to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Provincial Administrative Court. The author presented the right legal solutions to this issue and presented discussion regulations and questions. The author ends polemical issues with de lege ferenda conclusions.
On 25th January 2005 The Instruction Dignitas connubii became effective, which should be used in the diocese’s and interdiocese’s courts within the causes of the marriage invalidity judgment. It initiated many new elements into the process practice. The author makes a reflection about some of them, namely: Notifying the passive parties in the process of the procedural acts, Attaching the clauses prohibitive in the verdict ; Passing the legal remedies in the verdict and the evidence discussion being controversial as the lawless proofs in the process. This study is also a kind of the form of the practical grade of the application these novelties into the tribunals of the lower instances.
L’articolo riguarda la questione della procedura del processus brevior. In primo luogo, l’autore dell’articolo richiama l’attenzione sulle termini processuali richiesti per tribunale di primo grado il quale ha dichiarato la nullità del matrimonio e deve trasmettere di ufficio al tribunale di apello la sentenza, gli atti del giudizio e gli eventuali appelli delle parti e del difensore del vincolo. Inoltre presenta i concetti dei canonisti in quanto alla necessità di trasmettere alle parti l’osservazioni del difensore del vincolo della seconda istanza, redatte secondo il can. 682 § 2 CIC. Oltre a ciò porta le situazioni quando non esiste la possibilità di applicare la procedura di processus brevior: il processo documentale, la sentenza negativa ed anche di solito l’appello della parte convenuta contro la sentenza positiva. La certezza morale e la pronunzia del tribunale dev’essere preceduta da un attento esame degli atti. Ovviamente il tribunale di appello deve motivare il decreto in modo autonomo con motivi in iure e in facto e anche con speciale riferimento ai osservazioni del difensore del vincolo.
L’articolo riguarda la questione di rinuncia al male e la professione di fede durante l’amministrazione del sacramento del battesimo. Esso contiene tre parti: la parte liturgica, la parte teologica e la parte giuridica. In questi tempi il battesimo per i loro bambini chiedono anche i genitori che vivono nella situazione del peccato grave e permanente. Di solito questa situazione proviene dalla loro vita nel vincolo nonsacramentale. Allora nasce il problema pastorale che riguarda il conflitto tra la vita dei genitori del battezzato e la dichiarazione che venie pronunciata durante la liturgia del sacramento del battesimo: rinuncio al peccato, rinuncio al male, rinuncio a satana. L’articolo è la prova di ricerca di risoluzione della questione molto complicata.
Il 19 ottobre 2004 il turno rotale: Antonius Stankiewicz (Ponente e Decano), Jair Ferreira Pena e Augustinus De Angelis, doppo aver esaminato la causa Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Ianuari ob errorem dolose causatum in muliere actrice (can. 1098 CIC), ha emanato la sentenza negativa, cioé non constare de nullitate.L’Autore dell’articolo presenta e commenta la sentenza, indicando particolarmente il concetto della retroattività del can. 1098 CIC quale svolge un ruolo importante nel campo di diritto matrimoniale. L’Autore dell’articolo particolarmente richiama l’attenzione sul pensiero di S. E. Mons. Antonio Stankiewicz, cui presenta la cosidetta opinione “di mezzo” oppure “mista”. Sopratutto il Decano della Rota Romana nella sua opinione, afferma che alcuni casi del dolo provengono dal diritto naturale, altri invece esclusivamente dal diritto positivo.
The aim of this paper is to critically discuss Michał Krawczyk’s monograph titled Struktura organizacyjna i działalność Urzędu do Spraw Wyznań w latach 1950–1975 – wybór archiwaliów z wprowadzeniem (Organizational structure and activities of the Office for Denominational Affairs in the years 1950–1975), published in 2022, taking into account other relevant research. Krawczyk’s monograph presents selected sources from the rich archival material stored in the Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw. The material pertains to the organizational structure of the Office and its subsequent transformations, its supervision of domestic denominational administration, the formal scope of powers of its individual units and the content of legal acts issued by this body. The sources also provide insight into the Office’s actual goals and the methods used to achieve them. The presentation of these source materials makes a significant contribution to the research on the Office for Denominational Affairs, which – despite the publication of some important works – is still at an early stage.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi krytyczne omówienie monografii Michała Krawczyka pt. Struktura organizacyjna i działalność Urzędu do Spraw Wyznań w latach 1950–1975 – wybór archiwaliów z wprowadzeniem (Siedlce: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego 2022) z uwzględnieniem innych badań dotyczących tytułowej problematyki. Recenzowana monografia prezentuje wybrane archiwalia z bogatych zasobów Archiwum Akt Nowych w Warszawie. Odnoszą się one do struktury organizacyjnej urzędu i jej kolejnych przeobrażeń, nadzoru urzędu nad terenową administracją wyznaniową, formalnego zakresu uprawnień poszczególnych komórek organizacyjnych urzędu oraz treści aktów prawnych wydawanych przez ten organ. Pozwalają też na poznanie rzeczywistych celów realizowanych przez tę jednostkę i metod stosowanych dla ich osiągnięcia. Prezentacja powyższych materiałów źródłowych stanowi istotny wkład we współczesne badania dotyczące Urzędu do Spraw Wyznań, które – pomimo wydania na ten temat kilku ważnych opracowań – znajdują się wciąż na początkowym etapie.
This article describes institution of dissolution of marriage rato et non consummato through solemn monastic profession, covered by legislator in Canon 1119 of Code of Canon Law from 1917. It covers 4 essential law issues related to following areas: 1) ratio legis of functioning of norm in question 2) legal origin 3) constitutive conditions of dissolution of marriage through monastic profession, and in particular necessity of baptism at least of one party and conditions of solemn monastic profession in regards to its validity as well as 4) pre-code (CIC 1983) understanding of marriage act influencing effect of marriage consummation. It is attempt of understanding argument of introduction of this institution by the legislator and reasons of its abolition by the current CIC.
This disputable issue was regulated in the provisions of the Act on Arms and Ammunition. The article contains numerous references to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court and provincial (voivodeship) administrative courts. The author presented the administrative solutions to this issue and presented controversial and doubtful regulations. The presented de lege ferenda conclusions are aimed at introducing a precise and compatible procedure for approving shooting range regulations by the head of a commune, mayor or president of a city, in order to eliminate discretion in this respect.
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