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In this article the evolution of agricultural counseling institutional structures has been presented. Organizational changes in agricultural counseling came along with the needs of developing rural environments. The carried out analyses show that, the system of agricultural counseling has been established in Poland for the many last decades. It originated from educational activities which started in the XIX century, and its institutional forms appeared at the beginning of the XX century. The most important transformations were the reforms carried put in the years 1990 and 2005.Taking over the supervision over Agricultural Advising Centers by the local Seymiks and Marshals was not a good solution as this solution is found to be uncommon in other countries.
The aim of the study was to examine the non-agricultural entrepreneurship among residents of rural areas of Piotrków Kujawski commune after integration with the European Union. Research have been carried out in May and June 2015 among 50 entrepreneurs chosen at random from a group of 110 business owners from the rural areas of Piotrków Kujawski (both among farmers taking up additional economic activity, and residents of rural areas who are not farmers). In research has been used survey method using intelligence technique of the questionnaire interview. Thanks to the research, it was found that the Polish accession to the European Union has resulted in an increase in the number of business entities in the commune of Piotrków Kujawski. This has contributed to reducing unemployment, because owners of the business employed a few workers in their firms. Studies have shown that the vast majority of respondents used external funds (e.g. preferential loans, investment loans, working capital loans) and with its own funds. As studies show the vast majority of respondents did not use funds from the European Union.
The article presents evaluation of agri-tourist activities in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship the analyses were performed at the turn of 2014 and 2015 and they cover the yeras 2010-2015, including comparative data from 1998-2007.The results of investigations show that in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship there are many areas of natural value with tourist objects which are worth interest and attention of visitors. However, in terms of the number of agri-tourist farms the province is only on the 13th position in Poland and 10th position in terms of the number of tourists who use accommodation, altogether. Due to the agricultural potential of the province it is predisposed to development of agricultural activities. At the same time, these natural values can be used by smaller farms to make additional profits by accommodating tourists. The majority of agri-tourist farms in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship can be found in the following districts: tucholski (85), świecki (44), brodnicki (33), bydgoski (29) and żniński (27).
In the article there have been presented literature based analyses of agricultural extension concerning the process of extension systems development in the world. There have been presented challenges to be coped with by those systems as well as a historical survey of agricultural extension whose origin dates back to ancient Mesopotamia and China. Those systems were improved at the beginning of the XIX century, to come to full bloom in the United States, in the late years of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century. Observation of extension systems indicates that the offer of private extension has been increasing, especially since the 80s of XX century. At the same time, a shift in function and tasks offered by the state owned extension companies has been reported as their ability to fulfill farmers’ needs, work efficiency and poor management of public financial means came in for criticism. The survey finishes with an analysis of contemporary extension support forms using information technologies which appear unable to eliminate direct contact of counselors with their clients. Specificity of living in peripherally situated rural areas, make farmers willing to maintain social relations. This means that making extension services and data bases more available via the Internet is not of primary importance as the farmers tend to keep personal contact with agents of extension companies.
Zaprezentowane analizy ewolucji doradztwa rolniczego zostały wykonane w oparciu o studia literaturowe dotyczące procesu rozwoju systemów doradczych w świecie. Zostały przedstawione wyzwania doradztwa rolniczego w powiązaniu z przeglądem historycznym doradztwa i jego początkami wywodzącymi się ze starożytnej Mezopotamii i Chin. Zostały one udoskonalone w Europie na początku XIX wieku, a osiągnęły pełny rozwój w Stanach Zjednoczonych w późnych latach XIX i na początku XX wieku. Obserwacja przemian systemów doradztwa wskazuje na coraz większy udział prywatnych organizacji doradczych na rynku usług dla rolników, zwłaszcza od lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku. Jednocześnie następuje zmiana funkcji i zadań doradztwa państwowego, wobec mniejszej zdolności do zaspokajania potrzeb doradczych rolników i krytykowanej słabszej sprawności i zdolności do racjonalnego gospodarowania publicznymi środkami finansowymi. Przegląd kończy analiza współczesnych, nowoczesnych form wsparcia doradczego z wykorzystaniem technologii informatycznych, które jak się wydaje nie będą w stanie wyeliminować bezpośrednich kontaktów z doradcami. Specyfika zamieszkiwania w środowiskach wiejskich, położonych peryferyjnie, wywołuje u rolników potrzeby utrzymywania relacji społecznych. Powoduje to ograniczenie znaczenia udostępniania usług doradczych do serwisów internetowych i baz danych z tendencjami zachowania kontaktów osobistych z pracownikami instytucji doradczych.
The article deals with results of surveys carried out in October and November in 2006 among 124 counselors of WODR in Modliszewice in the Świętokrzyskie Province. The surveyed ODR staff were of positive opinions on the subject of development prospects for agriculture and rural areas, especially those bigger ones, after having been incorporated into the structures of the European Union. According to the respondents the most supportive programs for financing agriculture were PROW and SPO. The counselors were concerned about too little interest, on the part of farmers, in dealing with accountancy, however, they said it was impossible not to notice symptoms of growing enterprise in rural areas, which they strongly recommended. Cooperation with ARiMR and local authorities, in the areas in question, was fairly appreciated by the respondents. They associated their future career with employment in ODR structures, not being afraid to face competition from other counseling centers. However, the counselors were aware of the competition on the part of the private counseling sector. The opinions about likelihood of improving their financial situation in result of membership in the EU were divided. Trainings, the internet and courses were considered as the most advantageous ways of acquiring knowledge necessary for interacting with farmers. A very important element of the counselor’s job was support for applying for financial means from the European Union funds, usually realized one or two times a year for each client.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w październiku i listopadzie 2006 roku wśród 124 pracowników WODR w Modliszewicach w województwie świętokrzyskim. Badana kadra ODR pozytywnie oceniła perspektywy rozwoju wsi i rolnictwa oraz gospodarstw rolnych, zwłaszcza większych obszarowo, po włączeniu do struktur UE. Oceniono jako najbardziej pomocne dla finansowania rolnictwa programy PROW i SPO. Z niepokojem badani pracownicy odbierali małe zainteresowanie prowadzeniem rachunkowości przez rolników, dostrzegając zarazem symptomy rozwoju przedsiębiorczości na obszarach wiejskich, jednocześnie polecając w swoich poradach takie działania. Wysoko oceniano współpracę z ARiMR oraz samorządem lokalnym na terenie działania badanych doradców. Respondenci wiązali swoją przyszłość z dalszą pracą zawodową w strukturach ODR, nie obawiając się też odchodzenia rolników do konkurencji w postaci prywatnych instytucji doradczych. Równocześnie badani doradcy odczuwali jednak pewne zagrożenie pojawiającą się konkurencją prywatnego sektora doradztwa. Wśród respondentów były podzielone opinie na temat możliwości poprawy sytuacji finansowej tej grupy zawodowej w wyniku integracji z UE. Szkolenia, internet i kursy zostały uznane za korzystne sposoby uzupełniania wiedzy, niezbędnej w kontaktach z rolnikami. Ważnym elementem pracy doradczej było wsparcie w wypełnianiu wniosków o dofinansowanie ze środków UE, realizowane najczęściej raz lub dwa razy w roku dla każdego klienta.
The paper presents the results of literature analyses concerning the notion and main features of the rural landscape, including suburban villages. The aim of the paper was to familiarise people working in rural areas and for the sake of rural areas, including agricultural advisors, with the main concepts related to the environment of their everyday work. The article analyses the notion of landscape in relation to rural areas, its role in the perception of non-urban areas and as a factor shaping the settlement attractiveness of these areas. The landscape is subject to changes caused by human activity and as a result of natural processes. The landscape of suburban villages undergoes the fastest and the most serious transformations under the pressure of the nearby agglomeration.
Praca zawiera wyniki analiz literaturowych dotyczących pojęcia i głównych cech krajobrazu wsi, z uwzględnieniem wsi podmiejskich. Celem pracy było przybliżenie osobom pracującym na wsi i dla jej rozwoju, w tym doradcom rolniczym, głównych pojęć związanych ze środowiskiem ich codziennej pracy. W artykule dokonano analizy pojęcia krajobrazu w odniesieniu do obszarów wiejskich, jego roli w postrzeganiu obszarów pozamiejskich oraz jako czynnika kształtującego atrakcyjność osiedleńczą tychże obszarów. Krajobraz podlega zmianom spowodowanym przez działalność człowieka oraz w wyniku naturalnych procesów przyrodniczych. Najszybszym i najpoważniejszym przekształceniom ulega krajobraz wsi podmiejskich, będących pod presją pobliskiej aglomeracji.
The article contains opinions of the Włocławek district inhabitants about the renewable energy. Two research technic were used in the work: the source data analysis and public opinion poll (survey). The documentation analysis of the renewable energy sources was used in the first method. The data source was the district Prefecture in Włocławek. But the opinion polls were conducted in December and January of 2012 and 2013 among the Włocławek district citizens. The respondent group consisted of 88 people, but the questionnaire comprised 17 closed questions and a small poll certificate. The conducted investigations showed that between 2004 and 2012 in the area of the Włocławek district arised a great number of installations drawing energy from the renewable sources. Most of them are the wind power stations and the remainder includes water power stations, heat pumps and the biogas plant. The public opinion poll convinces that most inhabitants positively refer to the pro-ecological sources of energy in the district. Pollution decreasing, increased energy security and the local development were recognized by the residents as the main advantages resulting from, the renewable energy sources expansion. It can be stated, therefore, that the general attitude is positive. However, a part of residents expressed their fears, whether in reality the green energy development will influence the decreasing of energy prices and creation of new work places.
As many as 50 farmers, inhabitants of Dziemiany commune who were involved in trainings organized by Pomorski Centre of Agricultural Extension in Lubań (PODR), took part in surveys conducted in February 2016. Also, an interview was carried out with an agricultural-community counselor of PODR in Lubań. In the opinion of most respondents the main profits from implementation of environment protection program included: obtainment of financial means for the farm development and protection of the environment. Too big bureaucracy and changes in regulations while implementing programs as well as difficulties with qualification for the program were indicated as the biggest setbacks. The majority of respondents were of the opinion that the programs had a positive influence on the environment, however, not as much as they should. Use of the packages brought real profits, according to most farmers, or they merely compensated their own costs connected with adjustment to a given program. According to the surveyed agricultural-community counselor, farmers treated the programs as an additional source of income. Comparing current financing with the previous one it was found that the terms proposed to farmers become less profitable though were characterized by higher requirements. It resulted in reduction in the number of farmers interested in implementation of these programs. Therefore, many of those who participated in PROW 2007-2013, did not decide to take part in PROW 2014-2020.
An assessment of the investments and projects completed with the support of EU funds in the Brześć Kujawski district (gmina) was carried out after Poland’s integration with the EU in 2004. The research was conducted in May and June 2019 using a survey technique among 100 residents of the gmina, mainly residing in rural areas. The study also analyzed documentation containing descriptions of investments implemented by the Brześć Kujawski City and Gmina Office after Poland’s accession to the EU. In June 2019, an interview was conducted with the municipal authorities and people responsible for obtaining EU funds. As a result of the analysis of the collected material, it was found that EU funds had a large share in the financing of projects carried out in the gmina (64.3%). The surveyed inhabitants mostly noticed the changes that took place over 15 years in the Brześć Kujawski gmina due to the use of EU funds. The research stated that the operating costs of completed investments did not overburden the gmina budget. Most of the respondents assessed the changes resulting from the development of the gmina, thanks to EU funding. The most positive opinions were expressed by: better educated, of a younger age, living in the gmina from birth, pupils and students as well as farmers, and more often by women than men. Research shows that the majority of respondents (65.0%) had never used EU funding. In the opinion of the respondents, Poland’s accession to the European Union was beneficial for the country and its inhabitants, as well as for the respondents themselves. Most respondents also expressed satisfaction with Poland’s membership in the EU (60%).
W opracowaniu przeprowadzono ocenę inwestycji i projektów zrealizowanych w gminie Brześć Kujawski przy wsparciu środków finansowych UE po integracji Polski z UE w 2004 roku. W maju i czerwcu 2019 roku zostały wykonane badania sondażowe techniką ankiety wśród 100 mieszkańców gminy, głównie zamieszkałych na terenach wiejskich. W badaniach przeanalizowano także dokumen­tację zawierającą opisy inwestycji realizowanych przez Urzędy Miasta i Gminy Brześć Kujawski po wstąpieniu Polski do UE. W czerwcu 2019 roku wykonano wywiad z władzami gminy i osobami odpowiedzialnymi za pozyskiwanie środków unijnych. W efekcie analizy zebranego materiału stwier­dzono, że środki unijne miały duży udział w finansowaniu projektów prowadzonych na terenie gminy (64,3%). Badani mieszkańcy w większości zauważali zmiany, jakie nastąpiły przez 15 lat w gminie Brześć Kujawski dzięki wykorzystaniu środków finansowych z programów UE. W badaniach twier­dzono, że koszty eksploatacyjne ukończonych inwestycji nie obciążają nadmiernie budżetu gminy. Badani w większości pozytywne oceniali zmiany wynikające z rozwoju gminy, dzięki dofinansowaniu ze środków UE. Najbardziej pozytywne opinie wyrażały osoby: lepiej wykształcone, w młodszym wieku, mieszkające od urodzenia w badanej gminie, uczniowie i studenci oraz rolnicy, a także częściej były to kobiety niż mężczyźni. Z badań wynika, że większość respondentów (65,0%) nie korzystała nigdy z dofinansowania ze środków Unii Europejskiej. W opinii badanych osób wstąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej jest korzystne dla kraju i mieszkańców oraz osobiście dla respondentów. Większość badanych wyrażała również zadowolenie z członkostwa Polski w UE (60%).
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